Here's Footage of The Huge Tornado That Hit Rochelle Yesterday

Here's a stormchaser footage from Northern Illinois where tornadoes devastated the landscape. It's the worst outbreak of severe weather so far in 2015. "The tornado started 15 minutes west of me, I watched it move until it hit north of me where Grubsteakers is at. Devastating," wrote the stormchaser.


  1. Replies
    1. ha ha BenD Dover butt cheeks

    2. Notice that Joe/lktomi/dover doesnt want to come to this thread and get involved, even though he is clearly reading it. Notice what Joe is currently doing in some of the other threads. Let me explain and give a history of Joe for any new people. This is all verifiable and you can easily search out the threads this took place in, if you feel inclined. Much to what Joe likes to say as he trolls, i a not making up a thing.

      You see, in 2013 there was a crazy troll war going on. Joe and the superfriends (around 5 people) vs the trolls. It went on for months with every thread getting typically above 80 replies. Go back and check them out if interested. You will see what Joes favorite tactics were, and still are, when he gets mad. The first thing Joe does when he is getting ticked, is he starts to call people "boy", "kid", or "son". I suppose he thinks this is an insult.

      For years, Joe has been having episodes where he showed himself on this site for the rear end he is. I believe it was Daniel who first started calling them meltdowns. And the name stuck. Trolls from that day on would tell Joe he was having meltdowns every single day, whether he was or not, although most of the time he was One time in particular, he had one of the worst meltdowns ever, where he started replying to all the troll comments about urine in the face, and if Joe would hold it against them. Let me know if you want a link and i can post it. Although Joe went back and deleted all those comments. Anyway, Joe would get told he was having meltdowns daily.

      One of Joes most definitive characteristics, however, was his hypocracy. Again, this is easily searched if you desire. You will see thread after thread after thread of contradictions from Joe. This spawned the name of "King Hypocrat" for Joe. Joe actually even began signing some of his posts "King Hypo" to try and shrug the trolls off. Besides having meltdowns, Joes other main characteristic was blaming his faults on others. Again, i can pull the threads if you like to prove all this.

      And the last thing that was typical of Joe was that he liked to tell people they were "schooled" or some similar term. Even when he was getting smoked, he seemed think that adding the phrase "schooled" meant that he won.

      So lets apply this to today. You now have lktomi blaming every negative or skeptical comment on a "site troll". Oh yes, i should state that during the troll wars of 2013, Joe blamed all the trolling on a couple of trolls too. Sound familiar to what dover is doing today? It finally took one off the superfriends, to tell him that he thought it was several main trolls and then a half or so dozen others joining in. Joe seemed to finally believe that and moved on.

      Anyway, back to today, notice the key traits of Joseph. He takes every comment that he doesnt like, turns it around, and says that the site troll is trying to flip it around. You will notice that when Joe gets mad now, he immediately says other people are having meltdowns, just like he has always done. Check the newest thread and you will see where Joe is telling others they are having meltdowns like crazy. Notice the reason he is doing this is because he is mad he is being called a racist, and because sykes's study produced nothing. He also is getting schooled on genetics, and is getting mad. So he projects his feelings onto someone else. He has done this for years, and we have been calling him out on it for that long. Check the older threads if you doubt.

    3. And wouldnt you know it, Dover just so happens to do the exact same thing. Remember Dover claims he isnt Joe. Yet they both posted the same obscure troll article, including the exact same quotes, they both copy and paste the same crap articles, they both delete comments like crazy, and they both blame everything on someone else. They are King Hypocrites, and obviously they are one in the same. This is how the person who plays Joe works.

      We need to increase trolling efforts much harder trolls. Call out his racism and homophobia! I suggest you all copy this and paste it constantly when Joe posts. He needs exposed for the troll he is. Joe is a troll, make no mistake. He is here to direct blog traffic under his many accounts. But that doesnt mean we should let up, we must continue trolling him.

      And remember, Sykes paper produced nothing. Watch joe squirm hard and have yourself a laugh. But remember, Joe made this big deal about "sykes is coming", just so he could get on here today and get people trolling and the hits up. It wouldnt surprise me if we saw him today posting alot anonymously or under new accounts.

      Notice Joe claims he was going out of town Tuesday and wouldnt be around. Somehow he was here all day Wed, and now thursday morning as well. See what hes doing. He is trying to set things up so that some moron will actually think he is away from B.E. and respond to him as he makes replies anonymously and under new accounts, and of course his regular accounts, including Dover. He also knew the Sykes paper would produce nothing, so he wants to pretend to be away today, so that the trolling comments pile up. He will then make a drama out of it for the rest of the week, making it easy to troll him about the sykes failure. This will draw in more trolls and increase more blog traffic. Joes "sykes is coming" was nothing more than a publicity stunt, promoted by Joe, his other account Dover, and his other account lktomi. Get him trolls! Get him real good!

