Was Patty Getting Ready to Throw a Rock at Patterson and Gimlin?

M.K. Davis can spot things most people would never imagine. For example, in this latest analysis, Davis thinks Patty could be holding something in her hand? Some say it's a rock, and others say it could be a stick. "The is from the first walk sequence of the Patterson Bigfoot film. She is leaving the red hole and she has a conspicuous object in her left hand that can be seen in more than one frame", wrote Davis.

"I took a lot of heat from a lot of people for this discovery. The reason why was that this object might imply a crude culture. The ape theorists went ape over it. It shows where both their minds and their hearts were. This was on the film and they were willing to overlook it to protect the multitude of books and articles they had written on the film. They wrote articles without a shred of evidence from the film to back them up, and then blamed me for the discovery. Sad indeed."


  1. Replies
    1. Good firsting Uno! xx

      I see Patty's left handed like me,good on yer girl :) xx

    2. Would have been very cool if they would have gotten Patty throwing a rock on video. Uno!

    3. Woo hoo Uno on fire! Morning all! my high heels are still on but only because they had buckles to keep them from falling off. I think if Patty hit one on those guys with that rock they would have felt it.

    4. something in my empty head keeps wanting to say Fake!! I just can't find it when I look. I'm honest, this deal and Gimlin's pesonality keeps me looking for help on Patty. HG

    5. HILLARY in 2016 and she knows nothing about BENGHAZI

  2. Just proves you can see anything if you look long enough and have some imagination.

    1. "M.K. Davis can spot things most people would never imagine."

      Things like gunshot flashes, gunshot wounds, and hair braids come to mind- and I don't mean to imply that these are in anyway realistic in case my point doesn't come through.

    2. "Just proves you can see anything if you look long enough and have some imagination."

      I agree... Imaginary zippers and all.

    3. The zipper should not have been visible. One witness even described Patterson being told how to brush the fake fur over the zipper, when he complained it could be seen on the suit he purchased.

      That line going down the middle of the suit is simply where the fake fur was brushed (a bit carelessly) towards the middle of the back in order to cover up the zipper.

    4. 4:11... Here we go. Plenty of pictures for you to look at;


      ... You'll notice the anatomy, muscle groupings and skin folds don't have much room for any imaginary zipper. Oh, and Phillip Morris doesn't even have anything on record of selling anything to Roger Patterson (odd considering he defied 47 years of SFX, you'd think he'd want some paper trail), and in recent times he even had to get a proper costume maker to make a gorilla suit... That looked nothing like Patty;


    5. My Son is a professional videographer, He says he would have thought suit except for the year and ability to use data to figure size using proven scientific measurements. He is a die hard skeptic, but like me has no real explanation for Patty in 67. He just says, " It has to have been faked by a genius in the field. He thinks someone besides Patterson Gimlin must have been behind the thing. I say, they must have died long ago, nobody would have kept silent this long. I'm missing the def proof of hoax, Please tell me what it is. puzzled skeptic. HG

    6. Morning Iktomi, It's terrible weather here today and I'm staying indoors if possible. You have a great Dbait today so that I may relax and enjoy brother. I don't care what anyone else says, you represent your side well friend. HG

    7. HG, I lived for 4 of the past 5 years in Nashville and Clarksville, spent some time in Chattanooga as well as Knoxville.

      Where you from?

    8. Final submission of dietary request list for MKB to Falcon Project (SkyWatch). Cane Sugar, Gluten Free Grain Alcohol, miscellaneous squirrel seasonings, water with electrolytes (H2whoa!). Natural Honey (Natural Honey's cousin Brenda).

    9. Above Knoxville brother at the base of the Cumberland and Pine MTN range= Cumberland Plateau. It's pretty and still alot of wild country. I love every place you mentioned Daniel, I love Tennessee my friend. If you decide to visit, let me know, we'll take a hunting trip or two brother. HG

    10. I'm looking to either move or visit again next spring at the latest. I had to move back to PA for family related issues this past Feb.

      Loved middle TN, just missed the mountains, dirt roads, and seemingly endless wilderness.

