British Bigfoot Team Investigates Sherwood Forest

Move over Robin Hood, bigfoot might be hiding in Sherwood Forest. British Bigfoot Research investigates, and records some interesting things.


  1. It's hard not to like these guys - so earnest in their approach but not even Joe is that crazy to believe there are Bigfoots living in the Sherwood Forest nature Preserve . . . or is he?

    1. like good old Robin Hood : )

    2. 3:34 All of those arrow sticking out of your butt tell the full story!

    3. # 1. If Bigfoot is a multi-demention creature, he could be in Sherwood forest or Yankee Stasdium.

      #2 Considering the history, A Dogman siting is way more likely---- woof wooof wooof!


    4. @3:44 You know people are split as to whether Robin Hood was a real person or not.

  2. Bigfoot is actually Little John

  3. Oh look - a defender of the mythical realm of Bigfoot who has a fascination with butts! I'd hate to see what is sticking out of yours but then again I'm sure it has been thoroughly explored.

    1. Cranky cause he cant sit down haha! ^

    2. ^ Disappointed that HE can't have a go with a little penetration. Sorry lad, my butt is off limits to you!

    3. So you like your rear penetrated, it just has to be a certain man?

    4. Sorry LAD (lick a dick) to crush your dreams but my butt is not for penetration by arrows, you, or anyone else. Just stay with good old ass-licking your fellow footers. I'll wager you have had plenty of practice!

    5. tossing a sasquatch salad so to speak

    6. I was only referring to Joes arrows fired onto your backside, YOU are the one who took the homosexual turn with it. You went there on your own and you stay there by yourself. Very telling haha!

    7. Butt-boy just won't give up. Okay - I'm game.

      Sorry I hurt you feelings (okay - I'm really not) for having the audacity to question your idol and champion but you will someday come to the realization that your admiration was all for naught. Ten, twenty, thirty years from now when there is STILL no proof of bigfoot you may understand.

      . . . and hopefully by then you will have grown out of your fascination with men's asses.

    8. You don't know what I think. Your diatribe above means nothing because you aren't coming close to my views. You keep making assumptions and you keep missing the mark. Quite pathetic how you constantly haunt this place taking jabs at "Joe" or anybody else that you can. You're a pathetic puss, a scorned wishful lover, and mentally challenged. You bore me.

    9. Well then - why don't you enlighten me as to your "views". You quickly come to the defense of Joe so I can safely "assume" that you are all in on bigfoot. Pathetic? I call pathetic people who buy into every story, every blurry picture, ever shaky video without question and that describes Joe/lktomi to a T (they are one and the same you know). You amuse me. Now quit looking at men's asses and go out and find that bigfoot!

    10. Quote me, don;t joke me, Einstein... You are one butthurt little kid, ha ha ha!!

  4. Adam Bird is an embarrassment to bigfootery.

  5. These are places where people are out walking etc ALL THE TIME...these forests are NOT like those in the US where there are hundreds of miles of woods etc...these areas are very small`s utterly ludicrous.

    1. As ludicrous as a small Welsh Fat dude developing a massive ego because he spends his days copy and pasting onto a Bigfoot blog?

    2. ^ wonder "Comments are disabled for this video" on the youtube page...and there`s reference to a laughing sound that is "hyena" really is utterly pathetic..the laughter is the sound of the merry men of Sherwood in hysterics at the antics of these fools.

    3. As bad as that is, you have "researchers" here saying there are urban Bigfoot in some of our cities. We have our 24/7 society with cameras everywhere and there are seven foot ape men running around undetected.

    4. There are NO 'researchers' to be found here. Maybe a couple of odd balls who have watched an episode too many of finding bigfoot but no one of any consequence.

    5. Sherwood forest is like a mile across. That's as credible as bigfoot hanging out in the vacant lot behind the Home Depot in San Antonio. It's delusional or a joke.

  6. Joe hangs out in Sherwood forest dressed as Iktomi each afternoon before taking it off and going down to the local pub to hang around with his mates telling stories of how there is a bigfoot roaming the area where Robin Hood once his among the trees

  7. If its on the net its real....just ask joetomi

  8. LMAO - bigfoot in britain. I mean, WTF. Just admit it, you're searching for dogging sites.


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