Is This The Sound of a Yowie?

An Australian researcher believes he may have captured the sounds of a yowie. The yowie is the Australian cousin to the American bigfoot. Very similar in description, according to witnesses, yowies seem to be a bit more aggressive than their American counterparts.
A researcher on Thursday said he may have captured the sounds of Yowie, known as the Australian Bigfoot, in the country’s eastern seaboard.

The researcher, who is looking for anonymity, says he has been trying to capture the alleged creature’s sounds since 2010.

“Roughly a year ago on a Mountain in the Northern Australian Alps a series of unusual recordings,” he says. “These recordings were interesting enough to inspire a dedicated period of consistent audio research.”

His most recent audio recording, he says, could have captured an “unclassified vocalization” he suspects could be Yowie’s voice. He said the sounds occurred at 11 p.m. last Saturday.

“After capturing native animal sounds for 4 years, I have concluded they are made by something other than a known native animal or person and worthy of further research,” wrote the man, currently in charge of the Yowie Listening Project. “There is substantial evidence of an unknown creature living in remote forests,” he adds.

For the entire article, click here. 


  1. Sounds more like à Russian bunghole to me.

  2. Wow! I guess that's it then. The Yowie is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Them Aussies might as well all go home because there is nothing left to prove. Now they can go after Australia's Nessie. If they only had one stinkin lake big enough to hold her.

    1. That could be one of the funniest posts I've ever read. You are the next comedy genius to emerge from Bigfoot Evidence. Let's hear it for 12:07 !!!

    2. You are about as funny as a one legged fireman trying to clime a ladder. or about as funny as a submarine with a screen door! In no way was the report about a definite yowie! Asking what you think isn't implicating a unknown beast. You GIANT D.H.!

    3. Whoa - wait a minute 12:19. It is a well known fact Mike Brookreson is hands down the most hilarious person to ever grace this blog. It is indisputable that he has the funniest posts because he is comedy genius. Joe will tell you!

    4. What are you guys doing without Joe around? I mean, other than still visiting the site.

    5. Yeah bud we keep her out back in the lake we made from your mother's water breaking when she give birth to you, you dumb ass 12:17

  3. 12:07 knows how to rock the casbah !

  4. I had one of these interactions with a yowie. Sounded like a child having a tantrum.

    1. My interaction happened over several hours. My party had accidentally trapped it in a canyon, and it kept splashing in the water ahead of us, trying to get out. It jabbered freely, clearly a language, but not human. Sounded higher pitched, like a child.

    2. Well if some random guy posts it on non-bigfoot then it must be true.

    3. Hey Caz, I would love to hear more on this. I have done a lot of research on the Yowie and would love to hear more if you have it.

      Thanks for sharing.

    4. Iktomi - happy to tell more, but how? Here in the thread?

    5. It sounded like someone who was very upset about our presence, telling us this was their place and we should go away. Upset, but not aggressive. The language was very emotive, like a small child who uses drama before knowing enough words to express itself.

    6. The splashing was clearly bipedal and very heavy, and we were totally perplexed by it because we assumed it was a kangaroo. The canyon opens and constricts in "cathedrals" and the creature was always just ahead of us, never seen, but heard very loudly. Once into a canyon, there is no way out until you get to the other end, and even then exit needs teamwork and special equipment.

    7. At one point we called out "Are you hurt?" coming around to the idea that it was a human. The answer was gibberish, so we tried French. More emotional pleading. We looked at each other, asked again "Is anyone there?"

    8. I think I said to my companions "It must be another party of people playing silly buggers with us, trying to scare us."

  5. If you know the area, this all happened in the upper reaches of Bell's canyon, part of the Wollangambi river, near Mt Wilson, of the Blue Mountains. Another time, in a small canyon in the Newnes forest, we found fresh, seemingly human, bare-footprints and heard more splashing-running, but no vocals that time.


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