Strange Sea Creature Photographed By Tourist In Greece

A Scottish tourist was shocked when he saw the images of an unknown creature on his camera as he was taking pictures from inside a sea cave during a trip to Corfu in Greece. So far nobody has been able to positively identify the strange looking creature.

There is no question that the sea holds mysteries and inhabitants beyond our imagination, that we are yet to encounter.

But a Scottish tourist was left in shock after unwittingly capturing the image of a bizarre sea creature in his holiday snaps.

Harvey Robertson, 52, was on a boat cruise with his family in Corfu when he took a number of photographs inside a sea cave.

He held the camera over the side of the boat to take pictures of the sea.

But when he lifted his camera back up, Robertson later realised a mysterious creature had appeared in one of the frames.

Robertson said: 'I have no idea what it could have been, I have never seen anything like it.

For the full article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. I get a kick out of the ISF footers rejoicing over their latest victory. The only thing their hero Alaskabushpilot "proved' with his latest round of photos is that he's a pathological liar with rotten teeth who lives in a homemade shack.

    2. What's up with that poster over there named "Drewbot" who goes nuts anytime anybody even remotely questions Bushpilot's lies ? Is that his wife ?

    3. The day the copy and paste troll dies will be a happy one indeed!

  2. Societies need rules that make no sense for individuals. For example, it makes no difference whether a single car drives on the left or on the right. But it makes all the difference when there are many cars!

    1. cars the #1 carbon producer - contributor to global warming...
      UN to set it right with global carbon tax

    2. Are you sure 12:56?i thought industry was the biggest carbon producer followed by housing and then followed by the turd gang :) xx

  3. Bill Brock needs to join the Mountain Monsters AIMS team and and find that BIGFOOT get the JOB DONE

  4. I think they should make Bigfoot president!!!
    He can stick cigars up Joes b-hole and then play the saxophone.

    1. webe needin sume mo educayshun frum da guverniment sos weall cans votee fer that thar presdint shure do

  5. It's like the all star edition of low lifes and skeptards commenting on this story. I mean, just when you didn't think the next comment could get any worse, it does.

    1. I'll grab you a spoon so you can eat my ass. Hahahahaha Vegastheflog gets his titties in a twist every time the TGC right something.

    2. Hey Vegas... Did you catch DS's response two comment sections ago? Pretty interesting.

    3. ^ Sucks dick between meals.

    4. ^ Deep down inside wishes he had a real life.

    5. Yeah, Iktomi just read it, thanks. Pretty strange.

  6. what a strange creature. i have no clue what it could be and it'll be interesting if someone can identify it


  7. It's a large cuttlefish with tentacles folded in slightly at their tip.


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