Florida Skunk Ape Hunter Tim Fasano Is Super Fit!

Tim Fasano has a big goal and that is he's going to be a World Record Holder. Fasano is still a little bitter about the BFRO thinking he's not good enough for TV. However, that's not stopping him from being great at something else: Swimming!

I am on week 7 of my conditioning program. I just joined the USMS (BFRO never wanted me) and will be swimming at U.S. Nationals next year. I am tan, fit, lighter, toned, and dialed into a WORTHY goal. World Record Holder. - Tim Fasano


  1. Clean sweep Bitches! DK UK!

    1. Thanks, today was my day I guess. DK UK!

    2. What's happening people?!!! What I miss?!!

      Dover, thanks for the email brother, expect one back today, the article was great!! Loads to discuss!! DS, hope you are well brother!!!

      Where's my redneck cousin?!! Expect an email on the stuff you sent me too! Apologies for late replies to emails people! I've been away!! Trolls be afraid... Be very, very afraid!! The King Troll has returned!!!!

    3. People that say bigfoot is real are either liars or retarded.

    4. Why would someone make a public announcement about responding to emails rather than just responding to the emails? Pretty creepy.

    5. 4:22... People who claim that "Bigfoot" is the result of liars and "retards", and who have to reinforce their belief every day of their lives are either;
      Dependant on some sort of community to make up lack of belonging
      Are chronic denialists
      Missunderstanding scepticism
      Are fearful
      Are anxious of the unknown
      Require reassurance
      Are closure desperate

      7:12... Anyone who thinks apologising for being late in replying to friends on a forum is "creepy", probably needs a little possitive interactions, some healthy relationships, and simply needs a friend to be able to empathise... Simple as, poor nerd.

    6. Why not just apologize in the emails themselves? Do you have to let the whole world know that you are "so busy" that you cannot reply to them? That is indicative of a lonely loser desperate for recognition!

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Why do have to drag every comment section down to your sad level/requirement of a daily drama to make up for a lack of anything eventful in your life other than a short circuit? That's yet more indication of a lonely nerd who needs some fresh air and a hug.

      I was brought up with manners, dear boy, and if I want to post an apology, what you gonna do about it?

    9. Oh my heck! I am so so glad you are returned Iktomi!!! you have been missed!!!

    10. You're the one who ruined the comment section with an obviously false apology which was only meant to draw attention to yourself and how "important" you think you are. If you are going to post such self-aggrandizing crap publicly, don't whine and complain when someone points out how creepy it is!

    11. Stonereader1 brother!! What's the news?! I can tell you straight up that I've missed your posts! Hope you are well!!

      8:22... You're so boring, if you have an issue with my posts, complain to Shawn, stop whining like a little girl and go do something about it. Considering you never once contribute positively to the subject matter, I'll deduce here that you're trying to bring another comment section down with drama and get YOUR little fix of cyber attention, and stop stooping so low as to respond to someone so pitiful as you! Good day sir!

    12. Iktomi~ I am definitely glad you are here,the voice of intelligence and reason, so so tired of the penile humor, nothing to do with Bigfoot...
      I saw this and immediately thought of you, and of course my own personal research into the subject. I do believe that we are getting closer to identification....

    13. Stonereader1, bless you brother! Likewise, I always look out for your posts and am always fascinated as to what you have to say.

      "Scientists believe that early humans' jaws and teeth became smaller as they evolved. Unlike other fossils of the time, the newly discovered jaw bone is thick with large molars suggesting the existence of a different group."

      I LOVE the way the history as we know it gets blown apart all the time. In my humble opinion, we most certainly looking at a type of human. What do you think SR1? I'm very much looking forward to the bone pile study that should be released around June 10th? Are you aware of this?

    14. Also SR1... I'm sure if enough people complain to the admins, that something will get done about the extender man.

    15. Quite clearly, the "penis extender" guy was Iktomi. Notice how the "penis extender" copy and paste posts stopped as soon as the copy and paste champ Iktomi returned? That's hardly a coincidence (pun intended)!

    16. Iktomi, let me respond to the trolls first okay?
      I am NOT Iktomi, you are truly an imbecile (nice word for idiot) I come on to comment ONLY when I see someone of intelligence ie Iktomi.
      I totally agree with you Iktomi. It is my belief that the bone pile study is going to shed a LOT of light into this dark and hidden reality of Bigfoot. As I have stated before, it is shady and hidden because mainstream scientists and researchers do NOT want revealed what THEY have kept secret.

