Have You Heard The Story Of The Stick Indians?

Tsiatko is a Native American story, also known as the "Stick Indians", which match the descriptions of bigfoot. But are they bigfoot, or are they something entirely different? The similarities of the descriptions of the Tsiatko, and the reports of bigfoot researchers experiences in the field, are very similar in a lot of ways. Either way, it's a great story.

As the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, people continue to usher in the winter season with gatherings, costumes, candy and stories. One story that many have grown up with is the story of the race of people known as stick Indians. Whether you believe in them or not, legends of stick Indians have been around many years. Often referred to as Tsiatko, the race of stick Indians were said to wander through the forests at night especially during the fall. The Tsiatko were tall, slender, athletic in build, and were great runners. They were ventriloquists, using a sort of whistle to communicate, and that gift made them all the more feared. Even when people could not see them they often heard this whistle in the distance. When these strange people would arrive, their calls were in high, clear pitch, and their odd whistles were blood-curdling. Even the dogs refused to chase them or bark at them; horses would rear up and strive to break away, and tremble in fear. Some believed that by the use of some unknown substance, the Tsiatko would at will cause people to become senseless and helpless, going into a deep slumber.

To read the full article and story, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. A lot of smart people on that stage


    2. And also all of them are actual US citizens


  2. Stick Indians are shape shifters that take on the shape of plants, in order to hide. They make the sound of a branch creaking, when there is no wind.


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