Gosh This Is Beautiful Bigfoot Country

The Sawtooth National Forest is what you would call a squatchy location. With all the lush trees and jagged edges you have to traverse through just to get to your favorite spot, it's no wonder people get so excited when they get some action. These researchers hike up a long way to get to their secret locations, and evidence such as tree twists and vocalizations in the middle of nowhere leaves little doubt that Sawtooth National Forest is a Bigfoot habitat.


  1. Replies
    1. He believes in bigfoot folks thats all you need to know

    2. Based on the frequency of evidence, you'd have to be familiar with far greater leaps of faith to categorically state otherwise.

      Stop spending your life worrying about what other people think, you'd have far better self esteem for it.

    3. Based on the frequency of appauling evidence it certainly is a no brainer that bigfoot dont exist

    4. For such alleged "appauling evidence", you'd have no issue debunking this topic outright then, right?

      If "Bigfoot" doesn't exist, then people wouldn't be seeing them and they certainly wouldn't be leaving tracks.


    5. You are back to that argument are you?

      Jesus christ come up with something new. Come up with some actual tangible fu.cking evidence that can be held to the same standard as any other piece of scientific evidence ever.

      3 years here and you have proven fu.ck all to anyone. Just the same old sh.it day in day out.

    6. Three years and I'm still waiting for you to grow up and acknowledged, take responsibility for some of your biggest obstacles;




      ... Don't get angry, get an argument if you don't like it so much... Cause what these papers have done, is prove there's an unclassified bipedal primate leaving it's mark on the environment of the U.S.

      : )

    7. No obstacles there.

      Not a single one has been published in any credible scientific journal.

      That should be your first clue.

      They have proven nothing. And you know this which is why you have to resort to these papets rather than actual scientific published papers.

      You are done here.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I cant be bothered to read all that but i am guessing its his usual conspiracy of science to keep out the woo.

      Go email the writers of those papers and tell them to submit them to nature if you have that much confidence in them.

    10. "These journals aggressively curate their brands, in ways more conducive to selling subscriptions than to stimulating the most important research. Like fashion designers who create limited-edition handbags or suits, they know scarcity stokes demand, so they artificially restrict the number of papers they accept. The exclusive brands are then marketed with a gimmick called "impact factor" – a score for each journal, measuring the number of times its papers are cited by subsequent research. Better papers, the theory goes, are cited more often, so better journals boast higher scores. Yet it is a deeply flawed measure, pursuing which has become an end in itself – and is as damaging to science as the bonus culture is to banking. In extreme cases, the lure of the luxury journal can encourage the cutting of corners, and contribute to the escalating number of papers that are retracted as flawed or fraudulent. Science alone has recently retracted high-profile papers reporting cloned human embryos, links between littering and violence, and the genetic profiles of centenarians. Perhaps worse, it has not retracted claims that a microbe is able to use arsenic in its DNA instead of phosphorus, despite overwhelming scientific criticism."
      - Nobel winner Randy Schekman declares boycott of top science journals.

      Oh... And here is a paper Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Royal Society of Medicine Press
      Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals by Richard Smith;
      So peer review is a flawed process, full of easily identified defects with little evidence that it works. Nevertheless, it is likely to remain central to science and journals because there is no obvious alternative, and scientists and editors have a continuing belief in peer review. How odd that science should be rooted in belief."

      Now; our burden remains... Science doesn't start existing as soon as it appears in your preferred medium, it's a tool. Go put on your big boy pants and show us how the evidence is bunk.

    11. 4:31... I've cut it down look, so it can suit your literary patience.

      No conspiracies... Just a flawed process at the fundamental basis of your idealism.


    12. Again. Get them papers submitted to nature.

    13. Again... Go read what's up top. An attribute of an adult is being able to pull those fingers out of your ears, or in this case, fingers away from your eyes, and be able to accept when your arguments have damning scrutiny.

    14. Still no reason not to submit them. If youve got the goods then the paper will stand for itself.

    15. What chance does a controversial subject like this stand, considering the things that are coming to light via MAINSTREAM sources?

      I could have picked any one of a number of sources from he internet that support this, and I didn't even start to list the times the peer review process has been used to lie.

    16. It has the same chance as anything else if you know the evidence was actually there

    17. Not according to a Nobel winner... It's either anon you, or him.

      Hmmmmmmmmm... ?????

