Arizona Man Claims To Have Seen "Dinosaur Bird"

ELOY, Ariz. — A man on Thursday said he saw a dinosaur-like bird at a public park about 50 miles northwest of Tucson.
“I saw the bird sitting on top of some over grown trees,” he said about the winged creature.

The man claims the sighting lasted about 15 seconds and that they did not stop the vehicle to investigate.

“It was huge. The way I’d describe it… it was like the dinosaur bird,” he explained, referring to the extinct flying reptile known as pterosaur, Greek for “wing lizards”.

For more info click here.


  1. Replies
    1. You get just what you deserve. No more; no less.

    2. If it wasn't t true then the man would not have reported it. Just like bigfoot. Has to be true.

  2. No evidences at all.

    1. There never is ... why IS that ?

      Hmmm...cue mucho communal chin rubbing.

    2. ^ There`s only one communal activity iktomi is involved with...communal dick rubbing.

      But he does do lots of solitary dick rub practice too...all so he can shine within the community.

  3. only way he could have seen an instinct creature is he had to go through a time warp portal. unbeknownst to him he may have got zapped by a UFO worm hole. otherwise its not possible.

    1. Instinct creature? Brilliant trolls on this blog.

    2. ^ Perhaps what he really means is an indistinct creature...that`s far more real.

  4. Oh,Yes,Of`re merrily driving along and see a mythical creature...a billions to one chance of seeing something like this...but you don`t bother stopping...why would you.

    Because you very well know you`ve made the whole thing up.


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