Man films a UFO while Bigfooting

Is it strange to spot a UFO above a Bigfoot hotspot? Many people report this sort of this. Here's proof of a Sawtooth National Forest Bigfoot researcher filming something white in the sky. It's a UFO, but what could it be?


  1. Replies
    1. This is a really compelling piece of footage. I wish all the haters on here would shove dynamite into their vaginas and eliminate themselves from this planet.

  2. It's two men filming a UFO while looking for a missing man called Luke not Bigfoot.

  3. GRAYs sending BIGFOOTs to do recon for their DNA collections

  4. And this is new news? I been sharing freaky ufos all colorful and geometrical while bigfooting for years. I guesss it takes woshywashy muffet to get it noticed. LOL to people that been doing this day and night for years this is preschool.

  5. It is probably a weather ballon released from Arco at Idaho Nuclear Energy Labs. Just south east of the Sawtooths. They often launch balloons to measure winds aloft. Winds aloft are alot different than surface winds. That thing could be 15,000 feet or higher.


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