Stacy Brown Goes From Being The Hunter To Being The Hunted

Hey Stacy, look out behind you! That noise you heard, that was a bonafied Florida panther. Nothing like being stalked in the deep swamps by a giant predatory cat. Stacy's reaction to the panther? He should have brought his GoPro.


  1. a "GIANT" predatory cat because in the bigfoot world of insanity and lunatics everything is outrageously huge and impossible.1
    the only thing that should hunt the hunters is men in white coats with butterfly nets.
    So incredibly stupid.

  2. Apparently, Stacey is not so far enough out that he can't get good cell phone coverage. In otherwords, he is not really out in the sticks at all. Which explains why he did not in fact get a picture of that panther, but would rather just tell us about it.

  3. Pegasus sighting! Watch!!

  4. While not impossible, there are very, very few panthers in the panhandle. In fact, there are no females, and almost no males north of the Caloosahatchee River.

    If Stacy can mistake an aligator leg for a Bigfoot arm, he could mistake a bobcat for a panther.

    1. In fact, he could probably misidentify a housecat for a panther.

    2. Ah - but a bobcat would not be as exciting as a panther! He will beguile us with tales of venomous spiders, poisonous snakes and giant alligators - oh my! Anything to keep him in the spotlight and the story exciting. Of course the grand finale will be that he has come into contact with the elusive skunk ape but oh darn - couldn't quite get a picture of it so we will just have to take him at his word.

  5. Keep up the good work Kelly Shaw !

  6. Stacy Brown pooped a pound, there it lays upon the ground. When he crapped, he used leaves and wood, to get his crack clean the best he could... It is a song that I have been writing.

  7. Probably T-FATS, lost and looking for camp


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