Oh Snap! Missing 411 The Movie!

When you hear about the book Missing 411 what do you think of? Some of us think about Bigfoot, but that's not what the author David Paulides wants us to think. Whatever your conclusion is, Paulides lets us decide. The popular book is about to be turned into a movie, and they have a trailer! It's only been a couple of days, and already the Kickstarter campaign has gotten over $21,000 out of the $100,000 goal. Watch the trailer and check out their Kickstarer below:

Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1032329905/missing-411-the-movie


  1. Doesnt want you to think its the monkeyman? who do you think is going to see this? Like everything else in the bizzare world of footery,if you cant explain it then it has to be the monkeyman,thats how it works and Dave knows it.Have no fear there are no scary monkeymen stealing your family in the woods.You idiots will waste you mothers money on anything to do with the monkeyman,after you grow up and start getting your own welfare checks you might stop spending so much on trash but then again ol'Hank May didnt.

    1. Is someone a litte scared? Ha ha ha ha!! You should be, you should be.

      For thousands of years, native tribes have been aware of giant hairy cannibals taking woman and children as food and mates. In actual fact, one of the most famous cases regarding a native woman returning pregnant with a baby (Patrick) is going to be the subject of a massive DNA study that's going to be among a few other cases.

      I love how much people like you scramble for reassurance when moma ain't around to give you that big hug from the boogeyman. Here's a doozey, the Natives are very aware of legends stating that men are not excempt from such abductions... You better pray it's down to an agenda that entails some much needed affection on your part, as opposed to making dinner, should it befall you.

    2. Iktomi, we all know your goal in life is to become a Bigfoot's biotch.

    3. Say what you want Haints 255 backers in one day with 29 days to go and $30,344 pledged.

      Methinks old Davey will have the last laugh on this one.

    4. The truth of it is, whatever you think is happening, missing children are the focus. Whether you think it's down to a normal circumstances, aliens, even Ronald McDonald, it's important for families to try and get closure and try and prevent future disappearences.

    5. I have to say, this looks excellent.

    6. Lol Joe you jackass,using "as a matter of fact" in anything to do with the monkeyman just shows how little you really know.I told you before that the dirty injun stories dont mean shit,they have all kinds of stories of talking eagles but when is the last time you had a good chat with an eagle?Those Bushman stories were to keep the little redskins and sqaws from running off by themselves.The only true ones were the ones the white man told about how to get land from an injun with only one bottle of booze,more than one bottle and a gun would get you half of north america but I suppose you buy into that whole thing about us taking "their" land when the truth is they would have give you their first born for a shot of whisky,they still would but they dont need to because the gov't pays them a nice little check every month just for being piss colored plus all the cash they make from the casino's built on "sacred" land.You'll understand someday Joey boy but for now just keep patting yourself on the back for knowing so much about something that doesnt exist.

    7. Shut your ugly hate filled mouth. Coward hiding behind a screen. You don't even have the sense to know you should be very ashamed of yourself.

    8. You're right I should be ashamed of myself for speaking the truth shithead.

    9. Anyone who reads what you wrote knows your the only shit head here.

    10. Chop, chop. Iktomi. Get back to work. That urinal isn't going to clean itself.

    11. Iktomi's employers just gave him a special award: a bowl brush. Now he can keep that porcelain nice and shiny without having to use his own toothbrush.

    12. Anon, to clarify -- I have nothing against Paulides. His answer to all of life's mysteries isn't limited to believing in a magic monkey.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. That is good and I feel Shawn and the rest of their efforts with their own crap videoes arn't anyway affected by Paulides success at present. BTW

      273 backers $31,668 pledged

      Go Dave......

    15. Haints, why do you use terminology like "magic monkeys" when you are on record here saying you are a researcher?

      Get this people... Haints thinks Biscardi is straight up and legit. Why would anyone listen to someone so temperamental and so poor in judgement?

    16. Alchol and a wandering left eye, plus also a love of snappel. Let's us also not forget centuries of inbreeding with a Turnip.

    17. 6:34... The racist...

      I'll use matter a fact for anything I want, and especially when it's based on being educated on the facts regarding the topic, and what you gonna do about it? If I know "so little" why don't you bring something more than racism to the table? Hang about... That would be requiring you to grow a pair, not to mention a braincell... And coward's never did adhere to those two principles too well.

