Finding Bigfoot Squatch And Learn About Baby Bigfoots

When it comes to bigfoot who knows what's true and what isn't? But what about baby bigfoot, bigfoots, bigfeet? See if you can guess which of the following baby bigfoot theories a member of the Finding Bigfoot team believes to be true:


  1. where did my fucking post go???

    1. Have you checked your ass? Perhaps it hasn't come out yet.

  2. Over 50 years combined experience at making up fictitious answers to difficult questions, while dancing around the paranormal fact of the Bigfoot people. And screwing up the plural of Bigfoot. Does ELKS and DEERS feel right? Of course not. And neither does BIGFOOTS.

  3. Millions of people with high power long range rifles enter the wooded mountainous regions of the american west for 3 solid months to hunt big game. This has been going on for a long time. If this thing existed it wouldve been shot by now or a legit photograph wouldve been captured on one of the hundreds of thousands of trail cams placed on nearly every water source.

  4. Hunters are not out hunting or even looking for BF! Hunters must identify their target 100% before pulling the trigger too! So many people I talk to during the bear hunt, say "Ah blurry stump" LOL! They are looking for bear, BF does not even enter their minds.
    These BF have the woods marked with "Lookouts" and NO WAY a trail cam can be put up, without them seeing you do it!
    I was on a mission to shoot one, and I can yell you IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!! NO WAY YOU COULD GET ONE OUT OF THE WOODS WITHOUT BEING ATTACKED!


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