Check Out These Awesome Bigfoot Sketches!

Bigfoot enthusiast Aaron Akagi is yet another talented artist in the bigfoot community. Aaron has been playing around with bigfoot sketches recently, and we love the way they look. Check em out:


  1. Ahhh weekend!!! Been busy. Hope everyone is alive and kicking! Uno!

    1. Uno! You were missed! Glad your back. :)

    2. Thanks Chick! Any interesting posts I should go back and read? Too tired to read them all.

      Hey, how's your back woods doing? Anything more on that?


    3. Well uno lets see. Lots of "your mom" insults. One troll has the hots for Wes Germer of Sasquatch Chronicles. Iktomi slaying them with ease as usual. D Dover has konked a few. Not much from Mikes Neighbor Louis lately or from TK or Chuck. NC and TC and DS are around. So is Clive a little. All in all its been kind of slow. You were missed. Hope you were on vacation and having a great time!!!

      I have been occasionally finding what I was sure were mountain lion tracks right behind my house at the creek. Of course the men in this house didn't believe me. Anyway, someone shot a big old mountain lion and hung it over their fence nearby. Everyone else here already heard my story so sorry to all of them. No more weird sounds behind the house. I think if anything at all this is a passing through area in the early spring and in the fall.

      Hope all is well Uno!

    4. OH yes, Eva had us all in onesies and Ruffs been flying through too. And possibly H.G. was back- but some were saying he was only just a troll in disguise. And 2 profiles of women- a Mary May with beautiful hair- lol! and a red head Falala? sorry spelling? also known as Khat Hansen. They were both suspected as being trolls and may not come back. There I think that is it lol!

    5. Thanks for the update Chick. Sounds normal for things around here still.

      Sadly, no vacation. Lots of work and family stuff/drama though.

      Wow, cougar! I haven't seen one of those in quite a while, though they come down from the hills occasionally to snack on domestic animals here. One of the many reasons my dog is never outside alone. We've been having problems in our neighborhood since we moved here, especially with the coyote packs. I'm thinking of buying one of those Seek Thermal attachments for my phone to check the front and back yards before I take my dog out to sit and enjoy the night air. Be careful with the big cats. They strike silently! My husband rarely goes outside unarmed. You might consider that if you aren't armed already.

      The killer bees are swarming here currently. No fun.

      Keep safe Chick! Uno!

    6. Eva is hilarious! Glad to know that Ruff flies in still. Uno!

    7. Chick, you always take the high road,
      And i truly love that about you. And it was very cool to hear your update to uno.
      ,as that was cool.
      Hopefully tomorrow Iktomi will be around, as I have some questions regarding "B SYKES" new book??
      Anyways Gnite
      big doris

    8. BD!!!! How are you bro?! Fire away buddy... Though I may fall back asleep and get back to you tomorrow.

      Good people!!

    9. What a nice compliment BD! I always enjoy your comments as well :) Sometimes my road dips a little low though. But its only all in fun. I too am waiting to hear what Iktomi has to say.

  2. I could draw better than that in the 2nd grade.

    1. The last one isn't bad. Apparently Bigfoot doesn't like second-hand smoke.

    2. Hello Iktomi, well may 5th or 6th grade.

  3. Sigh. Once again, I came looking for Bigfoot Evidence. Once again, I leave disappointed.

  4. Now come on you two would have gone easier on him if they were M. Anders style with big boobs and butts, tell the truth now and be fair. I think they are great!

    1. I also think the drawings are great! I am always in awe of talent like that. Uno!

  5. that's the boogieman dna that most people have. its a dna vestige left over from the caveman days. it was mean to keep joe the caveman from wandering outside or else get eaten alive not by bigfoot but a panthers or bears. baby birds have a similar dna but it is the aversion to shadows of a hawk. if really want to find a bigfoot you need to find Harvey the invisible rabbit first. they are chummin' together now.

  6. I'm guessing that in the world of bigfoot the old adage about having big feet doesn't work.

  7. Uhh, the sketches are not that *awsome* dude...
    So since when does Bigfoot work out to get six pack abs?
    Why does he give Bigfoot a body like Franco Columbo?
    Please stop putting up dopey pictures from these *special* adults...
    This coming from an 11 or 12 year olds sketch book is fine, but this guy is like 45... Jeeze.

  8. Yeah, you're right! Just compare these drawings to all the real photos of...

    Oh, that's right. Never mind.


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