Is This Footage Really That Scary?

The headline "New ‘Scary’ Utah Bigfoot Video Becomes Internet Sensation" grabbed our attention after Mountain Hiker shared his footage with The Paranormal Review. The Paranormal Review says this video "is the first one that actually scared" him. "I'm not gonna lie, when I personally saw this, my heart was beating and I was afraid. It is so believable," he said. If you haven't seen it, check it out and tell us if you're "scared":


  1. hey-i`m really glad that moron known as Joe is no longer here at the blog,huh ?

    1. -yeah-thass right-the fool with cheese round his dick.

    2. Thanks a lot that image has just ruined cheese wiz for me.

    3. I'll actually address the subject instead of the making odd rants. It must be a slow BFE day. Yea, I was so unscared.

    4. There's some kind of malfunction with all the "WHAT THE!!!"

    5. Now maybe if we could just get you to leave or maybe you'll die in a car accident today. Boy wouldn't that be great. Joe really fucked your mind up didn't he champ? I think you are like the jilted lover who got dumped for another. Let me guess what tomorrow will bring.... Gee isn't it great that that Joe Fitzs dude is gone? Man i'm so boned out of my mind with the Joe Fitzs dude. I secretly wanted to suck his dick cause that's all I can think of during my days and nights. Joe...Joe.....Joe..... Man I miss Joe>>>> You GIANT ASSHOLE GIVE IT THE FUCK UP ALREADY CUMSHOT!

  2. Its scary that this is even a story, what a bunch of lame crap, really is this a joke?

  3. Didn't this blog just post that lame video a week ago?

    1. More like it was posted a day or two ago. As I mentioned it might be slow BFE day. The paranormal review guy, I hate to say, makes too many lame comments, being scared like never before at this nothing video being another example.

  4. I think we're gonna need a bigger jar of poop.

  5. Wow. That guy is really scared of hikers! Or he was smoking pot in a park and a ranger spotted him.

    Bill Nettgen

    1. ...Thanks for leaving your name...Now we have someone whose house we can invade and family we can kill....


  6. I think that Paranormal guy is a bad at analyzing a video as the Para breakdown stooge. The one guy over exaggerates and makes lame, inflated claims, the other guys speaks monotone and seems as if he doesn't even watch the video before making lame, outlandish claims to the extreme opposite side of the spectrum from the scared dude. Both are buffoons.

  7. d dover. proudly carrying the torch for joe fitz and iktomi.

  8. haints, I'm my on person, and comments like your's are for those who troll.


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