Here's What Bigfoots Experts Say About The Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape Footage

You've all seen the Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape footage, but what does Bigfoot-time Bigfooters Stacy Brown Jr. and Rob Robinson think about about it? Join in a straight talk session about Bigfoot and the Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape video below:

Here's the Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape footage if you haven't seen it:


  1. Replies
    1. I heer tell in this sesshun
      tham Mountain Monsters AIMS team ahuntin tham Bigfoots shure is
      Wild Bill ans Willy fixin biger traps fer tham critters

  2. The Lettuce lake footage is fake. The person involved has been shown to be part of a group of serial hoaxers.

    1. ^ This guy is always sucking Moneymaker's wang.

  3. I refuse to call Stacy Brown Jr. an expert on anything. Every since he showed his true nature by inviting Rick Dyer to speak at his conference, I can't believe he says or does.

    1. I think Dyer made that up, although I have no proof.
      Experts? I'd say researchers.

    2. I think what he was going for was to put dyer on point. He was gonna have to answer everyones questions and comments. He backed out when he saw people were actually going to come and tell him whats what. Cant fault stacy for that. I was stoked about it myself

  4. FAKE just like Stacey Browns Thermal Footage.

  5. Yet another in a long line of bigfoot frauds.

  6. Replies
    1. When the bell rings that recess is over, you can't take the time to proofread.

  7. these guys are taking your money because you allow it. frauds

  8. Come on??!! Who in their right mind thinks that this is a real skunk ape? Since when do skunk apes carry video cameras?

  9. Similar deep discussions like this are taking place in asylums throughout the world.

  10. There are no bigfoot experts. That is all.

  11. experts!
    says who
    and stacy brown s stoned,again!


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