Bigfoot Eating Mushrooms In British Columbia

From the youtube channel of BC Squatchers:

Hiking a new area, mushrooms abound, and Sasquatch are picking them! Snaps in the woods haunt the fellows, and even when videoing the Barred Owl, snaps have the bird looking at the source. Punctuated by these sounds, the dim natural light in a forest strewn with dead fall, gives the video a creepy feel.


  1. Replies
    1. FBI director says no credible threat of Paris-type attack in U.S. so NO WORRIES

  2. This garbage gets lamer and lamer everyday. Anybody with half a brain would know that bigfoot doesn't exist. There is absolutely no hard evidence and people have been studying the subject for 50 years or so. If there was humans out in the forests hiding away and they were searched for they would eventually be found. Humans are the smartest animal on earth. So how the f uck could a dumb ape get away without being found and documented. When is the end game, when will these tards give up. 100 years, 200 years with no proof. Seriously, come on.

    1. Then why does bigfoot cause you so much anxiety? No one here is asking you to believe.

    2. Lol. This is an excellent trap for Joe. There is no way could resist this guy having an alternative viewpoint on this. The question is will Joe be his usual overtly aggressive self or maybe he'll go for his sarcastic, smart ass alter ego instead? Either way it's just the same rehashed crap that has destroyed this blog for the past THREE YEARS. Pitiful.

    3. 3:13 classic cement head with blinders !

    4. ^ want a little urine in your face?

    5. Well dipshit, if it were only a dumb ape, you might have a point. With all of the reports of all sorts of both remakable and even sometimes unbelievable reports ------------ how is it that you sat down on Dumb ape??????

      Cause your a F'n idiot, thats why!

      The oldest written story we have on the planet (epic of Gilgamesh?) CONTAINS A DISCRIPTION OF A CHARACTER NAMED INKY-DO ---------- A BIGFOOT DIPSHIT!

      I been telling you folks for years, this thing toys with humans for a good time, and sometimes dinner. They are contorsions. They are NOT 100% physical 100% of the time. They are far from being all alike and contain different DNA signatures. Human DNA spiked with a range of genetic traits from other non-human aninals.

      You can't see????? If I want a lot of heavy lifting,----- Bigfoot. If I want a spiritual assassin --- Dogman! Some with almost no other animal DNA, yet giant and contorted, neanderthal looking ---- pure NEPHILIM HYBRID, ---THE FALLIN ONES------------ WHO IS BEHIND ALL OF THIS ANYWAY!

      There is no way it doesn't exist ------ there is nothing older written about, witnessed before Science was even a concept. I've had three hard encounters, in two states, each with a different friend. Oh they are real, you just need to change your STUPID-ASS CONCEPT of reality ------------- Idiot!

      Who pays you fucktard, cause you really can't be this stupid and comulsive!

    6. "No hard evidence"? When is this rhetorical twat going to man up and address the evidence, proving his points? My guess he's too stupid, that's why he's got to avoid the evidence, even in be next comment after it's pointed out. If these things avoided humans as well as they did, then we wouldn't have the evidence and we wouldn't have all the documented reports. "Humans are the smartest animals on earth"... Exactly, now consider a human evolved to reside in the wilderness.

      "No proof" does not constitute "no creature", especially based on the frequency of evidence.

  3. " garbage " " no hard evidence" you must be joking you dense twonk. I'm gonna prove it to you with some cut and paste magic. I haven't seen a Bigfoot or left this chair in almost 7 years but Bigfoot is real because people I have never met tell me it is. I would keep destroying you trolls but I just farted and it made me want to grab some snacks. Once those poo particals hit my nose it makes me so hungry and horny. I like to eat a mars bar and pretend it's a steaming turd. Yummy yummy put a turd in my tummy.


    1. 3:47 I'm sure there is a mental help hotline in your your self a favour and call it!

    2. Hey joe, guess what? Im sitting on the toilet eating a pizza. Later i will probably do a little whacky tacky if you know what i mean. Do you think the comedy genius mike b will mind?

      Joe joes Syrian toilet boy

    3. Pizza is code (in the turd crue) for sucking diareah through a straw.

      Shit-head Idiot!

    4. nice try fake Joe. I hope you choke on your turds one day you tosser loser


  4. Dr Squatch Dr Squatch
    He smells worse than an old man's crotch

    In the woods he finds blue bags
    They're Bigfoot proof not red flags

    USA's number one
    Best researcher under the sun

    He is the DOCTOR SQUATCH!!!

    1. lol, now thats comedy genius

    2. No, You see, since MMG is embarrassed from my obvious pawning of him yesterday, which I must thank him for making me look like GOLD, I mean, such a total embarrassment that I asked 8, yes 8 times folks, for him to tell me which video I hoaxed? Beyond LOL.

    3. ^ alternative explanation: nobody cares

    4. Worse than an old man's crotch? Well maybe some of us find the smell of an old man's crotch intoxicating ... I know I do.

  5. I believe! Turd man no so much! Bet turd man believes in Santa Claus though! Go figure.


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