Red Bigfoot Caught By Cameraman In Leominster, Massachusetts

Nv Tv has reposted a video from the other day supposedly showing a reddish colored bigfoot creature running away from a person taking video of the woods. During the video you hear a wood knock, and then as the cameraman starts looking for the source of the sound, a bipedal furry red thing takes off running through the trees. I'm not going to flat out call it fake, but... 


  1. Replies
    1. Bridgewater Triangle has bigfoots, thunderbirds, and the elusive pukwudgies they gets you for sure

  2. This site has become a joke.

    Believe it or not, a few years back it was legitimate, serious, and well done.

  3. He ask, what is it? Well it's a guy in a suit running through the woods. hopefully, on private property so someone doesn't shoot his ass for being a idiot running through the woods with gorilla suit trying to get attention.


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