Nat Geo Releases Never Before Seen Footage

In this clip from National Geographic's The Truth Behind Bigfoot, biologist John Mionczynski discusses his belief in sasquatch, and how some powers that be have tried to force the silence of other professionals and academics in the field.


  1. Hello Anon 8:33. Congrats on the "first"!

  2. It would be awesome if we can prove this. Any evidence to verify it conclusively?


  4. At last. Someone comes clean on the professional harassment, discrimination and blacklisting that goes on within the various governments. That's why government employees tend to know less about Bigfoot, than everybody else.

  5. Of course the US Forest service suppresses Info related to these creatures, it's in their best interest to do so ,these things have been known to dismember and eat ppl ,while not common it's happened, they're are different types of these creatures as well ,it's comical that ppl still think they don't exist and it's all an elaborate hoax, believe what u will but they were here before the Native Americans

    1. Even more comical is you nancies claiming a minimum of 15,000 years of existence/habitation of an extremely large unknown primate with absolutely nothing but stories and scratches in the dirt.

      1 tiny finger bone. But nope, how about 3 blurry blobs, a misidentified fox, and a rotted gator limb?

    2. 1127, it would be great if there was evidence to verify what you are saying. Do you have any?

    3. Nancies? Daniel Campbell has some issues here, since he knows that Bigfoot can easily be found by going out into the remote woods at night, with some fragrant food, and doing to some wood knocking or call blasting. But if he did that, then he couldn't come on here and make fun of people who have the ca-hones to do what he won't.

    4. Yah Daniella, like science claiming the Big Bang happened for all those years as thow it were fact.

      The Big Bang was a full blown dud, been telling you for 5 years, didn't happen. So keep blindly trusting science -------- as if thier not a church!!!!!

      AC collins

    6. Danielle Dumbell, you DooshTard, if you dont believe, then why do you post on a site about it? I can pretty much declare that Bigfoot OWNS you for doing so. There has been plenty of evidence that has been denied, covered up, "lost", destroyed, or mislabeled on purpose. The Govt doesnt want Sasquatch to be found or brought in.

  6. and who was here before the sasquatch?

  7. As he commented on the video, the hair morphology is repeated over and over, and it is not from any known species. Sasquatch hair has a fragmented medulla.

    1. Can we get the scientific community on board with this?

    2. It's not politically correct for the scientific community to investigate anything BF related.

  8. I wish someone would go into the woods with a machine gun and take down a squatch.

  9. Link is broken - or is it just another inside Government squash?

  10. Oh wait I'm in the woods at night and I heard something must be a squach a bunch of grown men in the woods hearing shit its the woods there are animals there animals make noise lmao

  11. True, and Sasquarch is an animal. So what's your point?

  12. Bigfoot has the connections!

  13. I do not doubt for even a nanosecond that individuals -- the majority of them no doubt in academe -- have been threatened with the loss of their livelihood for publicly stating a belief in the plausibility of Bigfoot. I can however state that attitudes are slowly changing in other professions. I have had numerous interviews/talks with U. S. Forestry people for example and have never met any reluctance on their part to discussing the issue nor heard of instances where threats, implied or otherwise, were made by their superiors (and incidentally, several of them were quite open in expressing their belief in Biggy . . .). Too, I have interviewed numerous public school teachers -- and trust me, public school teachers are very susceptible to pressure -- who have told me of their encounters, all without fear of recrimination. This openness may reflect an acceptance of, as stated above, the creature's plausibility, or it may reflect increased numbers of encounters by people who are spilling into heretofore relatively unvisited terrain in their recreational pursuits. Who knows? But best of all, Bigfoot is becoming a legitimate topic for an incrementally increasing number of valid researchers/scholars who are getting their feet wet in this investigation. The sooner the Dyers and the Standings can be kept out of the discussion the better.


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