BC Bigfooters Share Bigfoot Family Portrait Photo

BC Squatchers posted the following video highlighting a photograph taken in 2012 of what they believe is a family of bigfoot. They claim that on one side of the river is a mother and baby, and on the opposite side a male. When the original photo was taken, they did not notice the bigfoot at the time. What do you think? Bigfoot, or trick of light?


  1. For those that are interested, lktomi/Joes real name is Joerg Hensiek. You can google his name and bigfoot, and read his replies on various blogs. Its obvious its him. You should see his picture. Lets just say that Joe looks exactly like what we expected. AHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    1. Who cares? And your crazy is really showing. Probably much more than usual.

    2. ...Shawn, you should delete this post... All of us expect the level of privacy assigned to the profile..Anonymous means just that and Joe's(Iktomi) blogger profile means he wishes to interact through that medium alone...Give the guy a break, and get rid of this...

    3. There are a lot of posts here he should be deleting. And he doesn't. Its not impossible to do. Everyone else with a blog who choses to do so seems to manage it just fine. And ban people who deserve it as well. I imagine 1 or 2 bans and this place would really be much better.

    4. I imagine 1 or 2 rubber play toys and your butt plugs would be happier

  2. I slept with Joe last year, it was a a guy thing camping and Brokeback Mountain type of scenario and things got out of control. I can tell you now this Joerg Hensiek is NOT Joe.

    However, I'd happily slip him a length.

    1. How anticlimactic for you. All that time being a psychotic stalker and then to realize nobody cares.

  3. Nice try Joe, in the brokeback mountain comment. You are indeed Joerg, and its as plain as day. You now have been exposed. The trolling has only just begun. We drove off the super friends, and we will drive you off Joerg before its over. We are many............

    1. No- nice try for you idiot. The only thing many about you is the multiple personalities and the psychotic episodes.

    2. ...Sorry, but even posters that may not like Joe are going to support him on this one....I like to kid around on this blog as much as anyone, but outing people is simply not funny...

    3. ^ Obviously you are new here and haven't witnessed what Joe/lktomi has done to people on this site in the past.

  4. What... A total... Loon. Anyone wanna check out how delusional this poor boy is, check out this comment section;


    ... When you stop laughing, you realise there's nut jobs out there who genuinely need a little help.

  5. Don't worry Joerg. I have your pictures saved and am in the process of designing a website, based on you. Just wait till the ISF and JREF see your face. It was only a matter of time Joerg. Remember when you pretended to be a young Tunisian woman on this blog?? Does the Abholi affair ring any bells? What was going through your head Joerg, when you stole a female profile picture of some random girl, and pretended to be a native American female. Then when you were busted red handed, you slunk away for days. Your sick Joerg, and my website is really gonna display that.

  6. Blobsquatch! This is proof! That people will believe anything...

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