Yowie Hunter Finally Finds Some Solid Evidence

It's not confirmed whether this is Yowie hair or not, but this is Jason's first hair evidence as far as we can tell. He's been researching in the same area for years, this this possible Yowie hair was discovered on his jeep! He writes: "While out in the bush yesterday. Arriving back at my Jeep I found this golden brown blonde colour hair stuck to my Jeep because of the water drops from the rain. I found this very strange as it was not there before leaving the area. Could this be possible yowie hair."


  1. Replies
    1. Interesting to see what comes of this.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. ..No Yowies...The waters off Australia are too deep for an ice bridge to have formed..I doubt they swam, so how would they get there?....

    4. I don't have one. I'm just as interested every time a hair sample is shown to be of a known animal, because we learn from that. There appears to be a fossil trail in that part of the world. Meganthropus is a name commonly given to several large jaw and skull fragments found at the Sangiran site near Surakarta in Central Java, Indonesia. The original scientific name was Meganthropus palaeojavanicus, and while it is commonly considered invalid today, the genus name has survived as something of an informal nickname for the fossils.

      As of 2005, the taxonomy and phylogeny for the specimens are still uncertain, although most paleoanthropologists consider them related to Homo erectus in some way. However, the names Homo palaeojavanicus and even Australopithecus palaeojavanicus are sometimes used as well, indicating the classification uncertainty. Of particular interest is that the finds were sometimes regarded as those of giants, although that is unsubstantiated.

      After the discovery of a robust skull in Swartkrans in 1948 (SK48), the name Meganthropus africanus was briefly applied. However, that specimen is now formally known as Paranthropus robustus and the earlier name is a junior synonym. Some of these finds were accompanied by evidence of tool use similar to that of Homo erectus. This is the reason Meganthropus is often linked with that species as H. e. palaeojavanicus.

    5. Also, check this out;


    6. Why don't you have a prediction?

    7. ..Thanks Iktomi..so you are saying if these large hominids made there way to Indonesian Islands then they could make it to Australia?...

    8. ..and thanks for the link..Ill check it out after work...gotta jump...have a good one all...

    9. I'm really not sure to be honest my friend, I just find some of eve artefacts like giant stone tools, along with the fossil trail in that area of the world fascinating in relation to the sightings and physical evidence like tracks found in Australia. Check out that link, some cool stuff about giant stone tools.

      6:21... Because I don't have one. I'm just as interested every time a hair sample is shown to be of a known animal, because we learn from that. Would you like to bait me?

    10. Joe, when you quote from sources, like Wikipedia for example, you are supposed to cite them, not weave them into your own words.

    11. Who gives a **** Donald? Whether you're posting from an encyclopaedia, or remembering what you've read and putting it into your own words, seldom is it not what we've learned from others. I started writing it out and thought "**** it!"

      There's not much difference there in what I've done than in the mantras of pseudoscepticism that are not yours yet you recite day after day here...

    12. But you didn't paraphrase, Joe, you copied and pasted word for word.

      As far as who cares? Probably lots of people, depending on who you feel like plagiarizing that day.

    13. LOL. Asking the same questions and sharing the same opinion is definitely NOT the same thing as plagiarizing. That is a warped idea even for you. You will say anything to wiggle off the hook when you are wrong, won't you? Wow. That was a stretch even for you.

    14. Part of the problem for you, Joe, is that you normally write like a 6th grader trying to sound smart. So, when you post something that reads like a competent adult wrote it, it stands out like a sore thumb.

    15. Oh I'm sorry Donald... And who's gonna do me for plagiarism? Those who can access the site can edit most of its articles anonymously? Ha ha ha ha!!! Seriously Donald, what are you gonna do about, little troll?

      Donald... I keep reading you talk about my writing style, do you think that you have some inherent right to call people out like you're some literacy master or something? I couldn't give a monkey's a-hole about what you think, nobody who frequents this entire blog does. I seldom make a spelling error and my education means I articulate my ideas just fine... So well it seems that when the chips are down on the subject matter, you're left crying about writing styles, when hypocritically, you're no so grammatically hot yourself, sunshine.

    16. I imagine Ol' Don is a real joy to live with hahaha!

    17. I see, so plagiarism by you is okay because no one will ever do anything about it?

      Do you think serious researchers regularly plagiarize and then gloat about it after?

