This is what your dog does when you leave the house

This dude got a GoPro and decided to put it on his dog to see what he does when he leaves the house. Can you guess what the dog does?


  1. 18 minutes to take this first!!! What is going on here?!

    Shout out back at ya Joe! Hope all is well!

    1. Oh, we were just waiting on the nice lady from Texas to go first.

    2. Have a fantastic day Troll Killer, Eva, and Commander Ernie! Y'all have a FANTASTIC weekend!

    3. Interesting. Chew carefully and don't choke. I am having Chinese food. Lettuce wraps- don't tell Mike B. Shhhhhh!

      - Chick

    4. Louis claimed they forgot his lettuce wraps and wanted to borrow the car again at 11:48pm to go get his gift card for their messing up his order, I didn't have the heart to tell him they were closed and he was obviously headed for the hook up like J Cole.

    5. I've been working on my Falcon Project list of things I will absolutely need at the bottom of the last thread so please pipe in if you can. No Louis pun intended. I wonder what time and with what excuse he will show up with tonight?

    6. Joe I think I've listed everything I need. I had to cut back on things I just wanted like the original lyric sheets to the Pet Shop Boy's "West End Girls" and the code to the lock on Smeja's meat freezer in case I get hungry. I'm not a needy person Joe. Have a great evening. All of you. M

  2. Wheres Mike? How was the chinese food. I'm curious if louis had a good excuse for the delay.

    I suspect he lost his pipe and was looking for it, but then eventually gave up and just went and got rolling papers.

    Did you find a reciept for zig-zags in with the PF-Changs???

  3. Can you believe these footers are now saying evolution is not true. Facepalm.

    1. Nobody said that except me! One of your false analogy tactics you learned in commy traning.

      Or biology class at your local LIBTARD science is religion university! ha h aha ha ha ha hah ah a.

      Just the facts Tard, stick to the facts.

    2. ooops. I didn't see the other wise fellow below.

      I stand corrected.

    3. Troll Killer is just another mindless right-winger who sees everything through the political prism that Limbaugh and the Koch Brothers want him to see through.

      Face it, TK, liberal and progressive ideas will continue to drag you and your kind into the 21st century whether you like it or not.

    4. 2:08 needs a band aid for the ol t@ter.

  4. The Theory of Evolution is a theory, but guess what? When scientists use the word theory, it has a different meaning to normal everyday use. That's right, it all comes down to the multiple meanings of the word theory. If you said to a scientist that you didn't believe in evolution because it was "just a theory", they'd probably be a bit puzzled.
    In everyday use, theory means a guess or a hunch, something that maybe needs proof. In science, a theory is not a guess, not a hunch. It's a well-substantiated, well-supported, well-documented explanation for our observations. It ties together all the facts about something, providing an explanation that fits all the observations and can be used to make predictions. In science, theory is the ultimate goal, the explanation. It's as close to proven as anything in science can be.
    Some people think that in science, you have a theory, and once it's proven, it becomes a law. That's not how it works. In science, we collect facts, or observations, we use laws to describe them, and a theory to explain them. You don't promote a theory to a law by proving it. A theory never becomes a law.
    This bears repeating. A theory never becomes a law. In fact, if there was a hierarchy of science, theories would be higher than laws. There is nothing higher, or better, than a theory. Laws describe things, theories explain them. An example will help you to understand this. There's a law of gravity, which is the description of gravity. It basically says that if you let go of something it'll fall. It doesn't say why. Then there's the theory of gravity, which is an attempt to explain why. Actually, Newton's Theory of Gravity did a pretty good job, but Einstein's Theory of Relativity does a better job of explaining it. These explanations are called theories, and will always be theories. They can't be changed into laws, because laws are different things. Laws describe, and theories explain.
    Just because it's called a theory of gravity, doesn't mean that it's just a guess. It's been tested. All our observations are supported by it, as well as its predictions that we've tested. Also, gravity is real! You can observe it for yourself. Just because it's real doesn't mean that the explanation is a law. The explanation, in scientific terms, is called a theory.
    Evolution is the same. There's the fact of evolution. Evolution (genetic change over generations) happens, just like gravity does. Don't take my word for it. Ask your science teacher, or google it. But that's not the issue we are addressing here. The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is our best explanation for the fact of evolution. It has been tested and scrutinised for over 150 years, and is supported by all the relevant observations.
    Next time someone tries to tell you that evolution is just a theory, as a way of dismissing it, as if it's just something someone guessed at, remember that they're using the non-scientific meaning of the word. If that person is a teacher, or minister, or some other figure of authority, they should know better. In fact, they probably do, and are trying to mislead you.
    Evolution is not just a theory, it's triumphantly a theory!

    1. I like the part where you said ---- "best explanation for the fact (no proof) of evolution."

      Translation for all that long winded malarky ---- you have no more proof for evolution than I do for Bigfoot ----- none ------ nada ------- zippo ------- nothing! ha ha ha ha.