    17. Thank you Iktomi. I did send off a note to the site, as well as warning others about what is being posted here.

    18. Before it's over, they'll be referring to it as the "crap pile study"!

    19. SR1... I very much agree with you. I also think that a lot of scientists are restricted to invest any healthy contributions to the topic because of ridicule. The ridicule comes because people are ignorant of the current state of evidence... Most enthusiasts are so what chance have scoffing, uninterested scientists have? It's a sign of the times however that we have the steady accumulation of enthusiastic scientists who are brave enough, but who are also top of their respected games.

      I also am quite excited for the bone pile study. Forensics are impossible to hoax.

    20. Perhaps they are afraid of ridicule because the field is filled with crazy insane people who post under multiple strange personnas and copy and paste penis extender advertisements!

    21. With training and thorough familiarity with the theories of their areas of specialization, scientist learn to observe things in the objective world that are invisible, or at best inintelligible to the untrained oberserver. The third person in scientific research has never been a causal observer called in from the street, but a professional researcher with a set of assumptions shared by a given community.

      Some of the observations, like scientific observations, were restricted to a privileged few, while others were witnessed by the general public. Very few mainstream scientists have deigned to subject reports to rigorous scientific scrutiny.

      This means that it it doesn't fit "their beliefs" or "expected outcomes" then they do not research it strongly or at all.

    22. As I have stated before, numbers do not lie. You can only hide the results for so long, before they will be leaked, and then mainstream science will be forced to address the issues.

    23. LOL! Fakereader1 shows back the exact same day that Joketomiholi does.

      Yeah, that's not the same person at all. I am so sure that Fakereader is drawn to Joketomeholis intelligence like a moth to flame.

      What an idiot..

    24. Did you get that 10:01?? Reread it and understand that if it doesn't fit the norm, then they call in someone who will agree with them. Real world it is called rigging the result.
      The third person in scientific research has never been a causal observer called in from the street, but a professional researcher with a set of assumptions shared by a given community.

    25. dmaker, you truly are either illiterate or just stunted. I am here speaking on camera. Good grief. What a moron.

    26. Yeah, can't wait for all the scientific evidence this bone pile will produce. The guy has no scientific degrees at all. But he does teach a course on Facebook and has a youtube persona called Johnny Dagger.

      Yep, about par for the course for bigfoot

    27. That person in the video was the same person claiming to be Abholi, is it not?

      Why don't you post a video on youtube saying you are not Iktomi?

    28. " hostile interactions with interdimensional beings."

      Uhm, you might want to visit a mental health prosfessional.

    29. From your youtube:

      "explaining hostile interactions with interdimensional beings.
      comments disabled as usual. You may email if you need to.
      I apologize for the lighting quirks, I am on full energy alert and
      I tend to freak out the electronics around me when I am this way."

      Yes, please tell us all about science some more :)

    30. Why in the world would I post a video about what YOU assume? You are a person of NO consequence or concern to me. An immature person who comes onto a BF site to promote an argumentative air, who promotes derision and strife as well as being highly insulting, I can tell from your postings here that you have a belief that you are all knowing and that your own self ego is highly over inflated. You are obviously one of those poor souls who seeks out sites and chat rooms to support his own overblown beliefs, who imposes and bullies those who do NOT share in them. You are definitely purile and truculent

    31. Dmaker yes, please see the links from verified and accepted mainstream scientists




    32. Wow... Donald just got owened by SR1!!!! Don't mind Donald, SR1, the best he can muster these days are delusions about sock puppets and as hominems about people who are forward thinking enough to think outside of the box. Some people prefer to live out their existence hating on people... Pretty sad eh?

    33. Easy, Fakereader1, you're making my light bulbs pop.

      So, no video, huh? Oki doki.

    34. Yeah, keep talking to yourself, Joketomeholi, doesn't make you look crazy at all.

    35. Donald... Could you ever prove that I was multiple posters? Did you ever get to explaining away your verification?

      I've got to go, but I'll be back later to see how much SR1 has taken you apart, not to mention pitch in with my own circular logic bashing comments against you.

      Speak soon SR1 my brother!

    36. Oh alright dmaker, if you are insisting on a video that addresses you....


      also, you may want to read this


    37. Ever notice that the trolls pitch in when Donald posts? Could it be that Donald needs to feel like his delusions merit a second's consideration, and make sock puppet anon accounts?

      Speak soon SR1!!! I'll be back later!!