      Not that it requires pointing out too much how stupid you are, it is in fact you who knows next to nothing about that which you spout. In native tradition, the spiritual and physical worlds are interlinked. Beavers, eagles, coyotes, all these things are very much real but exist in native myth and legend. If these legends prevented native children from running off, then with good reason as children of today should very much take note. Here you'll find biological evidence to support such an idea of cannibalistic hominid tribes;


      ... The skull in that paper has an occipital bun, reminiscent of Paleo peoples, and Neanderthals. A feature of the Lovelock skull is the large protrusions of the nuchel crest which is for the attachment of large neck muscles. Sasquatch are widely accepted to have no necks. We have archeological discoveries of giant human skeletal remains in burial mounds and other long referenced areas in line with some native cultures who have legends of sharing such or having violent encounters with Sasquatch, who they agknowledged to be giant human tribes. Back up evidence? We have a hominid skull paper with the exact morphology that would adhere to Sasquatch traits (brow ridge, receding forehead, large jaw, higher nose bridge, extra bone in neck for more neck & shoulder muscles), from a place where the nearby native peoples have always stated that giant cannibalistic tribes thst took woman and children resided. This in turn being exactly the same as nearly every native tribe in North America that have the same legends intertwined in their understanding of Sasquatch.

      You are nothing but a coward... There isn't really much else to say on the matter.

      Haunts... Did Biscardi find you as hilarious as everyone else does?

    18. Iktomi, you sure love spouting off a lot of meaningless BS. I've heard of people kissing the Blarney stone, but you must have deep throated it.

    19. 283 backers $32,329

      Go Dave..................28 days left

      Didn't Shawn and Roe try something like this? Oh let's not forget Mr Rictor who has xxxx subscribers but averages 500 views per video. Man that must hurt......

      Pay back is a b*tch

    20. Haints, if you need help with the big boy words, post them and I'll walk you through them.

    21. @12:57, if you need help with intellectual honesty ,integrity, being relavent, and of course debate skills (which you sorely lack)!!

      Haaa haaaaa haaaaa lol.

      dr B S

    22. ^ didn't know humans are primates, or that the character he's portraying has theorised that a subspecies of homo sapiens left West Africa 100,000 years ago, smashing apart his own argument... Ironically.

      Apparently I'm the poor debater.


    23. Oh yes , at debate skills you are on target , by your own admission,
      Sad very sad

  2. kickstarter.com is a shitty website for video

  3. I hope the Kickstarter campaign is successful because with this success comes scrutiny and I am curious if all these "mysterious" disappearances hold up. Every author attempts to put a "spin" in order to sell books and I believe his books have been off the radar previously for most people. Sometimes stories get a bit embellished with time and if it gets national attention a few people who were directly involved might have a different version. Of course it's possible that everything in his books might be solidly researched without bias as well. There is always two sides to every story and no one likes a dull book so I wish him luck and we shall see what comes out of it.

    Wasn't Paul Paulides connected with Melba Ketchum in some way some time ago?

    1. Read the books... They have references that you can chase up.

      Who's Paul?

    2. Whoops - my bad.

      Wasn't DAVID Paulides connected with Melba Ketchum in some way some time ago?

      I suppose I will have to get one of the books if I can find a cheap copy.

    3. 1:54, only kidding! Yes, he was. The books are well worth a read.

