Mike Rugg Interview With Art Bell August 7, 2015

Mike Rugg, curator of the Bigfoot Discovery Museum, and veteran bigfooter, sits down with Art Bell for a fantastic interview and discussion about bigfoot. Mike Rugg is as knowledgeable as anyone in the bigfoot community, and his stories are fascinating to listen to.


  1. Replies
    1. Be careful, Joe gets furious when turd comments get first.

  2. Mike Tugghiscock is as knowledgeable as anyone in the Bigfoot community. What a complement. You know more about nothing than anyone else. He actually knows less about the subject than most people because he actually believes. I know that Bigfoot doesn't exist and that means I'm an expert on the subject. What a d ick farmer Mike Tugghiscock is!!!!!!!!

    1. Trolls, here my call, its time to dial it up a notch. I think its time to start creating identical avatar accounts like we did once upon a time. Which is why joe doesn't ever use his orangutan avatar anymore. He was furious, and had his biggest meltdown ever when numerous trolls made up accounts, used his name, and his avatar. Its what started the verified crap that went on for a while.

      So here is what we must do trolls. we must make up accounts here on the site, with identical names as the superfriends, and use there same avatar photos. It will be non stop laughs

    2. YES ,whut the hell !

      I'M IN !! :~ ))))

    3. just watch lil crybaby. (stone holi )whine about I need verification!
      haa haa poor Joe!!

  3. Isn't that the bloke who created game of thrones ?
    I really enjoy that show


    1. You know what Joe, I think your right, isn't that guy named........


      Joe, lets get together with Art Bell and George Noorey and take turns waxing each others mustaches with face sebum. It will be amazing!

      Coonbo Spoke

    2. You are one sick paranormal ghostly ectoplasmic turd.
      and i'm being to nice to you mate


  4. As president of the TGC I now give permission to f uck with the super f ags as much as you want. We need to synchronise our attack. Joe is gonna flip out and binge on turds and dog sprog.

    OGTG ( President TGC )


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