    18. There's a book review Loren Coleman wrote for Nature of The Beast and in it he details every current study underway by Sykes based on what unexplained samples or interesting results his first foray into cryptozoology testing has yielded so far. Igor Burtsev checked in from the remote Caucuses following up on Zana leads. . Jeff Meldrum found the review informative enough that he just posted it recently on FB. So if anyone is spouting off too much about lack of proof, it looks like there's some really interesting things under way. Apparently samples from different continents are looking similar, old samples thought lost are found. And a serious undertaking is in high gear to see who publishes what first on samples ranging from Fahrenbach's promising hair to the Pangbokchee finger which suddenly is peaking interest again. I strongly suggest anyone who wishes to know where the genre is headed scientifically read it. Until then let me say that guys like Anthony Moffett, Brandon Garrett and Joe D Gallo are on the path. Whereas I apparently got lost at the toll booth. M

    19. Its our favorite hoaxer Mike Brookreson.

      Got any pictures or video yet Mike?

      Of course not because you are a liar.

    20. Yep, hoaxer, liar, tinker, tailor, soldier spy.

    21. 6:06... It's our favourite anonymous insignificant that's never amounted to anything in life other than bitterly insult better people on the Internet.

      How are you bro?

    22. 6:06, I've got a few minutes. Pick a topic. I'll engage you. Any topic. But now remember. You need to at least tell us a bit about Yourself.

    23. You have amazing claims you drunk. But nothing to show for it. Pretty positive you are role playing. For a grown man that is just sad.

    24. Not remotely alcoholic. Most men are by definition grown and what role am I playing other than victim of a mild skin irritant like you. Now you're still attacking without you're backing. How about your junior college? Or when you passed both written and driving portions of your road test. Anything ?

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. I think only infantile personas likely refer to grown men. What do you want to be when you're a grown man?

    27. Aaaaaaargh, this makes sense. It's a JREF on another superiority complex quest!! No wonder he's so threatened by people like you Mike!

      "Role playing" is one of their mantras... It's a shame that their hero is role playing an honest person, allow me to demonstrate;

      ... These people are serious fundies who simply think attacking people and trying to defecate on their characters amounts to honest, moral practice. All from behind anon mode like a coward to boot! Ha ha ha!!

    28. Ill accept truck driving school, GED, University of Phoenix....give me any reason to not smile any wider than I already am. Grown Man take a look at my life I'm a lot like you. Except that I've got a family and friends and hobbies too, an extended vocabulary that confuses you....give us one reason to think we should trust you....

    29. Well Tome, looks like he taught me another lesson. Hope you all have a good weekend. Even you little fella.

    30. It seems I missed all the Fun this morning , I musta been working!
      Anyway's this question is directed at Mike Brookreson .
      Mike , on your property have you been experiencing eyeshine other than normal fauna (deer ,cattle,horses....).??
      Also , do the footprints in question tend to have flex in the mid section of the foot ? or do they have a arch (fused metatarsal)with HSS dermals ?

    31. I have seen eyeshine only once. And the Subject was close. Also picked it up in a game cam once. Most of the tracks Ive found are wide with blocky toes. The small ones look even more strange because of the width. One of the striking features I have caught in creek silt or clay is the distinct marks at the end of the toes where untrimmed nail impressions can be seen. Morley thinks they are all wide with a fairly standard ratio Claerr has indicated to me he's found some more narrow tracks and leans more towards Fahrenbsch's 1:4:6 mean ratio. I have an email on foot mechanics that might be the best I've ever read. They certainly don't seem to have the same narrow arched foot we have, but everyone disagrees on whether it's just different insertions and dorsiflection or if it's simply a bi product of their mass and much more similar to us and A Aferensis. If you'd like to read a fascinating email let me know. It's got the two schools going head to head. I do know they walk in creeks and streams and that at 18" they are 7.5" wide hereabouts. Take Care.

    32. I've also heard from two 20 year plus field guys that they commonly reach up and grab brushy leaf trees and "broom sweep" their tracks away from the ground. In an area shared between them and us in "boundary locations" , if you find the most secluded point of observation where you would watch a family, that's likely where they'll also at times "spy" on us, and you'll occasionally find areas high on the surrounding cover trees where they "pull limbs" in front of them leaving hand and finger impressions in the wood. Big ones. They stash rocks all sorts of bizarre places from up in trees to down in holes. And they seem to enjoy snapping sticks like we do using cell phones. But, that's only if they exist. Dodson's catsfish line alarms, bells on monofilament, is really quite cunning. No electronics, just a tiny alarm. People are getting better at this. I believe they get overconfident in the "barriers" behind which they hide . (Noel thermal woodpile). And I think you could use your cover tarps to make a boundary wall and perhaps, with the right equipment, catch them peeking out at you as you're filming them remotely. But optimism so far has not yielded any clear film and my time is winding down. Still, it'll be fun to have one last try. Have a good weekend.

