Florida Lettuce Lake Skunk Ape Gets M.K. Davis Treatment

M.K. Davis is pretty impressed with the latest Skunk Ape sighting from Florida. Nothing too spectacular here except these short words from Davis: "This is about as good a view as it gets right now. What do you think?"

Original footage:


  1. Replies
    1. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that him and Charlie Sheen, regularly use tiger blood together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. The facial profile looks just like that of Patty's. It looks archaic, prehistoric, apeman, caveman, primitive.

      If it can be verified that this location is dangerous due to alligators and water mocassins, there are fewer reasons to be sceptical.

      Because: sceptical people can't push the claim that it's a person in a costume strolling a creekbed. If there are water mocassins and alligators, a person can't costume-up and dive in impervious to these dangers which are likely to be fatal.

      The costumed person isn't likely to snatch a fish or a snake either from the water. If there is no safe zone for a costumed person to stroll here, the firmly sceptical viewpoint is faced with a big problem.

      This setting isn't a road where a costumed person can safely saunter across. If that location and especially entering that water means courting death, sceptic are unable to dismiss this video.

    3. At what point in this video do you ever see ANY facial features? Let me sum that up..you cannot see ANY facial features in this video....so how are you able to discern that the face is "archaic"? This is your first statement and it's absurd. There is no point in reading the rest of the ramblings in your short story.

  2. M.K. Davis treatment means it's turned into serial hoaxing BS.

    1. Well JOE. This video certainly did not disappoint. If anything it brought out the size of the creature as being massive. It still looks like a fish to me, others might see a snake. Head angle is clearly in line with a bigfoot. 16 seconds is a start, I am sure he will have more to come.
      TT is still tooting his horn and taking bows for for bringing Yellowstone walkers or skiers to bigfoot life so it will probably be a while before he gets around to this.

    2. I think this video is an excellent start to the year. Don't be too hard on TT though Chuck... He's made two bad calls of late (the percieved camera distance fooled a lot of people including me and I certainly learnt something about that area of technology thanks to Merchant) and with the widely accepted Sasquatch motion being similar to that of "cross country skiers" being described quite often... I forgive him cause I can relate to the mistake. I find a good amount of his stuff to be pretty excellent. My opinion of course.

      Also... I sent you an email with a growl coming at Mike B. Check it out and let me know what you think brother.

    3. Thanks JOE. I just figure this. If you are going around in a hubirus way saying these are bigfoots, stating that buffalos are extremely dangerous animals, ( they can be on a rare occasion, but overall they stay to themselves and are around humans year round in this park ). He and others have talked about what an isolated place this is while in fact this is the most visited part of the park which drew 27000 visitors ( over 800 every day) in Jan of 2014 then all premises are wrong. Now thanks to Michael Merchant and Phil Poling a bunch of us learned on Sunday the parallex effect from zoomed lenses and how it gets skewed as the background will show up roughly the same size as the foreground, then one is dealing with junk data in and you will get junk data out rendering everything as useless. I can forgive us for not knowing this, not any more, but for someone who is now portraying one self as one of the foremost experts at analyzing purported bigfoot footage and does not know this principle, well it is his job to know all this. Then you have the ridiculous turkey hunters fiasco and I have no sympathy. Well I guess I am done venting now, sorry I am one who is usually not very harsh.

      As for Mike B I would appreciate you sending it off to me. Mike sent me 2 emails with the growl and something else, raindrop one maybe and I have downloaded it to my computer. However his stuff comes to me having to be viewed with a quick time and I do not have it installed. 3 months ago I tried to install this program and it took over my computer and took me another 2 hours to get it off.

      I appreciate what you do as always.

    4. I think that as soon as someone sets out to contribute to this field in whatever way possible, that when slip ups undoubtedly occur, one of the areas to naturally scrutinize is the level of "alleged" transmitted self-perception, deducing their integrity in the process. Confidence, which is important, can perpetuate this and I've never got that impression that TT has been anything other than just that.

      Mistakes happen and I'm sure TT will be looking to redeem himself using the past two breakdowns as productive. I myself would not judge him until his next video.

    5. The trouble is he has not admitted any mistake. I just checked and as of 2 days ago he is still standing by the turkey hunter video as being legitimate bigfoots even though hundreds of people pointed out to him the mistakes. The 6 percent arm leg ratio when dealing with poor cameras that when blown up show lego block figures will continue to trip him up.

      At least with this purported Florida skunk ape the enhancements coming from several people have really help with the authenticity so far. Maybe someone can find the convincing flaw but it has not happened as yet.

    6. Does he still believe theYellowstone footage to be legitimate?

    7. Robert "The Duchess" Lindsay says that the only type of truck, is a 2 wheel drive truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    8. Why would MK not enhance the beginning???

    9. They must have posted the wrong MK video because he doesn't say anything on it.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The M.K. Davis treatment means that the skunk ape is now wearing a poncho.

  4. good ol AIMS TEEM gonna take care of ol mr SKUNK APE an poot thse good folks minds at eese


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