    38. Ahhh...I get it now. Just spoke with a colleague who is a child psychologist and was informed that you are obviously lashing out on the internet for situations that you cannot control in the outside world dmaker. As you said before you are commenting from work, so this is how you handle your anger from NOT being able to express yourself in your work space.
      May I suggest counseling? There are several types ...even ones on a sliding payscale for uninsured. Or speaking with friends (if you have any) or at the very least you can go to the site below. There are several other sites, but I thought this one fit you specifically.


    39. What trolls pitched in, Joe? No one has commented except me and you since my first post.

    40. If you would post a video, a very short one, saying that you are not Iktomi, I will happily apologize and state that I was wrong.

      But you won't, will you? You'll spend all kinds of time doing other things, but not that. Because you can't can you, Joereader?

    41. Any attention- even bad attention is what you crave dmaker. Um, yeah, about that...my friend warned that you probably have abusive/control issues. So...nope aint going to happen. Just to get your rocks off by controlling another person on the internet... since you obviously cannot control someone in the real world...THANK GOD FOR THAT you abusive slug.

    42. Yeah, right. I doubt many believe you. You won't easily confirm you are not Joe because you cannot, because you are Joe.

    43. Dmaker, the only question I have is whether you would boot Khat Hansen out of bed!?

    44. Yeah, I would. I'm married for one, plus I don't do crazy.

    45. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mPIZvAQfylI

    46. Moochell O'bammy said and oh yeah you better listen up HONKY'sFriday, May 29, 2015 at 12:08:00 PM PDT

      T-Fats has an ego only O'bammy could love. TIMBO FATSANO is a world class jag-off!



    48. Stonereader1@10:22,,,,,,,
      Oh my god!!
      I love your howard Cosell anachronisms!!!
      ; )

    49. Stonereader1 carrying on a conversation with "himself".

      What an idiot.

    50. AnonymousFriday, May 29, 2015 at 10:01:00 AM PDT
      Perhaps they are afraid of ridicule because the field is filled with crazy insane people who post under multiple strange personnas and copy and paste penis extender advertisements!

      ... There it is Donald... As well as the other comment styles that are nowhere to be seen until you show up. I've also never seen anyone define you as well as SR1 has either. That was sheer class and pretty much on the dot. God bless you SR1, you have an number 1 fan in me brother.

    51. Hi, me.
      Oh, hi, me. I'm your biggest fan.
      Thanks, me.

      Who is crazier, DS or the fake indian identities?

    52. Your hero got smoked bro... Or considering you're trying so hard to alter your writing style, I wouldn't be surprised if it's you, Donald my dear.

    53. Thank you guys for the support!! Thank you my friend Iktomi!!!

    54. Racist Xenophobic Troll! Unbelievable what you stoop to because I showed your master dmaker for what he really is. Actually, now that I think about it...are YOU the his "wife"? I mean it totally makes sense! OMG! YOU are the one that he is abusive to in the real world, and you come here when he is away at his job because you are his abused and degraded slave. Please Mr/Ms troll (dmaker troll) you need help to stand up and just say NO! walk away...no run away and seek a shelter for battered partners!

    55. For all the trolls who want to sling the garbage about white "non natives" I have said it before, there were white Indians here when Hernan Cortez showed up, still white Indians here and South America. I have light brown skin and red hair naturally. It is a highly significant trait among the Chahta and other tribes...delineates strong powers.And for the record I am a card carrying Native...so ban yourself from this site...no make believe fake a** trolls allowed!
      Oh, by the way....wa-ta-li

      And to my friend Iktomi~
      Chi hullo li Iktomi!!! Yakoke !!!

    56. fake indian identity supporting fake indian identity

      Can we ban this garbage? This is tragic and destructive.

    57. Cry to the admins you pathetic, sad little sociopath! Donald got schooled.

  2. Tim

    With your name recognition you cold start up your own research organization. Why not ?


    1. t-fats number one fan is mmc lol...that explains alot

  3. Why do you need to join an organisation to swim?

  4. I had no thought at all about my own reward
    I really didn't come here of my own accord
    Just don't say I'm
    For all time

    1. Judge not thy ye be judged, so say'th
      The lord thy God!
      Flee you blastfamous ghoul!

    2. Harken! As the hand of the lamb shall
      Smit the deicieving and render thou
      Into damnation for eternity!

  5. Hey isn't FAT speeled with an A rather than an I in the middle???

  6. Rumferlife still kicking too, still drinking and listening to Rush and a little Grateful Dead and X X top to boot

  7. Can't tell if this post is celebrating Tim or mocking him. I know what it should be doing.

  8. Nice blog ! thank you so much for sharing . This is an amazing and informative blog.


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