The Classic Bigfoot Baby In A Tree Video

The above image has caused many debates since it came out in the bigfoot community. Some people see a baby bigfoot sitting in the tree watching the camera person taking the video. Some think it might be something much more common. Parabreakdown thinks this is nothing more than a...


  1. Yes, the classic porcupine in a tree video. Dr. Squatch better be paying attention to this one.
    It's a porcupine, not a Bigfoot.

    1. Christ, DS fought more about that then Joetomi did about the corp of engineers thing snd both where pitifully wrong.

    2. DS is spotting Dogmen and Bigfoot whenever he takes his camera out and pans trees. Every. Single. Time.

      That guy has some screws loose and I don't think he is going to take correction from anyone, unfortunately.

    3. In 1974, the US Army officially recognized the ape like creature inhabiting the Northwest and Siberia known as Bigfoot. The Army Corps of Engineers devoted a complete page to Bigfoot in their 1974 Washington Environmental Atlas. In the Atlas, it is revealed the FBI had done major testing on hair samples, and concluded the hair did not come from any human or known animal source.

    4. They recognized that people reported seeing "Bigfoot". The FBI testing thing turned out to be overstated with some guy testing the hair on his own time and wasn't official.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. recognize
      verb: recognise
      identify (someone or something) from having encountered them before; know again.
      "I recognized her when her wig fell off"
      acknowledge the existence, validity, or legality of.
      "the defence is recognized in British law"
      synonyms: acknowledge, accept, admit, concede, allow, grant, confess, own; realize, be aware of, be conscious of, perceive, discern, appreciate, understand, apprehend, see, be cognizant of; informaltake on board; rarecognize
      "he had never liked Marler, though he recognized his ability"
      officially approve, certify, accredit, endorse, sanction, put the seal of approval on;
      acknowledge, validate, accept as valid, ratify, uphold, support
      "psychotherapists recognized by the British Psychological Society"

      IktomiSaturday, July 25, 2015 at 12:14:00 AM PDT
      In 1974, the US Army officially recognized the ape like creature inhabiting the Northwest and Siberia known as Bigfoot.
      AnonymousSaturday, July 25, 2015 at 12:39:00 AM PDT
      They recognized that people reported seeing "Bigfoot".
      ... Looks like we not only agree, but the fact that a federal government has sightings and a reference to physical evidence supporting such falls on denialist's hand cupped ears again.
      "The FBI testing thing turned out to be overstated with some guy testing the hair on his own time and wasn't official."
      ... I'm sorry, but are yo making things up again? Where is the evidence to support this?

    7. BROTHER ! send me a email after you
      Brush you teeth !

    8. I'd go and brush up on your understanding of primates, if anything.

    9. Brush up non your reading comprehension.

      Evidence of testing?

      You meen where they said well ya we tested it on our own time but we didn't document anything, but we are scientist take our word for it.

    10. "The Army Atlas and other information relative to the FBI was obtained by Jody Cook under the Freedom of Information-Privacy Act. Jody wrote to the FBI and requested all information relative to Bigfoot. He received documentation and it appears there is always a little "mystery" whenever the FBI is involved in anything. Attached to the file sent to Jody Cook was a standard pre-printed "Dear Requester" form. Curiously, a box on this form which states, "See additional information which follows" is checked. At the bottom of the form the following information was manually typed-in:
      "Enclosed are previously processed documents which relate to "Big Foot." The enclosed are the best copies available. Serial 4 is missing from file 95-213013, the file where your release originates. Our effort to locate that document was not successful. It is possible that the number 4 was missed during the original serialization of the file."
      So what was in Serial 4? Will we ever know for sure?
      Certainly the FBI would be a little more efficient in their filing procedures to omit this section. We have, however, learned that analysis of hair samples as indicated in The Washington Star-News article definitely took place.
      George Clappison did extensive research on this incident and was referred by the FBI to the ex-head of their Hair and Fiber Unit. This person, who now runs his own private laboratory out of his home, was in charge at the time the hair samples were submitted to the FBI.

      He told Clappison that the analysis was done after hours on employees' own time. He further stated that no written reports were prepared on the analysis. In discussing the whole situation with the current head of the FBI Hair and Fiber Unit, Clappison asked if the unit would now consider analyzing other hair samples. The current manager agreed to perform an analysis, however, he informed the unit would not respond in writing on their findings."

      So we have established that testing did indeed occur, officially communicated by the FBI... Surely this federal government document wouldn't put such lies of alluding to physical evidence into an Atlas for the general public to be aware of, and then lie a second time about it's testing in a freedom of information act? Are you suggesting that the FBI are not trustworthy? Sounds like a bit of a conspiracy there, old boy?

  2. In 1974 because of the Patterson BF hoopla somebody put in a page in the ACOE atlas with the words "IF" bigfoot were to exist."

