Tim Fasano Explores The Skunk Ape Cabin

We recently posted a video of an old hunter's cabin Tim Fasano and his team located in the swamps of Florida. In this video Tim explores the interior of the cabin, and looks for any sign that a skunk ape might be using it as a shelter. This cabin is about 100 yards from an area where a skunk ape encounter took place that was investigated by the BFRO.


  1. I get a kick out of the ISF footers rejoicing over their latest victory. The only thing their hero Alaskabushpilot "proved' with his latest round of photos is that he's a pathological liar with rotten teeth who lives in a homemade shack. Unbelievable....lol

    1. What's up with that poster over there named "Drewbot" who goes nuts anytime anybody even remotely questions Bushpilot's lies ? Is that his wife ?

    2. It's obvious to any objective person that APB is not playing with a full deck. I think the footers on ISF like "The Shrike" and the others have to support and agree with him or they risk getting kicked out of the pretend skeptic herd...or they really are just dolts.

    3. call in the GCBRO and hunt that skunk ape down the GCBRO gets the JOB DONE ...

    4. The ISF is like a cult. Your skepticism is judged by who questions who. If this Bushpilot character claims to have flown on the space shuttle next week and you don't question it, you're considered a good skeptic. If you question his claim in the least bit you're considered a bad skeptic or a nuisance. They don't want anyone to upset the herd.

    5. How ironic... As well as butchering any real meaning of the method of scepticism. Those fundies are pretty creepy people after all.

  2. FFS! ^ OK Then 1st ^ FFS!
    FFS! does your comment ever change? FFS!

    1. whut tham mooslims folk bein heers cawz tham folk comin heers cawz thay aint amurkins No Sir thays aint

  3. Fasano is the Jane Goodall of Skunk Apes. He's an ambassador to the species.

    1. BILL BROCK can hunt down that bigfoot or skunk apes in record time : ) BILL BROCK will get the JOB DONE 😎

    2. Funny you should mention Goodall, she's a Sasquatch enthusiast too.

    3. Why is that "funny" ?

      Sheesh...what a jerk !

    4. It means that you have unexpectedly said something along the lines of what they were already thinking, or relating to something that had recently happened to them. "Funny" in this context does not mean humorous. It can mean surprising or peculiar or odd. If you hear someone say "The funny thing is, that..." it can mean the strange thing is, the unusual thing is, the odd thing is, etc.

      Would you like the definition of a figure of speech too?

    5. I know... Not the first time I've had to walk you through the most basic of comments, right?

  4. Jeb Bush will save US all in 2016, Trump @s his 6 : )

  5. You gotta admit, it would be kinda cool if he walked into the cabin and woke up a startled skunk ape, and the ape beat the tar out of him on video.


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