The Strangest Bigfoot Photo From Alaska We've Seen This Year

People have shared some interesting photographs on our Facebook wall. This latest one from Michael B. was supposedly taken near Fairbanks Alaska back in September. To us, it could be anything such as a stumpsquatch. Below is the uncropped image:


  1. Replies
    1. What's Edgar Winter doing in the woods in Alaska?

    2. Looking for his brother Johnny of course.

  2. Can't a squatch crap in the woods in peace?

    1. Hahaha he's thinking about wiping his ads with that guy, his last name must be sorbent lol

  3. Great pic but looks shopped.

    The subject appears to be within a few meters of the guy in the photo but he doesn't even register the huge 8ft, 700lb levitation in front of him.

    Perhaps the facial detail rules out stump squatch but given the creature looks like something from Scooby Doo it also seems unlikely to be the real deal.

    Looking forward to further analysis on this one.


    1. 2nd analysis: its a tree.

      Hope I didn't make you wait to long.

  4. its about as real as any squatch pic

    they are all hoaxes or natural anomalies[stump, why else would the guy not register a giant ape person in front of him]

  5. its about as real as any squatch pic

    they are all hoaxes or natural anomalies[stump, why else would the guy not register a giant ape person in front of him]

  6. More sasquatch BS. This is yet another attempt to make bigfoot out of a non-bigfoot.

  7. I saw a white fluffy puppy floating in the sky the other day. It was huge! If I had taken a photo, it would have been the strangest photo of a puppy I'd ever seen.

  8. Why are you posting this cardboard cut out Shawn? Is this the latest hoax you are planning on promoting? Years ago this blog use to NOT SUCK.

  9. 'Cause this image has absolutely nothing to do with the shape of the plant, and the subsequent outline that looks semi-humanoid. A few quick seconds of scrutinizing would lead most rational folks to the same conclusion.

  10. There another big foot looking at the human.. look to the right and zoom in a little

  11. I appreciate your post, i like your content which is very informative...

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