    In 2015 some guy from England was drooling over a bigfoot blog which had in big bold words "Army recognizes bigfoot 1974" and had declared this as the holly grail of bigfoot proof.
    Also in 2015 someone accualy got hold of the ACOE and got hold of the actual document showing in it that the ACOE had not any where in said document used the words "we recognize" "the government recognizes" "should be recognized" "could exist" "might exist" "possibly exist" but use the word "if it where to exist".

    But instead of admitting he was wrong started spinning like a top claiming his reading of a document which he had never seen before was the only acceptible interpretation and all others are wrong.

    1. By taking the time to put it in an Atlas that cost $200,000 of tax payers money, to put the sightings on a map, by acknowledging that there is physical evidence to support such an idea... The manner in which an Atlas assembled by the federal government in 1974 states factually the current state if evidence, is not far from some out and out enthusiasts like Meldrum and Bindernagle. Even some satire put in it making fun of people who would think "mythical creatures" wouldn't have a place in an atlas.

      If looking at something objectively is dishonest, if being able to acknowledge the significance of a federal government Atlas recognising sightings and physical evidence is dishonest... Then you need to put a better argument together to show how. But pray tell... What's your biggest issue, is it a hypocritical level of dishonesty, or plain old stupidity? When you read the satirical cartoon in the atlas, did you misinterpret the meaning of it as being literal to the subject matter, or did you try and spin a version of it's meaning? That was pretty funny, I've got that copied to remind you, dear lad, of your face fall regarding the matter;
      "... and there is even a little cartoon at the end of the entry joking about mythical animals being in the atlas."
      ... I'll leave you decide which one it is, we'll see how much of a conscience you have.

      You keep maintaining that it is only now that the pages of the Atlas have been seen, this is not accurate, embarrassingly for you as you claim to have sourced this outside of any consorted effort on the part of enthusiasts. There is nothing in that document that changes the stance of people who enthusiastic to promote the fact that a federal government document has sightings and physical evidence catalogued... You also need to read properly, I have addressed your query at least ten times; the use of the word "if" is etiquette based on the fact that there is no body to point to, recognition comes in the form of sightings and physical evidence being worthy of being catalogued in an Atlas overseen by the federal government.

      Now, back to you... Are you dishonest, or stupid?

    2. ANON 6:58 That's why we keep "on duty spooks" like you around who are employed by the Federal Government. Too set the record straight. Truth is, no amateur Bigfoot researcher, would have facts like you have presented, at their fingertips. Which means you have a large database of historical facts about Bigfoot, on a computer that is accessible by you and the others who are also employed to maintain a certain level of disinformation in the public sector. I could thank you for your service, except you are likely a highly paid GS14 or higher, federal employee with a top secret security status. So you already have received thanks enough.

  3. I believe what Joetomi is suffering from is a case of Narcissism.

    He was shown proof that his Army Corp of Engineers paper was wrong and wouldn't admit it.

    He was show how his dermal ridges could be shown to be just normal casting anomalies.

    And he was shown how his lovelock skeletons were not the giants he claimed them to be to be.

    Narcissism: Narcissism and the inability to admit when wrong, apologize and lying.

    There are different traits within narcissism, and we all have varying degrees of it, but the most common traits in people with high levels of narc traits, is the inability to accept they are wrong, and inability to see they need to change.

    There is help for you Joe, you should seek it out.

    1. Actually, Andy White agrees with me... That the morphology is akin to that of prehistoric peoples, and the occipital bun is not seen in any known example of modern human. Andy's whole fundamental approach was to assume "Bigfoot" are bipedal magic monkeys... Pro tip, it fails from the very start. Sasquatch are a type of prehistoric people.

      By taking the time to put it in an Atlas that cost $200,000 of tax payers money, to put the sightings on a map, by acknowledging that there is physical evidence to support such an idea... The manner in which an Atlas assembled by the federal government in 1974 states factually the current state if evidence, is not far from some out and out enthusiasts like Meldrum and Bindernagle. Even some satire put in it making fun of people who would think "mythical creatures" wouldn't have a place in an atlas.

      Oh... And by the way, you were destroyed on dermals here;
      ... To which you will notice you run away and still haven't addressed the points put to you.

      I think you're the one that needs a little help at this point, dear boy.

      : )

    2. "Narcissism: Narcissism and the inability to admit when wrong, apologize and lying."

      Oh dear...

      "A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could."
      - William Hazlitt


  4. Matt Knapp is a fraud and Bigfoot isn't real. Everyone in America except a few mentally ill people, know it is impossible for Bigfoot to exist.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That's odd? Scientists who account for some of the very best primatologists and conservationists in the world, state that there is nothing in the environment of the US to prevent the existence of an unclassified primate?

      Are you seemingly as grandly uneducated as everyone else in America on the matter? Not a good look considering you're following this stuff every day of your life, eh?

    3. Only insane people, keep returning to a website that promotes the existence of something that they themselves, claim does not exist. The other segment of people who return and make your type of post, are paid disinformation shills in the private sector, on a NSA government contract to sew disinformation in the private sector. In other words, you are a disinformation whore.


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