    11. Yep, you've got what we here call the hollar blues Daniel. You'll be back, it's in your blood now. Yea, I can look in every direction at MTN tops. I have walked all over each one. I love to take my kids to places I walked and hunted when I was young. One entire Mtn is named after my mother's family, their old home place. It's a cool place to live and rest brother Daniel. HG

    12. Yep, you've got what we here call the hollar blues Daniel. You'll be back, it's in your blood now. Yea, I can look in every direction at MTN tops. I have walked all over each one. I love to take my kids to places I walked and hunted when I was young. One entire Mtn is named after my mother's family, their old home place. It's a cool place to live and rest brother Daniel. HG

    13. Sorry for the twins Daniel, Power surge just wigged my lap top out. You get the picture. When you come back, you'll have to let me know brother. If all goes well, you'll have a blast on a good old coon hunt. We like to arrowhead hunt and make digs under cliff rows in the daylight hours. We dig Ginsing in the fall. Pretty good SIMPLE life friend. PA people generally fit right in too. HG

    14. Tennessee is a third world state!

  3. No MK can imagine things most can never spot.

  4. The bloke in a suit that started it all.

    1. Iktomi, why? Just why? Why you deny that you are Joe? It is painfully obvious.

    2. Did you ever go fishing and reel in a turd ?

    3. The size of jaws. It was a great brown grouper.

    4. I'll catch this bigoot fer ya'll, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad foot! Not like going down to the pond and chasing bluegills and tommycods.

  5. Replies
    1. He's just trying to fit in with the rest of the footers.

  6. thats how they roll. they throw rocks at people and do tree knocks.

    1. No they would have to exist first and they dont,all sightings are either lies (In most cases) or bears.That old lame ass film is Bob H in a suit and there has been nothing since then.

    2. Really? Ok... You know that McClarin size comparison, Yeah?? Well McClarin is not only walking away in a different direction to Patty, making him look taller, but he's also 6.5... If he was walking the same route as Patty, she may have been several inches taller than him.

      But that's not the point... Bob H is 6 foot. When bears lose be snout, start walking & running with a stride, develop crazy width in the shoulders and grow hands and feet... You'll have a case against trained, long term experienced people making such an unrealistic assessment. The lie is your alleged healthy reasons for being here.

    3. "When bears lose be snout..." You English rape language long time good.

    4. 7:35 - Joe isn't very eloquent when he doesn't take 3 month long revisions on Microsoft Word.

    5. 7:35... I noticed you didn't have a counter argument? Get an iPhone out of your parents' hard earned money, not keep feeding that fat face of yours.

      Daniel... You're pretty eloquent with a camera and a web link.

    6. ^^A counter argument for what? No one can understand what the fuck you're trying to say dumbass.

    7. My best advice would be to get one of your parents to help with your literacy.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If you look closely, you can see that Patty is wearing a poncho.

    M.K. Davis

    1. I think MK Davis might be right about the poncho xx


  8. Subject: Using hunting dogs for BF

    Frank Evans here.

    John W. Jones is a FORMER Bear hunting guide in N.Y. state. That's FORMER. He retired from it in 2000. John USE$D TO train & SELL Dogs for Bear hunting .You people, have to learn to read correctly first, before commenting.
    John trains Horses now for Rodeos and trail riding Learn to read!

  9. Friend, no disrespect intended,and I mean that. There has not been a market for BEAR DOGS trained in NEW YORK for 30 years now. The Dog that is trained to trail in terrain where the practice is illegal would have to be transported many miles just to allow someone to try out before purchase. I'm not saying he isn't what you say, but why would a guide train and sell something to promote his clients having to leave his state and himself to use and enjoy LEGALLY? Since a dog must learn to track by tracking the Bear and that was and is still not legal in NEW YORK STATE, where did he travel to train his dogs? with what costs he would have absorbed, or the possibility of jail and fines, I def understand his retirement from that buis. Learn to reason. HG

    1. John W. Jones is rarer than sasquatch. Probably a shape shifter...

    2. It's always a game of poker with some of these bigfoot advocates. They will try to play their hand until someone calls their bluff . . which you just did.

