Will The Public Ever Believe Us About Bigfoot?

One of the toughest tasks a bigfooter faces is trying to convince the general public that bigfoot actually exists. They are always met with the same questions; Why isn't there any clear pictures or video of bigfoot? Why haven't they found any bigfoot bones? Why hasn't a hunter shot one? The list goes on and on. In this guest post by bigfoot enthusiast Dawn Allen, she discusses why the general public will never believe that bigfoot exists.

Why The "Mainstream Public" Will Never Accept Bigfoot Exists
By Dawn Allen

Say the word "Bigfoot", it will conjure up different things for different people. Among those things, people will imagine the gentle giant Harry, who was heartbroken over taxidermy and just wanted to protect the forest and his family in the most kind way possible. For others, perhaps it's the antics of the Jacklinks Sasquatch. For many, their mind will wander to the lovely Patty, walking away from Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin on that fateful day in 1967. For still others, it's a wonderful cloaking, telepathically communicating , flute playing, gift giving, interdimensional being using wormholes to escape from the bad humans in the forest. How about for those people that have reported (and a lot who have not reported) their own sasquatch encounters? For them this one small compound word will conjure the feelings, the smells, the things they saw that day.

But these are the "believers" in the bigfoot community. People outside of that small population? They think about a bunch of loons running around beating on trees and screaming in the dark followed by a production crew, or a bunch of drunk rednecks that saw a guy in an ape suit. Let us not forget that even though we have such staunch supporters on our side as Jeff Meldrum with his track cast studies, and Grover Krantz who couldn't debunk a track as a hoax, and a myriad of other researchers that have had their own encounters and experiences with this animal, we're all just experiencing hallucinations. We have "Bigfoot on the brain" and we see it everywhere we go.

The strongest argument against the Patterson-Gimlin film is that Patty is a man in a suit. Nevermind that it is quite obvious, even in the grainy and often blurry film, that there is real hair moving with real muscle. How about a walk that no one has truly been able to actually duplicate? Nah, it's a guy in a suit, "Planet of The Apes" is all the evidence we need to disprove that garbage film. That's all fine and dandy. Except for the fact that Planet of The Apes was the pinnacle of costume/makeup/special effects in its time. Remember the mostly static faces of the apes? They spoke and you wouldn't know except for the tiny movements of the mouth area of the mask as the lower jaw of the mask collided with the actor's chin. How about the fact that most of the characters wore loose robe type clothing? Other than the eyes of the actors, these faces had no emotion. Maybe the apes had discovered Botox and had paralyzed their own faces for vanity. Or maybe, just maybe, in the 60's special effects was in its infancy, and that was the best they could pull off.

I have a few reasons as to why the mainstream public will never accept the existence of an enormous hairy biped outside of prehistory, or one of these animals being paraded around the country so that people can get a look at a real live sasquatch and examine it for themselves.

1. The belief that Bigfoot is an interdimensional being.
Really? I'm not out to offend anyone here, but to claim that a (usually) 7-12' and sometimes up to 15' flesh and blood animal was so terrified of the 5-6' human that it not only became invisible, but it opened a portal and stepped into it to get away? Do you see how farfetched that is? This also applies to the next reason.

2. The Bigfoot/UFO connection
This ties right into reason one. Because if this animal has these abilities, then perhaps it is alien in origin. We all know how well the existence of extra terrestrial (or as some believe interdimensional) craft as well as beings are accepted by the "mainstream". Unless you're inside of your small group of believers, if you bring up a UFO sighting or an alien abduction you're bound to be laughed right out of the room. Or mercilessly attacked until you just keep your mouth shut because the "mainstream" thinks anyone that sees anything like this is just a bunch of drunk/drugged people hallucinating. Must have been a fun party in Phoenix during that lightshow that passed over the city and came to a stop over Camelback Mountain, yeah?

3. People That Claim To have Communicated Telepathically or Psychically With Sasquatch
The mainstream public at large does NOT acknowledge the reality of a psychic. In fact, often times these hardcore skeptics are out to disprove anyone that claims to be psychic by making false claims. This happens more often than you would think! It became the life goal of the great Harry Houdini to disprove psychics and mediums wherever he encountered them (granted, in many cases they were fakes and frauds, I don't recall that they ever discovered one that was the real deal). And y'all seem to think that this makes you credible. To be honest, some of us in the Bigfoot community think you're a bunch of crazies when you claim to have had this form of communication with sasquatch. Why is that? Because even for us crazy bigfoot believers, you sound crazy. My grandmother often talked to bigfoot. Driving up the canyon blathering away her greetings to the big guy. Guess what? No one started to worry about that until she claimed the bigfoot responded, and I come from a family of believers that have had their own encounters! Telepathy lies in the realm of aliens and Sci-Fi. If we stop giving these things supernatural powers maybe the subject would be taken more seriously.

4. The Evolution of The Art of Special Effects
Do I really need to say anything else? CGI alone can create realistic monsters. Lord of The Rings, Beowulf (done completely in CGI, I might add), Star Wars (the newer films).. Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) is the special effects company started by George Lucas specifically for the special effects in the Star Wars films. I am willing to bet that they could create a realistic, highly detailed sasquatch, put it in a forest scene, and you would never know the difference because they are THAT good. Physical special effects, costumes and masks and whatnot? What we can do today blows Planet of The Apes (1960's versions) out of the water! Why do you think they've decided to remake the movies? Because the ability to create extremely real costumed characters has come so far that in mere hours we can transform an actor into a gorilla with simple makeup and costume application.

