Watch This Trailer For The Return of Survivorman and Survivorman Bigfoot!

Mark this down on your calendar everyone! April 3rd! On the science channel! All new season of Survivorman and it looks like it's going to be packed full of Bigfoot episodes:


  1. Fantastic. I get the Science Channel, Gold Rush is over. Really looking forward to this. Always been a Stroud Fan.

    1. Wow-we! Cbrippee do, and Tlyer too! At last someone with good cred's, and vast woodsman knowledge.
      I just hope he distant himself from that Hoaxer Todd Standing. I wonder what made Les realize he's been teaming up with a Hoaxer?
      Unfortunately, I will have to tape it as I will be away, Trout fishing!
      Wop-be the do!

    2. Chuck I was talking to Kelly Shaw when Les was in camp with RSMO. I have a ptlrivate Halloween gathering here These subjects are most active here between Halloween and whitetail buck season. I invited Kelly and told him to bring Les if he could. Who knows chuck, we may see a sauce Squatch. M

    3. Thanks for the update MIKE. Now that would be awesome should it come about.

  2. Still using Fraud Standings video.

    1. I guess they had to, until Les learns how to build and use puppets.

    2. True dat.True dat.

    3. True Dat guy is probably the best public speaker on this blog, his message to the people is short, but always compelling.

    4. I'm sure Poop In A Jar guy has something to say about that.

    5. I keep my poop in a jar.

  3. You people are all nuts! Bigfoots is for those low IQ, dumb-witted white trash country folks.
    We City people are way to smart to believe in fairy tales.
    Do something else, for Christ-sake!

    1. Listen up city slicker. We are not white trash. Why just today I was weed eating my trailer lawn and then I took my foodstamps down to the local piggly wiggly and got some caviar and lamb and fresh Australian cold water lobster.....but I had to buy my own pabst blue ribbon. So ..... WHAT THE?!?!

    2. City people are lower lip quivering candy arses, who lose it when merely the name "Bigfoot" is mentioned. That is why they pull out all stops and hire arsholes like 9:48, to spread disinformation that Bigfoot does not exist. Of course, they don't stop there. They then go after the livelihood of any person associated with, dare I say it, "learning about the Bigfoot". Ooh. That sounds so terrible. Now I am going to have to wash my mouth out with soap. ya right!. The city has no shortage of Bigfoot Bigots because they go through their entire lives as whoosies, who shirk their duty to prepare themselves for life's foreseeable challenges, like discussing Bigfoot in a mature manner. 9:48 failed to perform his duty to prepare himself, and consequently, is the primary cause of his own emotional breakdowns.

    3. Man of Constant Sorrow- We do a-plenty other things. I suggest you listen to the Soggy Bottom Boys, singin' songs of salvation to salve the soul. That'll set ya right. NC

    4. White trash jokes I borrowed (I am not aiming them at anyone here in particular but...):

      You know your White Trash when....

      You've ever scraped your elbows trying to get something out of a dumpster.
      Your kids use Cheeze Whiz in place of toothpaste.
      You clean fish on your ironing board.
      Your favorite color is shiny.
      You wish you could bend your head down as far as your dog can.
      You fix slower-than-dog-shit traffic lights with a 12 gauge shotgun.
      You know where to get government cheese.
      Your attorney can be reached at 1-800-WIP-LASH.
      Your kids are the source of school head lice epidemics.
      Your kids end up on milk cartons before you notice they're missing.
      Your wife thinks her thighs look thinner in Spandex.

    5. ; ) I may know some of these folks. And I like them the best!

    6. And more funny for your enjoyment Chick...........

    7. "You fix slower-than-dog-shit traffic lights with a 12 gauge shotgun."

      Who HASN'T dreamed of doing that?

    8. Hope my post was not offensive, just trying to lighten the mood. Just for the record in my opinion- country people are not white trash. A man with a southern drawl and a cowboy hat make me catch my breath ;) They know how to have respect and so get it in return and they have the straightest backs because they have nothing to be ashamed of.

      I have known lots of city people were white trash. (I hate that phrase)

      Have a good one all, there has been too much Chick around here as of late so I'm checking out for a while.

    9. You know how to recognize meth addled rednecks at Wal Mart? They are in the automotive section at Wal Mart with the cart flipped over working on the wheels.....

    10. Too much Chick around here ?

      I don't think so !

  4. I see he's using one of Todd's videos again ,how dissapointing

  5. This is on the Science Channel. I just love irony.

  6. .......And of course the end result from this show(Survivorman) of any clear and compelling evidence of Sasquatch will be,It's quite simple,anybody have a guess.............

  7. For those that believe, no evidence is needed.. For those that don't believe, no evidence is possible.


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