Skunk Ape at Lettuce Lake Was a Mother And Baby?

Florida skunk ape hunter Tim Fasano seems confident the Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape footage is the real deal. How sure is he? Well. After analyzing the footage some more, he's seeing something that most people have missed -- a Bigfoot skunk ape! Check out his analysis below:

Fasano writes: "The mother (Lena) sets her child (Lil' Bit) down as he runs off with tail flapping and splashes ahead of them. Mom gets him to go behind the tree. I believe the Florida BFRO was in a rush to judgement on this to kill the publicity it was getting because when the story broke, MM and Finding Bigfoot were filming in the next county over in Florida. ALL the media was talking about was Lettuce Lake. They had to put a stop to that. Now, the local yahoos can go to the wrap party in Sarasota and MM can tell them what a great job they did shitting on the most significant film since Freeman. This film folks will not go away as we learn more about it and the real guys that shot it."

In January, a witness named Matt sent in the following footage to BFE. The BFRO has done a thorough investigation on the source of the video and believes it has been debunked:


  1. Replies
    1. Yea, enough of this. Fasano shows a lack of integrity to make up these tales to malign the BFRO. Maybe he feels jilted for being snubbed when the BFRO filmed in Florida and didn't include him.

    2. D Dover, that's exactly what it is. Tim was complaining that he didn't get consulted when they came to Florida. He used the actual term "professional courtesy", as if it was owed to him. The guy is out of control and is not respectable.

    3. I couldn't agree more. I remember reading his complaints you mention. He lacks integrity and respectability.

    4. That baby theory isn't holding water with me. These splashes he say's he see's look like just one. Never do you see any splashes when the ape starts walking. Nothing behind the tree either. no ripples or splashes that I can make out. And would a mother sasquatch with child in tow even allow you too get that close to her? I think not. Child down on the ground and her charging way out in front to get you the hell out of there fast. No way T-fats-mobile! Your still pounding your man boobs(chest) cause you didn't get consulted. As if your the premier brain surgeon in Fla or something. Get real T-FATS I think your needed at the airport. A $75 dollar hustle is calling. Downtown fast fat cab driver!

    5. I was fortunate enough to witness Fasano attempt to discuss the subject of BF with Dr Meldrum last year.

      It was a priceless moment.

      Stacey and his team gave Tim 'his place' at their last FLA conference. Alas Tim's presentation was an unmitigated disaster and he disappeared with his tail between his legs soon after.

      Perhaps if he whined and bitched less then folks would be willing to give him the time of day. As it stands....


    6. It was funny because Stacey had the sport coat on and T-Fats showed up in coaches shorts. You would have at least though Tim would have wore pants.

    7. So if the Joe F account is really gone, can I have it?

      I'll treat it real nice. Might even burn it!

    8. Let's not get too vindictive now, Dan.

    9. One of the basics in BF research is to reenact the scene. Meaning going to the exact spot and doing analysis.

      Still waiting


    10. Dan,will you be showing your nad today?

    11. Joe Biden Gives A Shout Out To “An Old Butt Buddy”
      THE NEW NORM : )

    12. is Obama one of Joe Biden Butt Buddies ...

    13. Between me and you Eva I think Dan has a slight crush and wants a Welsh man to take him in hand.

    14. Wow, Crampz, you truly are obsessed with Joe! That last statement of yours is very revealing and actually quite pathetic.

  2. T-Fats has cracked the most significant film since Freeman. /sarcasm

    1. Tham DEMON LIZARD
      TRAPPER ans the AIMS team boys chased that thar critter out of Wood County nows that Demon Lizard showin up heers in Florida, tham AIMS folk needin to gits on da hunt agains thay shure do

  3. Can you believe this guy used to be my partner?

    1. I'm still interested in the details of this.

    2. As the story goes, Kevin was hanging around some UFO people as he is big into that subject. Tim says that his name came up amongst this group and Kevin acted like he didn't know Tim (perhaps they were making fun of him- shocking I know). I don't recall how Tim claims he heard about it.

      Tim came out on his FB with this story and cries how Kevin disrespected him. It was your basic Fasano meltdown.

      Kevin responds later to him that he doesn't have the story correct. He also mentions some pretty petty stuff that Tim later does like refusing his Christmas gifts. This is the guy that invites him over for Christmas dinner also, mind you.

