Dr. Jeff Meldrum Has Returned!

We say "has returned" because this is the first time we've heard Dr. Jeff Meldrum do a full interview in a while. He's probably been busy this season at numerous conventions. He's back now, and it looks like he's deep into sasquatch research as usual. Sasquatch Watch Radio has the scoop:


  1. Replies
    1. Plop was a great comic book back in the 70s.
      if you are referring to that i agree but if you are referring to your bowel movements than you sir are a bloody fool


    2. Alaska Monsters team proven that BIGFOOT is real

    3. Proof that dummy trolls are real^

    4. troll, bigfoot, yahoo, grassman, all real
      chupacabra not so much

    5. now if you haven't seen Alaska Monsters team lead Crusty explain what these bigfoots do! Or the expert tracker Face blazing the trail for the team then you need to see expert woodsman spring into action deep in the Alaska bush ...

  2. Has Dr. Meldrum ever had a sasquatch sighting?

    1. Actually, he has stated to have witnessed what was a "large shadowy subject" to which yielded track impressions the following day. I believe John Bindernagle was present also.

      Disinformationist psycho trolls are never the best people to consult regarding anything concerning a subject as threatening as this.

    2. Trapper from the Mountain Monsters AIMS team said bigfoot smarter than most critters, that's why the AIMS team hasn't been able to trap one yet !!!

    3. Yes that was with Todd Standing in Canada, I think two years ago. Also in 1997 with the Green Brothers in the Blue Mtns. of Ca they had numerous encounters and found tracks during a two week expedition into the deep wilderness.

    4. No, but he used to do porn back in the 80's.

    5. sometimes wolfman looks like bigfoot so you thinking that's a bigfoot but its a werewolf

    6. I don't know why people care so much about him. and his huge print he carries around is not real. always shuts down real prints and pulls that stupid huge thing out.

  3. I could sense a lot of frustration in Dr. Meldrum with Bigfoot research. Especially telling was his damning appraisal of Melba Ketchum and Justin Smeja. Even Dr. Sykes did not come away completely unscathed. One step forward and three steps back is how he described Bigfoot research. With all the hoaxing and misrepresenting by those who profess to believe, we have met the enemy and he is us.

    1. I think you'll find Loren Coleman's review of Bryan Sykes' latest book was significant enough for it to be put on Medlrum's Relict Hominid Inquiry.

    2. this may account for some of the jewbaccas sightings

  4. Dr Meldrum is my hero ! he can tell a real bigfoot cast from a fake blindfolded !
    And unlike all the skeptrolls on here he is an actual degree not a piece of paper hanging on a wall telling people you got high score on world of warcraft. You'd be rightly bonkers to think you are smarter than him because you aren't


  5. Fake Joe is getting old. I mean, we get it, you're a weirdo.

    1. You're actually being WAY to kind. I have this chronic desire to run him down in the Batmobile with flaming tires.

    2. You guys crack me up . it's too bad skeptics like you can only come on here and leave comments such as that and not contribute to any intelligent bigfoot discussion .
      Fake Joe ? Really ? Are you trying to compare me to someone else ? You flatter me so.
      What I do know is that Meldrum has no interest in troll casts and there is plenty to be found around these parts



    3. Project much. ? ^

      Agree. 100% Vegas T D !

  6. SO Dr. Meldrum say Bigfoot is a ape and Dr. Ketchum said its a humanoid creature
    SO you can shoot a Bigfoot Ape but not a Bigfoot humanoid !!!

    1. And a jotomi thinks sasquatch are homo sapien sapiens ,
      Does anyone. Know someone .10ft tall 1200lbs. Has a midtalsel break,
      has extreme eyeshine ,Has 10x our strength, can Run 40 mhp.
      Can hunt live an play in 10deggrees below 0.Butt Naked??
      Anyone Of thiese traits suggest. A species other than HSS

    2. EARTH TO 10:43 !!

      I Predict special pleading, and a whole lotta cherry picked outdated FLUFF ARTICALS!! "FACT" !!!
      Haaa haaa haa lol !
      Big Boss Man o Dum dums×2!

    3. hi Big boss man ,(us welsh beta males melt before you're powerful dominance) I just wanted to say,we HERE. In the UK also have sasquatch! that being said. They Have a far lower testosterone level than the american sasquatch???
      That question is perplexing? ?

      Wannabe yank joe!

  7. don't forget Bugs buried 2 bigfoots in TX and has a MAP
    so the proof is in the ground to dig up!

  8. News Source Reports China Sending Troops to Syria
    all going according to plan : )


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