    2. Did you even read the above?

      The proofs are all there.

    3. There is NO proof. There is assumption of interpretation accepted wholesale as evidence of fact. It is Faith. It is Belief. It is The Faith of the Faithless.

    4. All fossils ever found have been in the geological era that evolution predicts.

      All DNA ever tested has been exactly as evolution predicts with respect to the tree of life.

      Micro and macro evolution have both been observed. A lot.

      Vestigial features are exactly as evolution predicts.

      There is no interpretation for any of that. Its observable, proven facts.

      I feel sorry for how ignorant you are.

    5. You do realize that Scientists now knows Einstien got it wrong. Science has a major problem there too. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

      Go look up Mechu on the tube dork.

      Giving all these arguments based on material sciences has nothing to do with the Origins of life discusion, come on. You can do better!

    6. Holmes you've cracked the case! Some of us have advanced and some like the poor fool who doesn't believe in evolution lives in the middle ages.

    7. It is always necessary for one side to personally insult and mock the other.

    8. Mr scientist, how do you know those fossils are old?
      Scientist ----- Because we found them in old rocks!
      Well then Mr scientist, how do you know the rocks are old?
      Scientist ------ simple, because we found fossils in them you see.

      You do realize that the scientist who invented Carbon Dating ---------------- Proclaimed it -----------------------------------JUNK SCIENCE!

    9. OH LOOK 2:00 Is crying like a little biotch. You are one of the rare knuckle heads who comes here everyday saying all manner of garbage to footers. And now your whinning like a little third grader. boo hoo hoo!

      You are the opitimy of a hypocrit.

      You proove it not only in this whinny statement, but in the way you accept evo with out real proof, yet feel some superior knowledge to know that Bigfoot does not.

      double standered --- double edge sword!

    10. Throw em some tissues. The ones with lotion so his lil nosey doesn't get chapped.

    11. Troll killer probably has the Kent hovind box set of ignorance

    12. good comment

      these war n peace ones are usually done by a nut called joe fitzgerald. a lonely man who spouts nonsense at length verday. so long posts are ignored

      I agree with your premis but feel u are annoyed that THE THEORY OF EVOLOTION isnt a law. a theory is a theory in any genre and scientists don't uise it in a special wy

      I wont bother telling ypou why I know this as you wont believe me on such a forum

      agree with the premise though and nice to read an intelligent post on here

    13. Troll Killer, You've just show how stupid you really are. 11:30 put up a pretty good explanation of the Theory of Evolution and the only thing you can come back with is insults and nothing else. Owned by you own stupidty

    14. 8:37. There is NOOOOOOOOO evidence of evolution ------ not one f'n scrap of a bone of half this and half that ---- not one. In bilions of billions of what would have to cross over species ---------------- for every species we have ------------ and theres not one, not f'n one ------------------------ antwhere, ever -- I think I no who drank the scientifico koolaid.

  5. Evolution is preposterously stupid.

  6. The Theory of Evolution is preposterously stupid.

    Mutations are almost never beneficial.

    Do you believe in a continuous chain of beneficial mutations improving every species?

    "Mutants" are fucked up.

    But your Faith says mutants are the very process of evolution.

    Dude... that is incredibly stupid.

    You have to be thoroughly indoctrinated to believe and repeat what you yourself would otherwise readily admit as serious stupidity.

    The preachers of evolution deny common-sense to declare that accidental explosions of randomness eventually accidentally come to life and then mutate into Mozart, Shakespeare and Steve Jobs.

    The High Priests of Evolution strenuously seek to avoid and deny every evidence that dismisses their FAITH:

    Indefensibly stupid. Really.

    It's only purpose is to try to fool the preposterously stupid into also not believing in God.

    If you advocate the theory of evolution, you are either preposterously stupid and unthinking or you simply hate God.

    That's it. There are no other choices.

    Which are you?

    1. scientists say men come from apes we think
      but the bible tells us there is no link

      scientist say i'll stick to theory
      but what they dont know is God's true fury

      hypothesis, experiment an educated guess
      if they just read the bible there wouldnt be all this mess

      theory this and theory that
      just to prove whats already fact??!!!

      most of this is already tracked
      just read the bible from front to back

      a world wide flood they say??
      read Genesis chapter six through eight

      evolution and energy
      a tenth dimension and relativity

      omgee!!!what am i to do
      all these fancy words to keep me confused

      thermodynamics and radiation
      time space continuum and inflation

      all these terms and all these phrases
      what happen to love and peace and giving praises?

      i dont know but it sure is funny
      how everything is controlled by money

      and if you dont know what im talking about friend
      just read 1st timothy chapter six verse ten

      they call it diet, they think they're smart
      the bible calls it fasting, did they miss that part??

      but i guess they're all just full of pride
      because they dont have God inside :)

  7. LOL - this is rich. We have some here who flatly state there is no proof of evolution yet they wholeheartedly believe in Bigfoot in which there is no proof. I'll bet even Joe - who is one of the biggest advocates of Bigfoot's existence even believes in evolution. I love it here - nothing makes me laugh more than the comments like those above. Come on fanatics, bring on the Nephilim comments next!