      Tim later deleted all of this but apparently remains butthurt.

    3. So Kevin, Do you say you are bloody back because
      Tim stabbed you IN the back or are you English and you are bloody back as in mad as hell and returned for revenge? Please do tell!

    4. Bloody as in Fasano stabbed me in the back. Of course he thinks I am the bad guy...

    5. So Tim, Christmas dinner, stuffing the Turkey get out you weirdo is that it?

    6. Same old, same old. Typical T-FATS M.O.

  4. As I said before, a suburban park in Florida with canoe rentals isn't exactly prime skunk ape (with child) habitat. I'm beginning to wonder how far Fasano actually goes out and investigates. When Kevin was with him at least he had a strong back to carry stuff. Lately we have seen him just sitting in his cab.

  5. There is no way of telling there is a baby in the film. there is no telling what we are watching in the film

    its the usual dark silhouette in the shade.

    we all want this to be true or we wouldnt be on sites like this. Not at the expense of common sense and people to start seeing things

    This could be a very simple hoax to pull off. it didnt require a great suit ,it was filmed in unusually scenario but not impossible

    we do know ,at this time of yer and depth of water, there are no snakes or gators there. there is no risk of drowning or any other horrific cirumastnae the OP tries to set it uo as

    there are no film out there that prove anything.hence the P/G film is still held up as the best film there is
    its a man in a suit. its man sized and proportioned regardless of what 'experts" say. if it was 8 foot 500pd and had arms down to its knees then you d think ,thats a creature". it didnt
    the credible eye witness accounts and footpri ts are compelling though as they are consistent and have involved p
    people you are likely to belive

    not nut jobs like Dr Johnson[who claims they are in his back garden,yet hasn't filmed them!!!!] standing, etc...
    moneymaer and fasano,who are clearly cut from the same craziness but are more engaging and do do the hard work out in the field
    which is more than most

    one day maybe there is a 2% chance a film will come in that makes the world believe. it hasnt happened yet,hence people think footers are religious type freaks[most havent seen a BF yet would argue forever they exist!!!]

    1. I agree with most of what you have written. Some of these reports seem downright crazy and those that seem credible are made even more so because we WANT to believe it. I hesitate to call all those who claim they have seen Bigfoot liars however I no longer believe in a flesh and blood creature either. I also do not believe in any supernatural aspect as well but recognize that many here are earnest in reporting what they THOUGHT they saw. There lies the mystery for me in that I feel the answer has more to do with belief and perception. I truly feel that if one is so inclined to readily believe than one WILL find evidence for it even if it is not. Added to this confusion is the numerous outright hoaxes which lowers the credibility of those who truthfully feel they saw something.

      I once suggested a correlation between religion and belief in Bigfoot. As time goes by and still no body I believe this to be true more and more. To those who point to what they refer as evidence I once again state this: NEVER underestimate what a determined hoaxer is capable of and can achieve if he has a willingness to believe on his/her side.

    2. I was deer hunting 8 years ago, and I didn't have BF on the brain, I didn't even believe at the time. I saw a dark figure, looked like it had a hoodie on, down by the creek, 80 yards away. I thought, this dude is nuts, it's hunting season, what is he thinking!! I got out my binoculars, and it was real blurry now...I could see it better with plain eyes, which was weird to me...So I got down on the shooting rail, to try and focus the binoculars. The sun was moving left to right, and that's when It wasn't blurry anymore...I knew what I was looking at! It's back was facing me, so all I saw was massive reddish dark brown hair, shoulders, neck. I dropped the binoculars. I went down to the area, but didn't see anything. I told a kid what I saw, so I took him down there a week later. We found a ripped off deer leg, and no blood, body or guts anywhere. Then we get this awful smell, and my buddy starts dry heaving! Went away after 30 seconds, and we didn't smell anything...but it made us leave immediately. A week after that, I went back, and I had a weird sighting by a stump. I ended up researching this area for 4 years...ended up moving out of that area, but that is where my "Lean to " video was taken, that Shawn thought was an awesome structure.