    3. I use words for bait, and I just reeled in a Big Turd called Hunting Guy. what a Dork!

  10. Oh, I forgot For those4 "Trolls" that want to get the "Dirt" or the "Truth" on John, I will make it easy for you Call or write to:
    Department of Environmental Conservation
    Region #3 Glenn Cole Bear Biologist
    30 South Putt Corners Road
    New Paltz, N.Y.
    I don't know how long they keep records as John was a Lic Bear Guide, and a Lic Dog trainer that was over 15 years ago. My, My how time flies by. I'm 82 and also was a Bear hunting guide. I retired in 1972.
    Also John is married into the Native American Mohawk tribe (St. Regis) since his w3ife is a Mohawk Princess, that makes him a Chief! On "Native American" lands State laws do not apply!
    Anything else you want to know about John? maybe he Doesn't Train horses, do you want the N.Y. rodeo association address too?
    I think, a lot of you are just plain Jealous or envious, or just "Sick" Pathetic Trolls!

    1. Dammit you be a mite spry fer an 82 year old.And might I add pretty Damon literate on a computer.


    2. ^^One of Joes 18 personalities. #14 to be exact.

    3. Oh but dear friend they most certainly do apply. The Cherokke NATIONAL FOREST and all their adjacent land does not allow anyone OTHER than tribal members to partake of hunting or fishing or camping without STATE licence and all other permits. All profitable buis must also be permitted in the state located. Ask those with casino's how hard and expensive that is friend. I'm a member of the eastern band of the Cherokee Nation and not by marriage. You think I can grow Pot and sell it on my Cherokee land? Can I make moonshine and sell it without fear of arrest? Are you mad? We, that are members of a recognizable tribe are afforded special hunting and fishing privilege to eat and feed OUR families, not to kill and sell, sport hunt and charge outside the law. When a non native walks onto Native land he or she must abide Tribal law as well as state and federal law friend. The laws don't go away just because your with a native friend or guide. Call any tribal law enforcement office, state or local law enforcement office, or take your bear dogs to the res and go hunting with or without a guide. GOOD LUCK with that. Dog Trainers are members of an association if nationally recognized. They as individuals must claim and operate some kind of training facility or buis to need or be licensed friend. Did John own a training facility? I'm not sure how that works, not licensed, just recognized myself. Sorry about the misunderstanding of tribal lands and laws friend, I wouldn't advise you trying to hunt on tribal land just because you know a Native American outside your state laws, even if he invites you to. Good luck brother. HG

    4. So how does this prove Bigfoot is real?

    5. Why keep shooting them down Hunting man? They make him a political guest next, he will be under the protection of our Gov and exempt from all laws. They have made this issue as idiotic and as fool of holes as their foolish bigfoot arguments. Let them claim whatever they want about their heroes, like bigfoot, we will never actually see them anyway man. Who cares. I'm not indian, I'm a cowboy!

    6. Yea, I think that's the root problem Annon 8:20 I'm finished with who and what about the John guy. Ready to hear about BF, wheres Joe? He will talk BF all day. HG

    7. "He will talk BF all day."

      I believe that is the most factual statement I have ever heard on this forum.

    8. I have to say, I think John explained himself very well and knowing him like I do, I can vouch for everything he says. John is very close to the Mohawk community where he resides, he's done loads for them and is dear to them. This may account for the privilages.

      8:22... For all your time involved in this blog, can you point to an example of an argument held by you, that has not had any holes in it? I'd love to read it. The only fool is someone hanging on the butt hairs of a poster who quite clearly is above you and doesn't seem to care for your cheerleading. It's getting embarrassing. Didn't you take the hint last night when your ways was addressed by HG? You want a "Bigfoot", take a look at the blog title son, and go get me a monkey suit.

    9. My friend Iktomi, you and I both know the answer to that question. I can't even guarantee everything I SEE or HEAR myself brother.. So yes, most arguments of mine, even when facts are apparent, have many holes in MY presentation. I hold nobody to a higher standard, enough said, I'm satisfied with the explanation and your word on JOHN my friend. Now do what you do best and what I come here for please!!. Give me something new or cool to Dbait on the BF friend. Smoke my ass and get my heart pumping with something I can argue and or check out brother. The fire is lit, bring it, I'll come back with something skeptical or at least try to anyway OK? HG

    10. As I've stated many times, John USE TO train Dogs for hunting Bears. In N.Y. state it IS NOT illegal to train Dogs on Bears! It WAS illegal to hunt Bears with them until a few years ago. It is NOW LEGAL to hunt Bears with Dogs in N.Y. state in SOME counties. I hate when some"Know it all" especially from another state comments on Laws and regulations, he knows nothing about. State laws DO NOT apply to Tribal Lands, only Federal laws. Native Americans, have a lot of Rights and privileges, that regular folks don't have.
      John warned me not to comment on this site, NOW I know why!

