Is Washington The Squatchiest State Of All?

Washington has more bigfoot sightings than any other state. In this video from 2010, the Washington chapter of the BFRO looks into an area near the famous Mt. Ranier. Washington is definitely prime habitat for these creatures, it's no wonder there are so many sightings there.


  1. tham hawgs heers ans we shootem with tham AKs ans 154 grain takes outs that thar bigfoots

  2. BOBO say it be the Squatchiest, and BOBO a bigfoot GURU

  3. N0oooo..... Global Warming is upon US all
    its GAME OVER for US all

    1. I liked it a lot better when you took a break from commenting. It would be so nice if you weren't here.

  4. Bigfoot are only in the Pacific Northwest. They do not exist anywhere else in North America.

  5. So they may have heard something and recorded it, but don't really know what it was a sound of. Even if they did know what it was a sound of, what did they accomplish? Zip, nada, nothing, zero, zilch.

  6. I don't know what truck u fell off of, but E Texas, LA, and MS are crawling with BF! Literally!

    1. really!! awsome please show us the proof of this massive infestation. you must have hd film or pics right?. Or a body? something to back your bullshit up. If you don't why your just another sheep in flock of morons

  7. Who is the idiot without a chin?

    1. Since the dude is chinless, that means he's also ,, "GUTTLESS" !!


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