Man Surrounded By "Tribe" Of Sasquatch After Finding A Clump Of Hair

BirdMan 649 on Youtube posted this video where his dog found a clump of strange red hair on a dirt road out in the middle of nowhere. Shortly after, BirdMan believes he was surrounded by what he considers a "tribe" of bigfoot. We have to admit, when the dog goes into alert mode, it's pretty intense.


  1. Class C Bigfoot believer.

    C = crazy.

    1. Class D skeptard.

      D= dick

    2. ^ classic C pretend sceptic, worried what his wife might think catching him checking out the latest Bigfoot news;


      Bush Indians are the very best woodsman!! "Boss of the woods"... "Tribe" is correct!!

      Night all!! Peace out to Mike B and the superfriends!!

    3. Night IK- Don't let the skeptards bite!

      ~ Chick

    4. Yikes, a C- word reference.

    5. My wife knows I read Bigfoot ”news ” and is OK with it. Now, if I said I believed in Bigfoot, that'd be a different story. That's why we desperately need a specimen! Please!

    6. Until then you have the evidence to be enthusiastic about... Don't let a negative proof fallacy hold you back, enjoy the subject matter fully.

    7. I just can't wait. When will we have a specimen? Surely with all of the evidence and eyewitnesses, it must be any day now.

    8. You would be perfectly warranted i investing such a premise, however without the apparent lack of sarcasm.

    9. No humor in any of Joe's posts. Using the C word on a site where kids frequent is unacceptable. Didn't he use this stick to beat Campbell with? Delete the post please. I'm sure you'll tell me that this is YOUR site and you'll do as you please but don't be a dufus all the time.

    10. You get your panties in a twist about the "C word" but the trolls use of bad language and disgusting insults are okay? #Hypocritical.

    11. Joe, please make a prediction. How soon will we have a specimen?

    12. the found a specimen of Joe's pubic hair !

  2. Someone please tell me they took the hair sample with them. I just don't have 20 min to watch.

  3. You guys are just jealous of Rick Dyer .. how he is better than all you put together. WOOOOOOOO

  4. New theory: missing 411 cases and Rh negative blood

    Thanks for letting me post my site as I'm just get started!


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