      When John train his Dogs for Bears, he sold them to many hunters in other states, like Maine. John had a booming business, with an excellent reputation. Please "Trolls" DO NOT comment on subjects you know nothing about. Also it is now legal in NY to hunt Bears over bait, which John and I detest.

      When John was a "Bear hunting Guide" he also had a booming business, with a 90% success ratio. When I hunted/guided Bear hunters, my success ratio was only 30% as the Bear populations were very low in the 1950's-1970's
      Any other questions?
      Oh John has his Bowl movement at 7:30 a.m every day. I have a Bowl Movement every 3 days, if I'm lucky!
      Anything else you would like to know?

      Frank Evans

    11. Plus John Jingle nuts Jones is a loving passionate man...I should know having made out with him many times as he hunted bare

  11. Joe Biden - Butt Buddy : )
    just saying

  12. Someone needs to find the clips of Roger Patterson appearing on the Joey Bishop Show and the Merv Griffin Show in the late 60s. Patterson talked about and showed his famous footage.

    1. ...The only hope that footage exists is if they filmed the talk show so they could re-air it later on in a different time zone....even then its a long shot a film canister with that episode in it is still on a shelf somewhere...Forget this...

    2. If these exist going back to 1962, then the Patterson episode likely exists somewhere:


  13. its tham mexicuns agains ans tham amurkins needin tham jobs tham forn folk needin to skedaddle to whurs thays cam frum

  14. Yep annon 8:33 Joe can carry the conversation along for a while. Annon 8:34, what was said on the show about the footage? I can't find it on you tube, where is it located if you know friend? Thanks friend HG

  15. Imdb says Season 5, Episode 122 for Merv.

    1. Thanks Annon 8:57, much help friend. Patterson film and Gimlin's story are hard for me to debunk from just watching and the info I have been able to find. I appreciate the help friend. HG

    2. HG and 9:15- It is not posted anywhere. But if one is willing to shell out a few bucks for the dvd I believe it can be purchased.

    3. February 20th,1968 was the release date.

    4. Yea Anon 9:23 I'm having trouble finding it. I'm not a comp whiz anyway ya know. thanks for the info. HG

    5. Where can this be obtained? Maybe something Patterson said on these shows conflicts with Gimlin's story.

    6. ...The only hope that footage exists is if they filmed the talk show so they could re-air it later on in a different time zone....even then its a long shot a film canister with that episode in it is still on a shelf somewhere...Forget this...

    7. Select Merv Griffin Show episodes are available on DVD going back to 1962 (see Amazon). The early 1968 episode with Roger Patterson is likely still be in existence.

  16. What's said is that only Davis "imagines" things like this due to his incessant obsession with this hoaxed film. It has eaten him alive and the result is his obvious loss with reality. Davis a nothing more than a fruitcake incapable of rational thoughts. The Mike Sells hoaxes that Davis implores others to believe is proof of this. I feel sorry for the schmucks who believe this crackpot but I even sorrier for Davis himself.

    1. No one in the Bigfoot community takes him seriously anymore.

    2. Got monkey suit? Got facts on the Sells site? What's "sad", is for all the mantras and the crying no one can deliver some facts to support them... Why immerse yourself in something that causes so much apparent negativity? Those are the type of people I feel sorry for.

    3. Clueless Joe,

      Praise the Butt Diaper!¡!¡ PRAISE IT!¡!¡!¡!¡

    4. Clueless Joe,

      You obviously believe tree's can blink too, do you not? I mean M.K. the Cuckoo Clock Davis says so......Of course you bleeb him, do you not? Anything Davis suggests is total fact, is it not? Clueless Joe, you are a joke, a massive joke. Everyone laughs at you, everyone, even M.K.

