Dr. Jeff Meldrum And The History Channel Make A Bigfoot Skeleton

As a side project to the filming and production of the History Channel's fictional documentary Bigfoot Captured, Dr. Jeff Meldrum got to work with a team of people to create a 3D printed bigfoot skeleton. Check out this video that shows how this skeleton came to life:


  1. super friends no cement heads

  2. Prayers for the victims in France.

  3. The only thing I have a problem with Is the size of proportion to the human skeleton. Actually Some of them Aren't Larger than Six feet tall. And the tallest that I have seen is 9 feet tall although I have heard other People say that they have seen them as large is 12 feet tall. Other than that I call this representation of a Bigfoot skeleton fairly accurate.

    1. There are problems with extreme estimates of height, I'd say 12 feet is pretty unlikely, even if it is what a witness describes having seen. Biomechanical issues start to arise in very tall bipeds, and weight increases exponentially. At the upper range of estimates, one would expect to see a larger number of physical problems.

    2. Hold on there partner, your making too much sense. We'll have none of that here.

  4. Only decent part of the show.

    Fake reality TV shows loaded with loud mouth bltches is old hat

    Come on Hollywood. Is this all the better you can do ?


  5. Im waiting for them to.put muscle. Skin and.fur on the skeleton and build a true face.

    1. Give us a break Earl !

      all you care about is the Flesh between "HIS" legs!!!


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