    18. Plagiarism from an encyclopaedia where no one accounts for ownership of the material, is what it is... How am I going to get into trouble for it? Is there a law for that, Donald? Surely someone as "clever" as you realises this, right? I think anyone who's known me for my time spent, knows that one thing I enjoy more than anything is sharing links and referencing the work I use... Especially when I'm showing you a thing or two on scientific opinions and various verification that supports my ideas.

    19. You might not get into legal trouble plagiarizing from Wiki, but it certainly lessens your credibility as a poster if there is doubt about what you wrote and what you plagiarized.

      It is not the hallmark of an honest participant. Try your " but it's just wiki that I plagiarized " in a formal setting like academic research, or journalism, and see how well you fare. You would be packing your bags while you tried to rationalize to them that it is ok to plagiarize some sources.

      Basically, it reflects poorly on your intellectual honesty.

    20. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      "Lessens my credibility"? Please, don't make me cringe Donald... This is a blog for talking about Bigfoot amongst throwing turd bombs, not some University seminar or journalistic arena. Who the heck are you to regulate who's credible or not, ha ha ha!! I've seen your scientific theory and it's not sharp enough to be calling those shots.

      "... the hallmark of an honest participant" (cringe) I tell you what then Donald, how about you spend your time pasting my comments into Internet search engines and let us all know how many hits you get on me in future, eh? I find it rather audacious that for someone who should be more inclined in supporting his ideas better, should be focussing on trivial stuff like lifting a paragraph from Wikipedia.

      You really are one busy idiot these days Donald... If I was "intellectually honest", I would say you're all out of ideas on the subject matter mate.

    21. When did someone who calls other people "wankers" and "twats" start taking himself so seriously with trying to gain the moral high ground? Oh that's right... When all his arguments ran out of steam.

    22. ....Dmaker, I did not think Iktomi dug up the fossils himself when he responded, politely I might add, to my very skeptical post...I knew he was relating, as we all do, something he learned..Why all the hate? He doesn't insult anybody unless he is trolled first...

    23. Pointing out that someone is plagiarizing is hardly being insulting.

    24. Oh you got me alright Donald, what a crime fighter!

    25. You can clearly tell he is referencing and not plagiarizing by the (SK48) used in the first sentence of the last paragraph. Case closed.

    26. No, you can clearly tell the difference between plagiarizing and referencing when someone uses exact words from another source and does not cite that source. That is plagiarizing. Plain and simple.

  2. Could be Yowie hair,interesting.I did laugh thou when he theorized it's probably from a lady Yowie because of it's colour,maybe it's because she's worth it :) xx


    1. Also it looks like it might have been cut? xx

    2. I highly doubt this is yowie hair. Seems to straight and short and I agree with EVA R looks to be cut. Perhaps one of those bush blonde Shelias left it for him.

  3. From an Aussie I'm telling you it is complete turds. There are no such things as yowies.

    1. Well take it from someone who's a little more clued up on the topic that the evidence most certainly points to the contrary;

      ... I don't have to remind you of the new species of tree they've discovered in recent years. Trees don't move around and evade, obviously, yet they can remain undiscovered until very recently.

    2. Well d ickhead, I can tell you that I have spent countless hours in the blue mountains hunting which is a yowie hot spot ( supposedly ) and I have never seen any evidence of a Yowie. I'm sure that you have more credibility than me sitting in your chair on your computer eating twinkies and jerking off.

    3. Finding a tree which is slightly different from every other tree is not the same as finding a 10 foot tall 1000 pound animal in the bush. You are a complete tool bag.

    4. Well here's a doozy for your ego, sweetheart, maybe you're not as hot as you think you are. Doesn't mean a Yowie hasn't smelled your spunk stained shorts a mile off. It's a no brainer pal... Anyone who claims he's American and then is too stupid to realise he writes the same and then claims to now be an Ozzie, hasn't the credibility of a rat, let alone some alleged computer nerd.

      Finding A NEW SPECIES OF TREE (you'd know this being Ozzie, right?) is desperately significant to NOT finding a 10 foot tall 1000 pound animal in the bush... Because trees don't run around and bail at the first smell of your ucky shorts.

    5. A little more clued up on the subject. The level of ego in that statement is unbelievable. You must be the biggest c ock smoker I have ever come across. Please remove the d ick from your mouth because all I can hear is a slight mumbling.

    6. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! What's the matter chump? What you gonna do about it?

      Riled up much? Here's a tip... Get off of the road and go actually into the bush, you might see some wonderful things to help that superiority complex, forget Yowies.