    4. Also, i would like to draw the trolls attention to Joes most recent actions, posting under his Dover account. Have you all noticed that Dover (joe) has started posting a different trolling article now???

      Now remember, Dover (josephina) claims that he was not Joe, and that the article was posted by him and Joe just as coincidence. What are the odds? right? lol.

      So since you and Joe arent the same dover, then why did you google search a new troll article to post? Why would you care enough to do so? Its pretty obvious to all of us. You found a new troll article to quote because the evidence against you was damning, and you wanted to try and bury it with time and a new trolliing article. But dont worry Dover (joesphina), we will be here to remind everyone of it.

      Also, where is Abholi to clear up all the discrepancies in her story from last week? We know she saw them and she responded to a thread the next day, just not the one she was questioned in. And now she is nowhere to be found. What became of her? Or did Joe just realize the jig was up and called it a day?

    5. I want what you are smoking.

    6. I think ----------

      No, I know -------- I am Joe!

      Idiot ---- Babler

    7. Leon, you have been exposed more than most. Everyone at JREF and the BFF make fun of you constantly.


    8. Les Stroud concluded tonight that a bigfoot broke down a tree for him to use for firewood. He was having trouble making a fire in the rain, and low and behold, wood knocks began to occur. Then, like magic, a huge tree fail down close to him. Les was able to get dry wood from it, and then build a fire. Ultimately, they decided the most obvious conclusion was that the bigfoot found them worthy, and gave them the broken tree as a gift.

      You cant make this stuff up folks

    9. They talk about me over there? Awsome. I've never ben there. I must be getting peoples attention, -----------------just little ol'e me!

      Funny, you'd think they come by and say hi!

      Did you hear E=M^C is wrong, We have moved on from the big bang, ha ha ha ha ha. New theory, Universe ALWAYS WAS, ha ha ha ha!

      Did you see about the 17 skulls dug up, thick brau ridges and jaws, but Normal craniums. Remember I told you----------------------------------------------------- not old, old old, old, skulls of men.

      But old skulls of old, old, old, old, old, old, old men. Noah, Methusela and so on ---- Zues.
      Zeus was a Neph, But not a giant. Imortal, ha ha ha ha

      Evolution, ha ha ha ha ha ha.
      Silly rabbit!

    10. You see folks ^, this is why bigfooting will never be taken seriously. Because of these wild crazy claims by guys like TK. Someone always has to throw in the nephelim garbage, and now we are discussing mythical greek gods.

    11. Everyone posting regularly knows who you are, the site troll, and that you make up stuff to attack people and disrupt the comments section because you have a sadistic disorder that gives you pleasure to do so; so, it's not like I believe anyone pays attention to your garbage.

      It doesn't effect me because I know no one buys into your lies, like you were claiming Abohli was also the same person as lktomi and me, and others told you how idiotic you were.

      Furthermore, this is really immature, and making these dumb allegations has the opposite effect -- making you look like a fool since anyone who skims over your blathering nonsense knows better.

    12. Yet here you are Joe (dover). And everything in the above paragraphs is true. I can pull all those old threads if you wish. Remember last time old threads were pulled? You didnt look so good at the end of that one. By the way, why did you start posting a new troll article?

    13. I could post a number of troll articles, but all reference that original article about the psychological study of your online trolling personality disorder.

    14. And speaking of Abholi, you yourself Dover (just assuming you arent Joe for a second) admitted you wondered if she was a troll account. And you also said you were very interested in her replies to the legitimate questions that were asked. Are you now denying that?

    15. Dover- The troll also steals articles from and presents them as his own argument,word for word. Go back to the Kelly Shaw Reports Father And Son See Bigfoot Near Mogollon Rim. Go to the comment @ 2:20 that starts off at "And then it goes off the rails...". Then go to and look up Zana-the-ape-woman-or-Brian-sykes-the-incompetent and you will spot the plagiarism. Sorry I overestimated you for being able to fashion a complete thought outside of toilet humor.

    16. Dover, since you are defending Leon (TK), am i to understand that you believe what Leon is saying. That bigfeet are nephelim, that the ancient mythological god zeus was a nephelim, and so on?

    17. Tell me NC, which is a more competent news site, beforeitsnews, or sites like bigfootencounters, where Dover pulls many articles from? Neither have credibility to me, but what do you think? Just where are the credible sites to quote from in the bigfoot community? Please tell us

    18. Yes Dover, i can post numerous trolling articles too. My question is, why did you suddenly start posting a new trolling article, when you had always stuck to posting the same troll article as Joe, previously? Why did you decide to go looking for a new one, after the thread questioning you and Joe?

