Bigfoot Romance

Here's another Day in the Life of Bigfoot short from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science: Bigfoot Office Romance.


  1. First First First First!!!!

    1. Sex, breakfast of champions.

    2. Payment due in full before 10am please !!


  2. The Roger Patterson and Mark Anders videos are real.

    Like Joe Welsh says "Got monkey suit?"

    1. Patterson was hoaxed. Bob Hieronimus already admitted to it.

    2. Hi there Stewart darling!

    3. Yes there is romance in the BF world and its right here

    4. There is no scientific premise put forward for the authenticity of Mark Anders subjects. That is because the subjects in his sources are clearly photoshopped and don't have the organic consistency of anything you see in the PGF. The very obvious thing to draw upon, are the reactions of ten years olds, who wouldn't even take the Anders stuff seriously. You must test science, get scientific backing behind a few photoshopped sources, and you have a comparison.

      Bob H's first polygraph was refused a peer review, and he second that was broadcast on a shoddy lie detector's show's presenter was shown to be a fraud. Roger Patterson's was arranged by National Wildlife Magazine.

  3. I keep thinking that one day I'm going to drop in at Bigfoot Evidence and actually see some evidence.

    1. But haints, there is 1,000 years of cultural tradition regarding the existence of bigfoot backed up by multiple databases cataloging thousands of modern sightings and bolstered by physical evidence authenticated by elite scientists in their respective disciplines. And there is also blah blah blah . . . oh never mind.

    2. Mmmmm - sounds familiar. I think I have heard that somewhere before.

    3. 5:35... You're learning. Haints is a slow learner though... Bear with him.

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