      : p

    7. It's aussie not Ozzie you f ucking retard.

    8. Who would pretend to be a yank anyway.

    9. Someone who, from behind anonimaty, would want to sound like they know what they're talking about to make up for their lack of argument... Just like someone who'd pretend to be Australian.

    10. ...Ozzy rules!! "The Blizzard of Oz" is a masterpiece...RIP Randy Rhodes....

    11. I'm liking Revocation these days myself...super heavy, and absolutely bionic guitar solos.

    12. ^ thinks ozzy is a aussie . WHAT DOPE!

    13. Get a sense of humour past toilet jokes, idiot.

  4. I f ucked an Australian once. His name was Wazza and he bent me over and pounded my wombat hole. We drank Fosters and I played with his digiridoo.


    1. ^ You see what I mean? You're as Australian as Hillary Clinton.

      ... And as dense as a bog brush.

    2. and he's also not me. I can tell it's the same wretched troll who is always trying to write things in my name but you can tell he's just a small gnat of a human being who is trapped in mommy's basement playing Diablo 3


    3. Joe... Contact the administrator and get verified... Nobody can copy you then mate.

  5. Just ask Kurt Tippet how Australian I am

  6. The pies kicked the s hit out of the cats tonight. Loved every minute of it.

  7. Yowies exist, Jason's credibility does not!

    1. This. I don't know why this blog insists on it, but those guys are about the worst representatives you could find for Yowie stuff. If I'm not mistaken Dean Harrison is pretty vocal on his disdain for their research.

    2. I do not know much about the Yowies. A few years ago I read every Yowie report I could find with most being on Dean Harrisons website. Similarities to the NA Forest Giant are so striking that it must be so. According to the Austrailian Aborigines the Yowies were there when their ancestors were there and maybe before. During the ice ages the land bridges from Indonesia may not have connected to Austrailia but the distances between the islands in shallow seas were much less and for a creature that is a better swimmer than us it may not have been that hard.

    3. As always, amazing input of ideas Chuck.

  8. I get a kick out of the ISF footers clinging to psychiatric advice from a mentally ill, pathological liar like Alaskabushpilot. It's fun to watch.

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!

      The requirement of reassurance knows no bounds!!!

  9. I was about 14 years old and we were hunting and camping in the Cascades outside of Oakridge somewhere. We went way back in the hills. I remember there was a rockslide over the road and we barely got our Jeep over it, and drove another 10 miles or so. Found an old log dump on the side of a clear cut and figured we'd set up camp. It was a good sheltered spot, and there was a nice bench half way down the clear cut.. We backed the Jeep into the timber so it would be easy to spot, pitched our tent next to. We went to bed. I woke to pee in the middle of the night. I looked across the clear cut and there right in the center of that bench was a small fire going. I thought dang somebody else found a way in here and is camping in the middle of this clear cut. Slipped quietly back to bed and in the morning I went to out to see if I could see our neighbor. There was no one there, odd. I glassed the area , and there was a creek at the bottom of the hill, then across a rough valley and up a burnt hill I could see another road. Mind you that would be one heck of a hike to make during the day, much less night. I got down to the creek and it stunk, like something dead. The creek had good snow melt water, and it was moving fast, so it wasn't that. As I got down to the creek I found an area where the ground was soft. I found what I thought were 2 bare foot human tracks, they went across the creek and into some thick timber.

    I caught a couple of cut throat, went back to camp, ate breakfast and told my uncle and cousin what I found. My uncle figured it was some mountain guy living here. I was 14, I didn't know what to think. We shot a deer that evening, gutted it and brought it back to camp and hung it from a nearby tree. That night we went to bed kinda early. Sometime in the night we were awakened by this terrible high pitched animal scream. It sounded almost alien to me. Scared the heck out of me. Sounded like it was just over by our Jeep, and I heard something jump onto the Jeep, scream some more and go off into the bush. We got out of the tent ,guns out and looked around. One leg appeared to have been ripped off the deer. We were all scared, packed our stuff, and moved camp that night. As we drove away I could see a big dirty bare footprint on the hood of the jeep...

    Thread: weird findings in the woods #1889

    1. Wow! I'm going to check this out right away, thanks NC!!

    2. Iktomi- You can go to any outdoors forum on the web, type in strange events or findings in the woods, and you will read some of the strangest stories ever. You will also find uploaded pictures of strange shelters in the middle of nowhere, arrowheads that look practically new, and stories of people always finding shoes or neatly folded clothes.