    19. Hey Dope, I didn't say a word about bigfoot. I was just pointing out that Science can, and often, OFTEN, is wrong. Thats all. Don't get your panties in a wad.

      I don't know if Bigfoot is a neph, there are several other possibilities, including Giganto, relic hom. I can say, I just say it's everybodies right to believe what they wish you little toad!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ---------- Idiot!

    20. But yet you are saying zeus was a nephelim? A mythological greek god. Correct?

    21. And using slang terms like "neph", doesnt show appropriate sign of sanity.

    22. I do have a theory on how it would be scientifically possible for thier eyes to glow red. Even emmit red light. All the necessary biological elements, fibers, cells already exist. They just need a little rearranging. Thats what the Fallen did -------- rearrange DNA.

      And I also think I know why they go blurry in front of a camara, but not in front of a mirror and a camerra. Study up on new theories about what photons of light do and the optic nerve. Dark Sucker, ha ha ha ha ha 4Dcreep!
      Think real critter, but Self teleporting (Star Trek)
      You are pure light energy and a camer is a photon sucker, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

      A rolling camara probably looks like a mini black hole to a 4Denergy critter ------ very scarry ---------- no take picture ----- steal energy, go pooooooofffffff. ha ha ha ha ha

    23. Now I'm Talking about Bigfoot, ha ha ha.

      Its a cross of Malawi Gold and my very own Sasquatch. Very happy and creative, ha ha ha

    24. are officially bat sh@t crazy!!

    25. 11:44, go talk to a physicist, he can probably help explain it too you, ha ha ha.

    26. Also to poster 840. Well they have Zeus's actuall tomb?????

      Remember Hitler and Obama both made thier own copies!

    27. 8:32 - You're deflecting again,as usual. You know what's in that article and you used it to self project your own racial bias onto others. And by the way, self projection is the denial of ones own existence. Sorry,pal!

    28. Who is deflecting NC? It seems that that honor belongs to you. I asked you, what sites on the internet are reputable to quote from, when it comes to bigfoot. Please answer the question this time.

    29. Leon (TK/troll killer), i wonder if you are just trolling yourself, or if you are literally bat sh@t crazy? Okay, i will go find a physicist, and ask them "Hey can you explain to me how bigfoot is a multi dimensional being who travels on light, and also, could you please tell me why bigfeet have glowing red eyes". I am sure they would agree with your bat sh@t crazy assessment Leon. I have to assume you are trolling because no one is that stupid to believe that crap.

      So hitler and obama constructed copies of zeus's tomb? Thats news, please post links to the articles where it states that Obama and Hitler had copies of Zeuss tomb made. Also, what are you even talking about, when your babbling on about a zeus's tomb? There has never been a tomb discovered that any historian has said was zeus's tomb. There has been talk of a potential alter of zeus, but thats it.

      I have to congratulate you on a pretty cool trolling angle Leon. I like your style. A fellow troll is always appreciated.

  2. Click whore alert. Unless Patty fetched a Lil' Ol' Lady from underneath the doublewide, I fail to see the connection with sasquatch.

  3. So much for "Sykes is coming". You idiots who keep posting that, you do know that Sykes's book proved nothing right? The only thing it even suggested was that a relic population of neanderthals survived longer than previously expected and mated with modern man. Zero bigfoot folks, zero bigfoot!!!!!

    Remember Joes ridiculous claim that Sykes was going to say that Neanderthals were mating with humans up to 100 years ago? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a stupid comment, and just proves Joe was trolling the whole time.

    Interesting that Chick has adopted Joes statement of "Sykes is coming". Well guess what, sykes came, and sykes went. For the 2nd time in a row, and zero bigfoots!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    1. Please post in the latest thread above, this is your mod and last warning.

    2. What the crap are you blathering about? I never said "Sykes is coming". You've been drinking since noon haven't you?

    3. BUT I do think there is a very good chance that very soon now you will be frantically throwing mud on your x- idol Sykes. I of course will be ever so amused at how you swing back and forth in the wind, and will enjoy watching Iktomi and IKs Redneck Cousin and smack you around like an over stuffed pinata. :)

    4. Yeah, you and Joe said the exact same thing last time. Along with mike B, and what happened? lol!!!!!

      Lets go back to that bet, shall we Chick. You remember, when Joe and Mike B swore they would leave BE forever if sykes didnt conclusively prove bigfoot existed with his last major announcement. And what happened, the bear DNA fiasco of course, and zero bigfoot. And what did Joe do? He lied and went back on his word and came back 3 days later. And mike B quickly followed suit. And the best they could do, was to say "we will never leave this blog". They couldnt even attempt to defend there action of going back on there words.