    3. so says the weirdo who posted a link to his excess foreskin and nad

    4. "its a man in a suit. its man sized and proportioned regardless of what 'experts" say. if it was 8 foot 500pd and had arms down to its knees then you d think ,thats a creature". it didnt"

      In fact, the arm length expected for this height in a human is 38.5". The standard arm to height ratio is .44H. The ratio extracted from the film is .49H. The arm length of the subject is 5.5 standard deviations from the human mean which is the 99.9999981 percentile or is present in one out of 52.5 million people. This suggests that if the subject is a human in a costume that some form of arm prosthesis is in use. Finger and hand flexion is observed in the film which implies that the prosthesis must support flexion. The use of such a sophisticated prosthesis appears to be at odds with the year the film was made, the technology available at that time, and the financial resources of those involved with the filming.

      The length of the subject's leg is computed from frame 326. Using the previously computed subject height as a scale reference, the subject's leg length of 150 pixels is computed as 40" accounting for the bent knee. The leg length expected for this height in a human is 46.4". The standard leg to height ratio is .53H. The observed ratio extracted from the film is .46H. The leg length of the subject is 3.0 standard deviations from the human mean which is the 99.9 percentile and is present in one out of 1,000 people.

      "Carl Olinsolet recently posted this intriguing enhancement video on Facebook. The video shows the lower legs and feet of the subject of the Patterson-Gimlin Film, and focuses on the toes of this animal. A feature, which I have noticed, is that the toes lift excessively, possibly due to limitation in dorsiflexion of the ankle joint. Here is Mr. Olinoslet's video, which does a nice job of pointing out this feature in the animal's foot

      The American Heritage Medical Dictionary defines dorsiflexion as "the turning of the foot or the toes upward". As physical therapist Kevin Cooney has explained to me, ankle dorsiflexion is one of the actions required to clear the foot during swing phase of gait, as well as setting up heel strike for initial contact with the ground.

      This animal appears to exhibit greater toe extension during the swing phase of gait than those of Homo sapiens. Physical therapist Kevin M. Cooney, who specializes in gait at a biomechanics lab, has pointed out to me that humans who have limited ankle dorsiflexion due to calf muscle tightness often compensate for this limitation using increased toe extension to maximize swing foot clearance so they don't trip. When comparing the Patterson-Gimlin film to the actor in the suit (see diagram below), it appears the animal has more of a "foot flat" contact onto the ground with toes hyper-extended, whereas the person in the suit has exaggerated ankle dorsiflexion and a heel strike at contact.If the Patterson Film subject was a person in a suit, then it would have had ankle dorsiflexion rather than the abnormal toe hyper-extension in the film (as demonstrated by the diagram below). It would have been very difficult to replicate this toe hyper-extension in the large "clown shoes" which must have been worn if this was a costume, as the subject's feet were measured between 14 and 15 inches long. If it were a person in a suit, they would have had to exaggerate dorsiflexion at the ankle to raise what would likely have been synthetic material to make the foot this long, as is well demonstrated in the actual man-in-the-suit trial in the diagram. In addition, achieving this degree of toe hyper-extension would be very difficult in Homo sapiens."

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. We haven't even started to discuss the muscle mass and organic tissue yet. Though these traits are not noticeable at first glance, all this data is easily attained from analysis; and all points to something within the possibilities of a human, however very different to the majority of the human population. In my educated opinion, one can be forgiven for making these mistakes at first glance (I did), the level of stupidity attached to denial if maintained once pointed out; unforgivable.

      Curious... Maintaining something that has scientific backing is not legitimate, without presenting a single equivalent case to dismiss this, merely on the aspect of FAITH... Is as belief based and religious like as you can ever point to. To suggest that thousands of years of cultural and contemporary reports are misidentification, is a bigger leap of faith than anything you can reference... And is quite simply a dogmatic view on events.

  6. What does Robert Lindsay have to say about this?

    1. its a GRAY hybrid they been making hybrids for years

  7. There is no way of telling there is a baby in the film. there is no telling what we are watching in the film

    its the usual dark silhouette in the shade.

    we all want this to be true or we wouldnt be on sites like this. Not at the expense of common sense and people to start seeing things

    This could be a very simple hoax to pull off. it didnt require a great suit ,it was filmed in unusually scenario but not impossible

    we do know ,at this time of yer and depth of water, there are no snakes or gators there. there is no risk of drowning or any other horrific cirumastnae the OP tries to set it uo as

    there are no film out there that prove anything.hence the P/G film is still held up as the best film there is
    its a man in a suit. its man sized and proportioned regardless of what 'experts" say. if it was 8 foot 500pd and had arms down to its knees then you d think ,thats a creature". it didnt
    the credible eye witness accounts and footpri ts are compelling though as they are consistent and have involved p
    people you are likely to belive

    not nut jobs like Dr Johnson[who claims they are in his back garden,yet hasn't filmed them!!!!] standing, etc...
    moneymaer and fasano,who are clearly cut from the same craziness but are more engaging and do do the hard work out in the field
    which is more than most

    one day maybe there is a 2% chance a film will come in that makes the world believe. it hasnt happened yet,hence people think footers are religious type freaks[most havent seen a BF yet would argue forever they exist!!!]