    3. Quite incredible... And scary as heck too.

    4. Cool find NC. Considering around 30 to 50 percent of all forest giant encounters are by hunters or outdoorsmen and women and with the very nature of the Bigfoot becoming so popular today ( much like Aliens in the 90s )
      and acceptable with fully over 30 percent of Americans thinking they just may exist this comes to mind. Hunters and outdoorsmen that have spent considerable time in the woods have had encounters of strange circumstances that they could not explain at the time. ( I can think of several with me and my only full blown sighting was while hunting ) When they go back in their memory you will find what you posted above and I expect these probably number in the 10s or hundreds of thousands, however most to not put it to pen.
      Thanks for this

    5. This past Monday we had a viewing for my Mother in Law that passed last Friday. Two friends of my nephew ( that I have known since they played football with him in high school) came up to me and confided to strange encounters, one from his youth that could be either Alien or Bigfoot in nature. The other from a friend named Luke who told me he got a call 2 weeks back from another friend of his and my nephew Josh, and I know him well also and his name is Sam. Sam was quite shook up. While driving home from work early in the AM 2 weeks ago he saw what he thinks is a Bigfoot outside the city of West Milton, OH. He said it was probably 8 foot tall and massive and frightened him pretty good. Luke said Sam never called it a bigfoot he just could not imagine that something 8 foot tall and that massive is running around in a ghillie suit. Luke told me he talks about it all the time since it happened and is bummed his wife will not believe him and he may be getting same treatment from his fellow workers. Luke gave me Sam's number and I will give him a call very soon and try to get out to where this all took place, not far from me.

    6. When I was a kid, my family lived in a small town just west of Omaha and my best friend and I used to roam the woods along the river that ran past our town when we were 8-12 years old. We had a pretty cool hideout in a ravine that ran east to west, terminating close to the river with a flat bottom to the ravine with walls about 10 feet high. We had cleared out some of the brush and made a fire pit that we used to hang out in at night and have campfires. What an awesome place for a 12 year old to hide in! Anyway, we were digging around in the ravine one day and I dug up what looked like the very top part of a larger-than-human femur. It was old and yellowed and felt like it was made of stone, but really light for its size. It might've been a rock, but looked more like a bone to me. I brought it to school the next day and showed it to one of my teachers and he commented that it looked like a fossilized or petrified bone of some kind but didn't really know what it was. I took it home and had it on my shelf in my closet for a while , then one day it just disappeared. I have no idea where it could've gone. It just disappeared.

      Here's a weird one...
      The creepiest thing I've seen in the woods so far... I was driving up a very rugged dirt "road", more of a seasonal access path, and looked out my right.. There, nailed to a tree about 10 feet in, was the rotting head of a boar. No house or driveway or anything around. Just a head. With tusks. And maggots. Staring blankly out on the road as if to warn passers-by. Driving away at 5 mph never seemed so slow.

      Re: Creepy stories and weird things

    7. My condolences, Chuck. Can't wait to hear what Sam has to say. Driving that long 450 mile isolated stretch along I-77 north Wednesday, right through Salt Fork and on to NE Ohio to visit family.

    8. My condolences also Chuck, but by god that was some good reading from you two.

    9. Thanks NC and Iktomi.
      Yah NC I hope Same opens up to me, fairly sure he will. As far as that I-77 corridor that is all Forest Giant territory for sure and encounter number in the many thousands. Of course I live in low forest ( but enough and lots of rivers, creeks and huge drainage ditches ) agricultural area 30 miles NW of Dayton, OH. An area not that long ago it was not considered Forest Giant territory. However in last 5 years I have documented at least 10 sightings and encounters throughout this area with 2 and good possibility of three that I have been personally involved with. They do not stay put here for long but roam the surrounding territory what is called the Miami Valley, hiding out during day and raiding farms and deer and smaller critters by night and it is an easy place for a family or clan or two to make a very easy living.

    10. Chuck, I've been lucky enough to follow your comments for a decent amount of time now, and I've noticed you've accumulated some amazing research into your local areas. Very inspiring brother, and very fascinating.

    11. My condolences also, Chuck.

      Love the readings today from some of my favorite gents on this blog!

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Just admit bigfoot dont exist joe then we can all call it a day

    1. I'll admit I spend way too much time stooping to your level in responding to you, I'll admit that.

      Your burden remains.

    2. FFS! keep your chin up bro lol FFS!


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