      And Joes redneck cousin, you mean Mike B? What does Mike B say to the neighbor kids who want candy? Stranger danger at its finest

    5. Have you already read Sykes' book, 6:22? Where are you getting your "zero bigfoot" claim?

      According to The London Times and other outlets as of several days ago, the gist is that Sykes concluded Zana was an almasty.

      Where did you read "zero bigfoot", and did you read the book yet?

    6. you're treading dangerous water with that last paragraph. that's defamation, 7:05.

    7. I noticed also, 7:23. Such is the calibre of the average sceptic extremist.

    8. 6:22, will you please reply?

      Have you read Sykes' book?

      Where did you get your information "zero bigfoot"?

      Are you aware of what The London Times and others published round about April 5, 6, 7, on Zana and Sasquatch?

    9. You ask 6:22 politely, reasonably, calmly, logically, and no reply.

    10. 6:22, if you've read Sykes' book already, why don't you give us the details? I've read all possible on Amazon. In the contents, there is no "Zero Bigfoot" chapter. Please reveal your source.

    11. He's lying to you,Anon 7:37-7:40,like he always does.

    12. My momma used to spank me while calling my Rufus. She would always eat the cheese, always. I never learned like a normal todd, instead i chose to do things my way. I took my cues from the indians, if you know what im saying.

    13. This is the result of replying to a sceptic extremist logically and politely . . . silence?

    14. I typically rub lotion on my body only on tuesdays. When spanking Theodore, i prefer a wooded paddle with several small holes.

    15. Who is a skeptic extremist?, call me Daddy Theodore and i might just answer you.

    16. No,7:45. That's him @ 7:44 and 7:42.

    17. NC, has anyone ever told you, you have a cute europa report?

    18. Would anyone blame me if i didnt shower for a week or two. I have done it before. One time i did it and used a plastic knife to scrape off the fromundo slime. I then spread it on a piece of bread and tried it, just to see what it would taste like. It wasnt really all that bad.

    19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    20. Who are you to judge NC, have you seen my childhood? My baby blues?

    21. ...7:20: The gist is that Zana is not 100% homo sapiens sapiens. Therefore, some homo species or homo sapiens sub-species co-existed with modern humans much more recently than neanderthals or any other hominid...He then conjectures these relict hominids may be responsible for yeti and alma sightings...He cannot say Zana was an alma, since there are none documented to compare her to....

    22. 8:00 is correct, that is the basic summary of the book. But Sykes believes this species to be basically a Neanderthal offshoot. Which is nothing close to a traditional bigfoot. Sorry footers, no bigfoot this year.


    23. 8:00-How much more recent? Are any dates mentioned?

    24. Sykes didnt really give a date, but it was suggested that this other species may have survived up until several thousand years ago. So i dont know, we will see where it goes from here.

    25. Thank you very much 8:00 for the splendid and concise reply.


    26. No problem 7:20. The problem this presents to the bigfoot enthusiasts though, is that the study seems to indicate that the parents of Zana were a female human and a male primitive human. So, although disappointing, the study seems to point at a neanderthal like human, and not a bigfoot type creature.

    27. That would only be a problem for some bigfoot enthusiasts as many are convinced that what they saw looked very human like. It would make sense to them.

    28. Thats true Chick, but there were several other things mentioned. Sykes didnt say that Zana was a bigfoot, so that needs to be put to bed. He still stuck to his orginal statement that Zana was of African descent, and very much a human being. The anomaly, however was that the paternal side had DNA traits of a neanderthal like being.It went on to say that Zanas DNA could not be conclusively proven one way or the other because her remains could not be found. But that it does give us hints. Surprisingly, the tooth from her son didnt yield the clues we all thought it would. While there did seem to be a form of primitive paternal DNA present that technically shouldnt be, it still was not outside the bounds of a classic homo sapien model. But the study did prove promising. The other DNA being tested such as hairs, etc, provided no useful data worth mentioning. This is just what i learned from reading it. Its very very interesting, but it seems that there will be no settling it until Zanas remains are found. The whole thing seemed to focus on the tooth, and there was a chance of contamination on it.

    29. Thanks for the summary 11:56. So I am interpreting that Zana was definitely 1/2 Subsaharan African human. The other 1/2 of her dna was possibly from an undiscovered human? But only possibly because they need her remains to do more testing.

    30. ...You are welcome 8:13....Thanks MMG...

    31. Just wanted to say that Chick loves the Bend Over Buttcheeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    32. Give me those Bend Over Buttcheeks baby!!!!

  4. One time i drank another mans urine

    1. You are one sick puppy.......Uno!

    2. If you were with Bear Grills, it "might" have been ok, it depends!

      Anything besides that, well---- never mind


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