Texas Home Surrounded By Hundreds Of Venomous Snakes!

It's summer time and the snakes are out. One of several venomous species of snakes found in Texas is the copperhead, named so for the copper colored heads the snakes have. The patterns on their body make them extremely difficult to see, especially when they are blending in with dead leaves and grass, which is one of their favorite places to curl up. But what if these snakes decided to take over your yard? And not just one or two, but hundreds! That's exactly what's happening to a family in Texas.

KDFW) - A couple in Weatherford is trying to keep dangerous snakes off their property.

Vicki Barnett said her family sees copperheads everywhere. They’ve killed close to 100 since last year.

The snakes went away when winter hit, but now they’re back.

Barnett is worried about the safety of her pets and young grandchildren. Her 4-year-old grandson has even noticed the problem.

“He knows. He goes, ‘Oh Momo’s got a bunch of snakes.’ And I said, ‘Yes, Momo has a lot of snakes,’” she said.

A wildlife refuge employee told the family their yard is a perfect breeding ground.

They will try to burn down as much grass and debris as possible to hopefully slow down the problem.


  1. Flame Thrower for all of your copper head needs.... turdfootevidence approved....

  2. Some money slithering around there. Or even dinner

    How much money can a guy get for a rattler ?


  3. And to the idiots that run this site "How is this BIGFOOT related"?

    1. BIGFOOTs eats them snakes and other critters


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