5. Reality TV/Tabloids
This is a big one. Finding Bigfoot, Mountain Monsters... Sasquatch has become trendy. And hillbillies running around the woods making asses of themselves on national TV has made the subject a joke. Which also leads right into the conspiracy theories. The government hides the existence of these animals, why? If they admit that they are out there, just imagine the economic devastation! Or, perhaps it's because they want to quietly eradicate them and keep us blissfully unaware. So, if they allow these nutjobs to go on the boob-tube and run around like a bunch of crazies looking for bigfoot, then the mainstream public will see that it's all a big joke! Problem solved. Tabloid headlines of such stories as "I was Bigfoot's Love Slave" make this ENTIRE topic a big joke. As believers we can joke about such things, but there are people on this earth that take these things seriously! There are people in this world that believe that Stephen Spielberg killed a Triceratops and posed for a picture! Think about that!

6. Hoaxers
These people just … I have no words for these people. People that hoax bigfoot bodies, people that hoax bigfoot sightings, people that hoax ANY cryptid should be ashamed of themselves. It's never taken long to prove or disprove your bigfoot bodies, or your footage no matter how convincing you think it is. And you drag the credibility of other people right down the toilet with you. Once a hoaxer always a hoaxer. Anyone else see that episode of The Legend of Mick Dodge where he put on some furs, made some calls, and faked some tracks? On national TV he hoaxed a bigfoot. Gee, thanks Mick Dodge. You're awesome. The Mick Dodge Bigfoot also ties in with "reality" TV, this is what people see. Isn't it disgusting?

Can I explain everything? No. I can't tell you why you were following a set of tracks in the forest for a quarter of a mile and suddenly the tracks ended when there was nowhere for it to go. Except... Logic tells me that the tracks on the ground ended because it heard the clumsy human tromping through the bush behind it and decided to take to the trees to lose said clumsy human tromping through the bush. Logic tells me that it did not open a portal to get away. Because logic tells me that this creature is a flesh and blood being, that while being very smart and cunning, it is also very elusive. They know their environment better than you know their environment because they live in it. Full time, year round, they live in it. You (typically) don't. They are in tune with their surroundings. They can smell you before you get too close, reports of wide noses spread across the face denote an enormous nasal cavity developed to increase the sense of smell alone. In the dark? They got you there too. Large eyes mean they see 100 times better than you do even in the dark.

Logic tells me that this animal is a living, breathing, flesh and blood creature that doesn't vanish because it has supernatural powers. It vanishes because of its physical ability to be faster than you while you stand there in shock at seeing it.

I am not one that sees bigfoot in everything. I don't "have bigfoot on the brain" as they say. What I do have is the ability to separate fact from fiction. I'm a fiction writer, it comes with the territory. While I am a believer, I am aware that if something sounds too good to be true, it is. Sasquatch communicated to you that he is horribly upset about deforestation that has taken place since humans have existed on the planet? Hogwash.

I enjoy a good encounter story simply for the encounter story. But this does not mean that I believe everything that I hear or read is true just because someone came forward and is reporting this fantastic experience they had with sasquatch.

Photo evidence will never be good enough. I see this argued vehemently! "It's 2015, there are cell phones that have blah blah resolution and EVERYONE is carrying them, why don't we get a clear picture?!" I can explain that. Clear pictures and films happen. And the response they get "THAT'S FAKE! IT'S A HOAX! THAT'S A MAN IN A SUIT! THAT'S CGI!" to the point that people that do get that clear evidence don't want to release it for the public for fear of ridicule and being attacked by the public. If I had up close, high resolution photos of sasquatch giving me a big old bear hug I would NOT release them to the public. First of all because, well, I'd be dead, a sack of liquefied human left on a tree limb somewhere deep in the forest. But second, because why bother? It's not like anyone will believe them anyway. We're all so brainwashed by TV that it doesn't matter that I know I was touching a real animal, no one else was there with me so I faked it.


  1. Bigfoot doesn't exist!!!!!!

    1. Prove that unicorns don't exist or maybe leprechauns. It's a stupid argument made by idiots who have no facts to back there theory's.

    2. There is in fact no physical, biological, or audio evidence for any of the sensationalist comparisons...

      And nobody is seeing them.

      Very, very, easy.

    3. It's easy to deflect when your biased.

      Unicorn video was one of the biggest viral videos in the past 5 years, they used it in multiple shows and still gets referenced.

      Same with the gnome/leprechaun/fairy stuff. But then what would all you North England chaps know about small, magical creatures?

      Ah yes. They don't exist because Bigfoot.

      Get a job, you unemployed bum. Get a girlfriend, posting your life away on here is fairly pathetic dude.

  2. I believe !
    All doubters are heretics


  3. surely the biggest believer. those people who claim to have stood in front of an 10 ft 800pd ape person must be perplexed as tp why there isn't 1 decent picture of it?

  4. Damn good write up with much truth in it.....


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