These Strange Sky Noises Are Creeping Me Out!

We've seen and heard many of these types of videos. This one is louder than usual and it's in the middle of the city! One witness explained what she heard: "I heard it. Went to Walmart and getting off my truck, I had to look up because it was loud and clear. Noise from the sky. I thought to myself " oh my what is that?" I have to admit that the response to myself was " there's probably something going on at the arena" wow, now I see this on Facebook and I tear up. It's a choir from heaven telling us it's almost time for our FATHER's Bithday/return!!! I heard it, I did."


  1. Replies
    1. I first became aware of the Aurora project in the mid 90s I guess. First heard about it on Chuck Harders for the people and of course Art Bell. I use to meet a lot of 2 to 4 star generals. Being a civilian and being me I use to take them by surprise asking ufo questions. I usually got a stare and no comment. ( I did have a lot of success with air line pilots though ). In 1996 I told an air force 3 lt. general that I understood the aurora had been clocked at mach 14. He had this surprised look and said "Where did you hear that" I told him the history channel. Just gave me a look and moved on.

      It was the fall of 1995 in Rancho Mirage, CA ( Palm Springs ) when I saw something streak across the sky at very high altitude coming from the direction of San Diego to Groom Lake. The desert has wide horizons and the most blue skys and visibility. I use to watch a lot of kc 135 tankers come out of March AFB,and they would take several minutes to cross the sky. But that day this plane crossed the sky in under 30 seconds. It was so high the only way to see it was the sunlight shinning silver. I thought at the time this has to be the Aurora. At that time the San Diego media was dumbfounded with what they called sky quakes being hear.

    2. UFO's don't exist, bigfoot don't exist, and humans don't exist!

    3. Space ships coming into orbit. They are tooting their horn as if to say hello


    4. Maybe space ships from NYC or New Jersey. Always honking are they.

  2. Cbrippee, I was a DOD civilian too. A a scientist I still dont think there are UFOs that dont pay attention to Physics. But there is a new book on Area 51 that explains alot of stuff based on recently declassified documents. Roswell was the Russians using WWII stuff captured from the Nazis trying to create a panic ala War of the Worlds drama. The Russians werent smart enought to reverse engineer it, so it was a one time use and not repeated. Stalin was nice enough to put some developmentally challenged or prisoner children in the craft that were comatose for the flight. The rest is disinformation from our own covering projects like oh.... say... Aurora.


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