Full Body Neanderthal Comparison [Bigfoot Illustrated]

How huge are neanderthals compared to a human being? Dred Funn gives us the details.


  1. Don`t the depictions need to be a little more rotund in Joe`s case ?

  2. Look at that 'thal phallus. Looks like Joektomi has some fresh jerkoff material for a little bit. He was just complaining the other day how boring it was always jerking off to Dick Dover all the time. Go ahead and get that hand (or the misses as you call it) lotioned up Joektomi, looks like you two are about to get BUSY. And when your finished you might as well leave your panties down and get ready for Daniel Campbell to bend you over again, just like the little bitch you are.

    1. The fact that you look at that picture and think of Joe jerking off tells me everything I need to know about you.

    2. Yes, the Maggot is one sick puppy.

    3. ^^ & ^
      You are a pair of anus vendors .. your own grubby "holes" sold for a blurry image of a creature that isn`t real.

    4. Dude forgot to take the condom off

    5. You're one to talk vegass the hog every post you make has Joe's name in it.and mmc the maggot comments wow the intellect it takes to think of such a crushing put down,you must have a doctorate in asshology...idiots

    6. Troll Killer = Wuss , just sayin.

  3. ...Why is Jesus wearing a chastity belt while standing next to a naked caveman?...I should know, but its been awhile since I was getting smacked in the head with a ruler by Sister Kathryn in her religion class...lol...

    1. ^ did Jesus have a foreskin ?

    2. ...I'll email Sister Kathryn...she was an expert on Jesus and inflicting pain...

  4. why didn't they use a white middle aged American to portray modern humans
    A lard assed, swinging man boobed dude would have been ore realistic than Mr universe contestants.

    1. Apparently out in the field there`s a realistic lard-arse smell

  5. Is that rumpled foreskin?

  6. The neanderthal is going to have all the homo sapien women lusting after his hard long phallus seeing him buck ass naked like that. He'll sure be busy giving them a ride on the wild side. Unga Bunga!


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