  4. 2 year old Jackie Copeland, his 3 sisters, and parents went to a picnic at an oil company's property outside of Pleasantville, PA.
    The family was socializing with others when Jackie's 7 year old sister noticed he was gone. At 1pm the family started to look for the boy and could not locate him. It was at this point everyone at the picnic participated in the search for Jackie Copeland.
    In a very short period of time, State Police arrived, and they called for a team of bloodhounds. The oil company called for additional volunteers until there were hundreds of people looking for the boy. It was evident by late in the evening that the bloodhounds could not pick up a scent (or refused to search) and ground searchers weren't having luck finding the boy.
    At 8am the morning following Jackie's disappearance a man named Bevier was searching outside of the main area in a location where an oil repressuring plant was located. The area is surrounded by what many newspapers called "impassable swamps". As Mr. Bevier and a crew of searchers were walking through the swamps, he accidentally saw Jackie peering around the side of a tree. Jackie was found 2 miles from the picnic and across swamps that were deemed impassable by search coordinators.
    In the hospital, it was stated by doctors that Jackie had a few scratches but was in good health.
    An article in the Logansport Press dated May 17th 1950 had an interview with the Copelands and heard Jackie's rendition of what occurred during his night in the woods. The press wanted to hear how the boy got to his location in the swamp, what he had to drink or eat, and how he kept warm. Jackie was first asked why he left the picnic and here is his quote " He saw something peering at him from behind a big tree. When he approached, the creature scampered off into the brush." The article later explained more of what Jackie stated: " He recounted in child talk his adventure in an awful blackness, peopled by a great throbbing giant and a tall friendly tree and wild animals howling in the distance and the unfamiliar shouts of strangers nearby."
    Jackie's explanation of what happened to him could be a very sober narrative of what might be happening with the plethora of missing children outlined in this book in the PA area. Jackie had gone through a very frightening experience. In the safety of his parents presence, he was able to recount certain elements of what happened. He did say he believed he slept the entire night in the woods. How Jackie was able to sleep under conditions he described is a true mystery, yet many young children are found by searchers in a groggy and semiconscious state.
    The question I pose is , what was the "creature" peering at him from behind a tree? I think it's ironic that Jackie mimicked the behavior of the creature when he was approached by the searcher. How could a 2 year old boy traverse impassable swamps without the aid of some type of mammal?
    I know that many people will discount Jackie's explanation and say it was fantasy. The location where Jackie was found was not fantasy. The description Jackie gave of his incident is something that we should all ponder and attempt to understand

    From Missing 411 : Eastern United States

    1. I have taken my son or sons into the woods and I tell you, they have never and will never leave my sight and this is before I even came familiar with this book. I have not read the book since.

      If you take your children into the forest or woodlands and take your eyes off them, well.............What self respecting parent does that?

      I don't care how you wrap this up, what parent takes their eyes off a child in the woods or forest?

    2. I agree with you,1:10. What's strange about this case is that there are a large spate of disappearances in this region. 9 in 4 years if I'm correct. You'd think parents would be a little more mindful with this rash of incidents going on. I know I would. What's even stranger about these cases in this particular area of PA, is the fact the Rangers confirmed that there aren't any type species of bear that inhabit this region. So we can rule out bear attacks.

    3. That's an incredible account NC, and AGAIN, thank you for taking the time to write it out.

      I have made up my mind as to what's going on, have you brother?

    4. I can't imagine the loss of a child as a parent NC and I really can't. Mine over the years has went missing and walking to look for them amulances past etc...That killed me, truly it did but they had went to their grandparents.

      A loss of a child to a parent is trust me unbelievable pain. Why they would take their eyes off them I do not know, and that guilt they have to live with. I never have or will....mind you mine are grown now into their twenties, back then they never left my sight.

      The thought of go on and play without me watching them, never occured. I was always in reach and seconds away.

      am I accusing the parents? YES you do not leave your child alone.

    5. Some of the things you have posted in response to some of these cases have really opened my eyes...Genoskwa, gifts, etc...
      They make perfect sense and cannot be discounted. I also have to take into account the stories my wife has told me about ''mountain people'' and " wild men". I know they're out there ,too, living off the grid for God knows how long. 2 separate entities, if you will. My question is: Has there been any physical "assimilation" between the two? Are they aware of each other? Is there intermingling? Fire away, brother. As always, I look forward to your theories on the subject.

    6. You're 110 percent correct, 1:45. The guilt of a parent second guessing their actions after a child goes missing is an albatross to be worn until the end of that parent's days. But you must also take into account that many of the cases presented in this book are those of missing adults. No one is safe out there, and it would be wise to take precautions when venturing forth...

    7. I have never read the book NC I need to take your word for that, but we both know the score on both and neither outcome is pleasant for any left behind party.

      I hope DP brings this to full exposure just for some closure for the people involved. I have backed him for $100

    8. Good for you, 2:04. Remember that Paulides in no way pushes forth any kind of agenda in these books. He presents the facts, witness statements, and evidence as shown. Do to otherwise could result in numerous lawsuits from the families of the missing.

    9. It's a STORY. NOT A FACT.

    10. Read the books 3:13... The disappearences are very real, very strange with references to very real people, it's ok to be perturbed, you're in good company!

      NC... What do I think it is that's taking them? Sasquatch, amongst other sources that I'm slightly reluctant to write of here, my brother.

    11. Your reluctance is understood and respected, Iktomi. There are about 6 or 7 "vivid" accounts similar to the Copeland case that support our theories in this book, and I've still 70 pages left before I move on to the Western publication. The movie looks great, by the way, and I look forward to seeing it.


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