    1. What is YOUR BEST FACT that you accept as PROOF of evolution. Name it, Mr. Smart.

    2. Whats even RICHER?! Listen to this: There are actually people who don't believe bigfoot exists AND they waste their time obsessively stalking a site like this! HAHAHA!!

    3. The fact that it is the best explanation based on fossil evidence Mr. Fanatic. At least that is physical proof you can actually study and is endorsed by the scientific community. What is your best proof - the BIBLE? HAHAHAHAHA!!!

    4. 1:53 - Did you actually think you'd find intelligent, rational thought among the bigfooters here?

      I come here for the jokes. And the jokes are always on the footers whether they realize it or not.

    5. I come here for the comedy and to have some laughs and boy do you guys provide it!

  8. Mr. Smart, Just one FACT that you accept as PROOF, please.

    1. Just goggle Evolution Facts Mr. Fanatic and you will have your answer. Of course you will dismiss it because it doesn't fall in line with your GOD DID IT universe. Hey, believe in your fairy tale for all I care but you will have better luck proving Bigfoot exists and that isn't saying much.

  9. All I said is that evolution is stupid. Mr. Smart started spazzing this and that about fanatics and the Bible for some reason.

    1. So what is YOUR explanation??? I'm all ears!

    2. Mr. Smart,

      Regardless of stupid bigfooters, the Bible, God and whatever other excuse you feel you may need to defend it for whatever reason you feeel that you have to do so, your faith in evolution is stupid.

    3. The point to me is that there are several things we SHOULD be able to proove, yet we can't. it's almost as if someone wanted us to make a choice. This planet is so uniquly established to not only support life ---- but a lifetime of chalenges, places of wonder and work! I find it hard to believe that luck and random chance brought it all about.

      I cannot proove God, but I also don't believe that he would have me do so, it's your choice!

    4. BRILLIANT! Absolutely BRILLIANT. I bow to your superior argument. Yes, my faith in evolution is just stupid - there is no comeback for that. You certainly have me there!

      Come now - be honest. You are butthurt about evolution because it does not fall in line with your religious belief. Have some balls (I know that is a reach) and just come out and say that you believe in the religious angle. I believe in evolution because as of now it is the best explanation for how we came to be. Now unless you can prove otherwise I will continue to do so. Stick with trying to prove Bigfoot is real - at least that makes more sense (barely).

    5. Debunked!

    6. Debunked? From a CREATIONIST website!!!

      DS - you amuse me to no end. Come on - give us another poem.

    7. This is what happens when your homeschooled by evangelical morons. (is that reduntant?)

    8. Show me where he's wrong, Mr. Hahahahaha

  10. The Theory of Evolution is preposterously stupid. Mutations are almost never beneficial. Do you believe in a continuous chain of beneficial mutations improving every species? "Mutants" are fucked up. But your Faith says mutants are the very process of evolution. Dude... that is incredibly stupid. You have to be thoroughly indoctrinated to believe and repeat what you yourself would otherwise readily admit as serious stupidity.

    The preachers of evolution deny common-sense to declare that accidental explosions of randomness eventually accidentally come to life and then mutate into Mozart, Shakespeare and Steve Jobs.

    1. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. At least come up with some new material . . . DUDE. Your no longer amusing us. It was funny before but now it's just boring. Maybe that stuff is funny in church but it doesn't cut it here.

    2. Substantive argument. I do not expect you to be able to deal with it.

    3. Mutations are fucked-up. They are not improvements.

      Can you understand this?

      "Fucked-up" + 'fucked-up" + "fucked-up" DOES NOT eventually equal everything better.

      Can you understand this, Mr. Smart?

    4. No, I don't understand the point you are trying to make because frankly I think you are nuts. N-U-T-S. Can you understand this Mr. Fanatic?

    5. Fanatic about what? Nuts about what?

      Challenging your faith? Your faith is stupid.

    6. Look, believe it or not I have better things to do on a Saturday night so I will ask just this one last question. What is YOUR explanation? I'm betting it will be based on your religious belief. If you don't believe in evolution than what other possible explanation do you have? Seeded by aliens?

  11. God? Evolution? Give it a rest you kancukleheads.

    We're here to discuss bigfoot. Giant, horny ape men roaming our country at will and threatening the lives and chastity of our wives and daughters.

    To arms, men! To arms!

  12. This is much better than a retarded Michael Merchant video!


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