    33. Thnx mike for the responce ,maybe this might help, The NAWAC set up a black 10 mill visqueen blind at area X .
      I dont know the dimensions, however a 4×6× say? 5 ft high should suffice,
      you could go with 2×4 wood frame, Or even better yet go with 2in schedule 40
      pvc ,portable&demountable. ANYWAYS
      a FLIR WILL see right thru it like it was'nt
      even there,
      the NAWAC ,with a thermal scope barley missed a head shot using this method!! since I am No kill ,this technique just might get you some good thermal vid!! ,good luck klingon. ;-)

    34. Mike Brookreson....9,765,250


  2. Here's a fun movie fact, the Clint Eastwood movie "Pale Rider" was filmed in this area. Beautiful area indeed!

    1. That's a neat tidbit. terrific movie. Another of his High Plains Drifter was filmed at Mono Lake Ca, over the years another Forest Giant Hotbed.

    2. ...^ Love the 70's!..Even the westerns were weird...The post 60's dissolution led the public to lose interest in politics and other worldly matters ...Anything bizarre or supernatural found its way into popular culture...Heroin, which is more escapist than LSD in a way, was in its heyday...I know a guy whose cousin saw bigfoot shooting dope in the Bermuda triangle...lol...

    3. Sergio leone was and will always be da man



    4. Got to agree MMC. Just never get tired of those movies.

  3. Everybody and their dog seem to be finding tracks now but still no monkeyman.Why is that?

    1. That's because if something exists, it leaves it's physical sign on the environment;

      Plenty found;
      ... None caught.

    2. Its because bigfoot dont exist and people like to dupe morons like joe. Its funny.

    3. 4:09... You are a slow learner, so here it goes again; if something doesn't exist, it doesn't leave it's physical sign on the environment. Don't like it? Go and ask an adult to source you a confer argument on the Internet, but remember to wipe your internet history first.

      4:14... That goes for you too.

    4. Iktomi loves it when I dump a bunch of physical evidence in his mouth.

    5. Have you bee stealing grapes from your local fruit stall again?

    6. ...The problem is a lack of progress: We know (since 1951) people find what may be footprints of undocumented bipedal primates, no surprise there...In 1983 Krantz published his paper* on dermal ridges..People with degrees obviously read it, and the opinions of some of those who agreed with his ideas are given..Now the problem: where is the next paper? I would hope in 32 years we would see an article about some prints with ridges with new ideas about them, or a demonstration and confirmation of Krantzs theory...Where is the catalog of the best prints we have, with "best" meaning the ridges are not hoaxed or artifacts?...I am not moving goal posts: I have no problem with the venue. If the paper was essentially self-published it does not matter in this case: scientists read it and responded to it because the author was well known..


    7. That's the thing my friend... Not enough enthusiasts are aware of this paper, let alone mainstream scientists. That's why I plug it as oft me as possible.

      ; )

    8. Claerr's new book "Sasquatch in Texas, The Track Record" is a fantastic education in prints, dermals, the presence of the os perineum bone, and new casting techniques. Tracks are fantastic. I was very wrong last spring when I said Id grown tired of them. They are as probative as any physical evidence short of DNA.

    9. Thanks for the head's up!! Can't agree with you more!! How are you my friend????

    10. Going back into the woods this weekend for the first time since June.

    11. ...That is what I just had in mind Mike: simply at least an attempt to add to the kinda barren scientific landscape vis a vis cryptozoology...Have a good one all...

    12. Figured you'd leave. The only barren landscape is your cerebral cortex. The references are of pending white papers. Ya gotta read to lead

    13. ....I think you are confusing me with another anon...Why the defensive inasult? Is there a bigfoot section in the graduate stacks that I am unaware of? I pointed out the fact that there is very little scientific literature about bigfoot and commended the attempt to add to it....Screw you buddy..

  4. Speaking of Squatchy areas, but certainly not down right beautiful areas I am looking at some now, right out my window, hundreds of acres of 9 foot corn, soon to be taken down I would think.