    1. Holmes you've cracked the case! This film proves nothing in fact there is much to suspect that it is a hoax. Just one more film that many will hold up as "evidence".

    2. I resent the Red Army moniker, did you know the Red Army raped the shit out of children to grannies?

    3. ans tham mexicuns ans tham forn folk takin tham jobs frum amurkins

    4. @ 7:55 Some of the children were 9 years old asshole.

    5. I guess 9:08 is a skinhead .

    6. Read your history books Skinhead.Take your pick,either ones wore useless.

    7. *were.......damn autocorrect.....

    8. You guys are either stupid, stupid, stupid or really stupid Americans. I don't know which, does pot really fry your brains that much?

    9. Don't know,ask your sister.She was pretty fried at the orgy.

    10. "Dr Watson" didn't know that his character is meant to be a catalyst for Holmes' thought processes, when he fictitiously questioned his rate of positive reasoning in a comment he posted.

      This from someone who doesn't actually read or understand the links he posts (explains a lot) and who prances around anything but actually proving his points, let alone a monkey suit to support his dribbles.

  8. Ahhh.. He named the baby after his pecker! I think Lena might be the 7-11 lady who looks the other way when Tim swipes mustard packets to go with his Vanilla Wafers

  9. I don't know who is worse.. T-FATS or Shawn non-evidence for posting this drivel

  10. Replies
    1. its the GRAYs again they been here for years

  11. "the most significant film since Freeman". Wow. Can footers lower the bar anymore? I guess everyone gets a trophy.

    1. What is pathetic is your outright lying propaganda trying to give the impression that one single person on this thread actually believes or gives half a rats ass about this video or anything that you write. So put your trophy back where you have been keeping it.

    2. Then why is anyone donating any attention to Tim or this video? Or for that matter the countless examples of lame "evidence" that footers lift up? Footers need to be the first to set high standards or no one will take them seriously.

    3. As he said, you're giving the impression that footers are buying into this video when you should know better. Footers don't claim the straw man you put in quotation marks to knock over, "the most significant film since Freeman," and he called you on it.

    4. Same idiot tries this tactic all the time. He knows damn good and well that ALL of us here are sick and tired of this hoax. But he keeps putting his hooks in and trolling the water.

      Shawn is posting this up for hits alone. We groan every time he lays it out again.

  12. There is no stinkin baby. Every self absorbed researcher on the planet, always claims that there is a baby in every good video. They are going for a twofer. The skunk ape is sitting on a firm surface, slightly above and next to the water level. He/she then LOWERS HIS/HER LEGS INTO THE WATER, before walking noisily through the water.

  13. i just zoomed in on this foot and you can see the crack of her ass and shes got pendulous breast

  14. like lots of people live in their pareints basement - it gives me more free time to pursue my interests like BIGFOOT

    1. I wish I had a basement then the kids wouldn't play above my head and make a noise.

  15. The more he pisses and moans about this being the real deal, the more inclined I am to think that he orchestrated the whole friggin thing. Or am I giving him too much credit?

  16. I think it is a Bigfoot priest baptizing a baby bigfoot. If you listen carefully, you can hear the big one say, “This is Li'l Stinky, and he comes today to be baptized into the Heavenly Ape."

  17. It's a bigfoot who took the baby away from his estranged bigfoot wife even though she had full custody. AMBER ALERT!

  18. LMFAO!!!! I called this the day it came out. I said it would be no time before a douchebag claimed there was yet another baby tucked away in the grainy footage, ya know, like all the footage nowadays. Bwahhahahahha. Too funny. I'm surprised some arsehole hasn't tried to say that the guy in the Patty suit has a baby on the suits back. Get real clowns.

  19. Looks like it is a dainty bigfoot. Notice how it sits down and tests the water with its toe before entering


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