Every Bigfooter Needs To Add This To Their Christmas List!

From Animal Planet comes this Toys R Us exclusive Bigfoot playset! That's right, your very own bigfoot playset. Sure, you could get it for your kids, but we know you're going to end up playing with it, or it would look really nice on the shelf. It comes with everything you need to track down the big hairy beast, and it even comes with toy plaster cast and bigfoot track! Check out this review by Toy Break. Skip to the 17:53 mark to see it.


  1. It's too friggen PC... when I was a kid we got like-like plastic M-16s with real-fire action! How about just a legit toy gun that says BigFoot Blaster on it?

    1. ...A bigfoot model along the lines of Aurora's classic monster series would be cool...Nothing brings back childhood memories like a good round of model airplane glue sniffing...lol..

    2. when is the Ranae action figure of Finding Bigfoot fame coming out ?

    3. As soon as they find a way to secure Barbie's box.

  2. ..Will they have the anatomically correct Finding Bigfoot action figures out by Christmas?....

  3. Biden will save US all in 2016 ; )

  4. sometimes jewbacca looks like a bigfoot, so you thinking that's a bigfoot over there but its a jewbacca

  5. wes heers gots sume guverniment skoolin ans educayshun sos webe technically ans such

  6. Where's the Bobo action figure with the bacon frying pan and doughnut accessories?

  7. Someone needs to say, "Plop!" There. I said it.

    1. And there you have it!

      In opposition to the Super Friends -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The League of Turds.

      Thier moto. We don't know shit, but we think we do!


    2. troll killer...aka...Leon.

      Leon the fool, Leon the fool, show him Daniel bendovers buttcheeks, and watch the fool drool.

    3. I wonder what type of human being finds in civil to write about excrement on a blog? The kind of person who allocates time to driving people away from a blog as a life priority;

    4. ^ most narcissists,criminals and psychopaths are in politics.

    5. ... In fact, I read somewhere that they're in the stock market, and nobody is disputing your ideas, they're on the Internet as well.

  8. I hope the Trapper Tice toy comes with that big knife

    1. I hope it comes with a big dick...personal reasons.

  9. They gave the Bigfoot canines, why? Why would Animal Planet who holds the series "Finding Bigfoot" make a poor representation? Ok, that's as nerdy as I can get.

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