These Eerie Sounds Make The Hair on The Back of My Neck Stand Up

Whatever this is, it's frickin' creepy. The video doesn't say where this was recorded, but these are the sorts of sounds you don't want to hear when you're in the woods.


  1. Stacy Brown and Dr. Jeff Meldrum will be appearing at a Walmart in Texarkana next month.

    1. I've heard they may be making an appearance at the Hobby Lobby here in Dickson TN. They will be demonstrating how to make bigfoot cast prints. They say it's so easy that anyone can do it.

    2. J Randi will be signing butt plugs at TAM this year.

    3. How do you recognize a person struggling with addiction at Wal Mart?------wait for it-----they are the person at 3 am in automotive with the cart flipped over working on the wheels. Ladies and gentlemen I will be here all week, pease tip you bartenders and waitresses.

    4. "Now the way you recognize the "mountain whistler" is his distinctive whistle, which he only makes at night". Trapper

    5. Used to golf GreyStone CC in Dickson.

    6. ..Texarkana is where the "The Town That Dreaded Sundown" (1977)was filmed and the events there in said to take place...The relevance to bigfoot is of course the director is Charles Pierce, the director of "Legend Of Boggy Creek"....

  2. Wow.

    Big dog in distress ??


  3. Joe when Chuck forgot the lube?

    1. For the video they were taping for D.C. and Dmakers sex tape.

  4. I think it is fun to get scared.

  5. Q: can you hear that?
    A: no

  6. I heard Stacy Brown (Who didn't know what a Rotted Gator arm looks like) is coming out with his complete line of "Designer" Big foot clothing, Searching supplies, Tree knockers and an automatic Track Caster ( All made in China, of course)!
    In the near Future, he will has his own "Bigfoot Dynasty show" and "May" team-up with the3 "Duck Dynasty" guys.

    Now all of "youpeople" sing the song: "Moving on up" from the Jefferson's show!

    1. He sure seems to be cashing in on this. He may be smarter than you think. I seriously doubt he thinks bigfoot is real. This is simply his job now.

    2. whaddayamean "youpeople"?

  7. Hey Anon 8:13, Do you mean to tell me that "Bigfooting" has gone commercial? Yipes! First XMas, and now Big footing.

  8. These are coyotes. That's all there is to it.

  9. Not Coyotes--Dude the only coyote you ever seen or heard was on Tv--Get out of your mom's basement and go into the forest--where a saquatch can rip ur head off and feed you to the little ones-.

  10. Nothing proves bigfoot's existence better than creepy.


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