    About 3 weeks ago I made a post from info I received from a friend, Luke about another friend Sam and an encounter he had. On Labor day I was able to make contact with Sam. I had not seen him for 5 years. His voice was flush with excitement when I told him I had heard he had a sighting, and at the end of the conversation I had little doubt he had seen a "Forest Giant.
    Coming home at the end of June from his 2nd shift work in Troy, Oh on Fenner road near the intersection of St. Rt. 48 at a bridge that crosses the Stillwater River and next to a Quarry ( you can google this by looking up Ludlow Falls, OH and the location is about 1 1/2 miles north of their ) also at about 2 am his lights caught something just off the road in the ditch. Sam said at first I thought it was a large shaggy sheepdog. As he drew nearer he realized this was no dog and no bear he exclaims ( we have no bears here ) The figure in the ditch, which really is more a 3 foot rolling drop off of Fenner road was just massive he claims. The size of it alone brought a big scare to Sam. Sam himself is a big guy of 6'2'' and at one time about 270 built like a sh*t brick house and a good enough football defensive lineman to get college offers he never took up. The subject was very shaggy and unkept he explained but never looked at Sam's approaching car that he could see, it faced away and really never stood completely up when about 25 yards away it bolted into the woods. The woods was 30 feet from the road and the speed of the creature blew him away. Sam sped up his car to get out of the area and refuse to drive his normal route for several weeks. He got very frustrated when talking about it to his wife and co workers who mostly refused to believe him. Sam himself had never been a bigfoot believer before nor was it a subject he thought much about.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Shut up Chuck. No one cares.

    3. You shut up, you pathetic coward. Plenty care... Go away and rethink your existence.

  5. later that afternoon my nephew Josh and myself went to the approximate location to view it. Sam did agree to take me to the place when we can get together. The woods the creature went into was an overgrown thicket that no right minded human would ever attempt to enter let alone burst into. It was an extemely dense thicket that could only be entered in a slow methodical manner. Sam said few believed him but a fellow co worker sought him out. That night he was different road very close and had witnessed something similar. Another guy had told Sam that not the same night but about that week he and his girlfriend were driving State Route 55 and something huge was just standing in the road as they approached. As they got close it ran off on two legs. Another co worker told how in the time they drove home in the same area to find a state police officer on the side of the road scanning the woods with a flashlight. As for the height of the bigfoot Sam saw he could not totally determine as when it moved to go into the woods it never fully stood up. But it crouched was a tall as Luke who is 6'4" and 250 lbs or more and it made Luke look small.

    1. That was a brilliant read Chuck, you should have sent that to Shawn to post. Thanks for sharing Chuck... What do you think of this footage?


      ... I don't know if it's a hoax or not, but it moves FAST!!

    2. Chuck and Iktomi, I pulled Ivan T Sanderson's 1960 "True" magazine article the other day about his findings of the harrowing Chapman encounter. Which is basically the father of modern field reports and in my opinion the best one there is. I posted it and got a response from man who had researched the area as late as 2008 wjth Steenburg and John Green. Tre cool. Tre cool. Hope you're well.

    3. Amazing stuff. I love the work Sanderson did on USO's.

    4. Chuck and Tome. Please email this weekend. I've got a UV Illum camera coming. I'm
      Interested in discussing dummy cams, fake camp setups and my new theory that something as simple as putting a huge tarp, tent or neoprene barrier up could create false security for those "hidden" to observe behind it. It's time we start sculpting the landscape like they do

    5. I want to be in the secret e-mail club too.

    6. Not really a secret. Do you have any theories on dummy cams, the potential of UV over regular trail cams? Do you believe they see, smell or hear regular trail cams?

    7. 6:10... It's the worst kept secret on the Internet.

    8. Good to hear from You MIKE and IKTOMI. Sounds like that is thinking outside the box for fake tent MIKE. I can see a couple of people standing behind the false tent keeping quiet and a keen eye out and all the time the forest giants are sneaking up behind you and whispering to each other look at that dumb ass, who does he think he's fooling. As far as making a false camp I would assume you would be hiding near by, if it was me I would be up in a tree looking down. I do not know enough about different cams, but since you ordered the UV Illum it just might work. Anyway I will look for the email.

      As for Sanderson, this guy is great and under recognized along with Grover Krantz.

  6. Before I waste my time is this some more of Anthony "Please give me your money" Moffet's hoax crap?


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