    5. Wow, what a meltdown... For someone who's so clueless, I sure resort you to the tantrums of a five year old, don't i?

  17. Funny how M.K. can gleam all these little details out of this fuzzy film but can't see the bunched up clothing under the ass section of the suit.

    1. Whuj you talkin' bout Willis?
      You don't have loose skin around your @$$ section?

    2. Page 15;


      ... Glad I could help.

    3. Are you trying to say bigfoot is an over wieght white woman?

  18. At first I thought ole M K was a whiz that had goods. Now the people I talk to, Believers in the creature, say he has made the thing more unbelievable each time he finds something to talk about. I'm not much with the computer, so I really don't have a clue about what is real and what's not with his stuff. Most of it looks good. HG

  19. HG. MK Davis made a trip to Patricia Patterson's home and personally digitized the still slides of PGF "from the box". He's a Mecca of information. A font of Cryptid knowledge and a southern gentleman to boot. He taught me what a "tuck back" wss in the field and more on footprints than I fester be to know., and was physically present when I collected my only decent hair sample from a snap twist cedar (Texas Pretzel) and found my first truly big (19") tracks When it comes to this stuff he's the booger with the sugar. Some people may disagree with his findings but it doesn't diminish them to those lucky enough to know and work with him.

    1. See Mike, That's what I thought too. I looked at the eye stuff and the muscle tones and shape, plus all that facial stuff he showed, and thought WOW!!!. Why do so many believers think he's a loony tune? I'm a skeptic and claim 0 knowledge of the BF other than second hand stories and theories. What has changed the minds of so many towards his work Mike? Sincere Questions, HG

    2. It was Bill Munns who visited Mrs. Patterson.
      M.K. Davis is a bigfoot BS serial hoaxer.

    3. Joes a mecca of information also, to bad the closest he has ever come to a bigfoot was on a computer screen. But hey, if its on the internet it must be true.


    4. Davis visited Mrs. Patterson first. Munns some years later however Munns may have worked with an earlier generation film, not sure on this.

  20. MK Davis made me a total believer in his findings after he caught the eye blink in Rick Dyers tent video. It was that day I realized trees can blink.

    1. "And you may disagree with his findings says Brook." DSA. I am like the Nature Boy --an original 4 horseman type old school underground Footer. Master Caller and original master baiter Please know that we need to table this discussion until our no submission match in the Omni.

    2. Mike, from a skeptic who would love to believe, The separate factions and fighting teams, one against the others theories totally destroys lots of the believers credibility. When you'all openly disagree on a sighting or story, OK. When they tear each other down personally, attack everything about someone or their team, it weakens the whole presentation of the possibility of BF. Skeptics, like me can't do anything but dismiss it all together. Now we don't have to debunk, the believers debunk and destroy each other. You have to see my point. Believers made me take a second third and fourth look at M K. I loved his stuff, while admitting my incompetence in his field. Now to mention him brings more scoff than to mention BF. Whats up with the feuding believer factions? Divide and concur. Skeptics don't have to worry about dividing you'all any more my friend. I still think MK has some awesome stuff, but I'm a Skeptic and when believers tear it down, I admit, it makes my confidence drop because I'm not smart enough in this field to make a good assumption to what is real and what is fake. I'll never have the ability to grade MK Davis on computer generated pic enhancement. I have only to rely on someone else's point of view my friend. I accept yours, and I think you understand mine. I'm looking and I think many other are too. I want it to be proven or buried, once and for all. I'm waiting for the holy grail, from your side or mine to finish the game. Maybe it's MK and Patty?? Thanks for shedding some light Mike. HG

    3. Read Ed Fuchs book on Colville Indians. And I promise I'll send you a clear picture you can count the hairs on. M

    4. Ed Fuchs, you and B Short are my heroes. M

  21. geeeeeez this is getting rather old,ya think they would change the color of that darn circle once in a while............

  22. "I wonder" Year after year after year and year after year will this be the year(2015) that Sasquatch is proven to be a living breathing species once and for all............

    1. You're not already convinced that sasquatch is real?

    2. Ummmmmm,no and yourself............

  23. It's pixelation, she doesn't have anything in her hand.


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