More Bigfooters Breaking Ranks After Jeff Meldrum's Interview On Coast to Coast A.M.

Holy mackerel! This is more serious than we thought. All those videos and messages people posted about Dr. Jeff Meldrum were not empty threats after all. We've reach the boiling point, and seasoned veterans are officially "breaking ranks" with Meldrum.

For years, Meldrum has enjoyed the limelight of being the one person you must invite to a Bigfoot conference --  but this may change after 2014. The Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology at Idaho State University has supported Canadian Bigfoot researcher, Todd Standing at almost every public event this year, and even went as far as called Standing his "colleague" on Coast to Coast A.M. radio last night. Many supporters of Meldrum are appalled by his statement. Kathy Strain was shocked when she heard Meldrum on the radio and took to Facebook by posting her dismay:

Several others who'd supported Meldrum in the past decided to chime in on the news that Strain was breaking rank:

Another person says Meldrum is blindly supporting Standing:

David R.:

Jeff is in denial now because he's seen 'something'. Something that was seen at a site Todd stole from someone else and took credit for. Poisoned Fruit Jeff!

In the recent past Jeff said Todd is still skeptical about the existence of bigfoot, but on the show he says he strongly believes they exist. Hmmm Todd was never REALLY a skeptic, he was always working it tho.

Jeff has already admitted that he has never seen any of Todd's raw footage. This WAS a VERY BIG mistake of Jeff's. Jeff were you impressed by the same material we've all seen of Todd's? Also, don't you know Jeff? Sasquatch DO NOT stay still that long for us in the open! They CANNOT be snuck up on like Toddy claims. The Field Of View of any camera at even the alleged distances also would have revealed much more then the head as they have moved around. Jeff, you are relying on hoaxed videos!

Many seasoned veterans has written off Standing's footage as a hoax.

In this interview video, Standing explains how profound his evidence is and why it's easy for him to turn people into a believer.


  1. Replies
    1. No... You barked a mantra whilst not having the belly to back up your claims. Show me the evidence and you'll move closer to convincing me.

    2. How about you show us the evidence Joe

    3. Ha! Have done on numerous occasions, it's why you're all butthurt remember?


    5. Jeeper Jeff, just send Kathy a couple dozen roses. It has worked to ease problems from the beginning of our existence. For Henry let me think - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Oh I know - Send him the box of chocolates a big box at that

    6. "Show me the evidence and you'll move closer to convincing me. "
      Joe still being a Diva I see. As if you are important enough to waste the time to try and convince, you're not. I predicted this whole Todd Standing thing was going to crash taking Meldrum with him. I hear the brakes squeeling now.
      "but also now appears to have DNA?" You sure about that? Sure his home didnt get broken into and the DNA was stolen again? Ha ha fool, in the end you are going to be the only one standing with Meldrum. Maybe he can take you around to his Bigfoot conferences and you guys can lie about Patty's size together. He can introduce you as his friend, "The creepy, Welsh, Bigfoot Blog expert"

    7. Jeremy. Someone is a Bronco fan, are you on the left or the right?. I am a big fan of Peyton Manning ever since he played at Tennessee. Heck I use to watch his Father play at Old Miss, on the TV of course. Archie Manning was a legend back in those days.

    8. "As if you are important enough to waste the time to try and convince, you're not."
      Sounds like a kop out there dear boy, I think you've given up debating the matter... Actually, debating is giving you a little too much credit; a debate is two sided.

      "I predicted this whole Todd Standing thing was going to crash taking Meldrum with him. I hear the brakes squeeling now."
      So Standing has the endorsement of PHD's of physical evidence to promote an encounter, and now he has a professor from Lakehead University who's open to the possibility of unknown primates, sequencing what is quite clearly the intial stages of unknown primate DNA, and you are some how closer to your vomit being a reality? I always knew you were stupid, but I think you've just broken the boundaries of all previously understood density. Umm, also... I'm as sure as someone can be for actually talking the time to read about Stephen Fratpietro's sequencing of such, man... You're as dumb as a bag of rats. No, in the end I'll be standing alongside the truth, however it unfolds and you'll be as pathetically crying about every amount of my alleged self importance that you in fact perpetuate with your embarrassingly bad comments... Having an unhealthy fixation on someone, they're alleged 'support' by others, maintaining their not from the UK, claiming they're guilty of financial fraud and calling them all sorts of vile obscenities... Is pretty much as creepy as you can get, dear boy... And for all your feet stamping and crying, you've only got an instance where Meldrum got lazy with his material, over a period of a number of weeks to update it prior to conferences, as opposed to proving any of your points.

      : )

    9. Meldum Fraud, Ketchum Fraud, Standing Fraud, JOE FITZ= GOD

    10. The legendary pimp Iceberg Slim, in his seminal book "Trick Baby" defined a lesser man in the field, a man who pretended to be a big time player but in point of fact only had one working girl in his stable to be a "Chili Pimp". Let's not cast dispersions as a group until all the facts are in. I'm calling for a period of tolerance from the rest of you. And I'm excusing myself from this period in order to recreate like a man of leisure while reserving the right to rejoin you all at a later unspecified date .......... ;)

    11. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!


    13. Id like to thank @buybotox for that review. And now for something completely different......Joe, can you get a message to Shawn for me Joe? I've been reading that scroll at the top which inquires if I "need a sugar momma?" How can I type a three letter response ?

    14. Sadly it seems this site's anti-Standing zeal tears down anyone who doesn't walk lockstep with that zeal, and in so doing is attacking one of the cornerstones of the bigfoot phenomenon which is bad for this enterprise.

      As a whole the BF community does not have a negative view of Dr. Meldrum and this is more so from the "kill Standing" at all cost crowd that wants to kill Meldrum as a friend of their enemy.

      This is getting a little sick and silly.

    15. I will put Meldrum's science and integrity up against anyone

    16. ^ Correcto. Jeff Meldrum's book is a good read, informative and entertaining.

  2. Jeff Meldrum has lost his mind. Bye Jeff. What a shame.

    1. All this while he appears to be affiliating with a researcher that not only appears to have physical evidence to support am emcounter he had, but also now appears to have DNA?


      I like Kathy a lot, but I think this is more evidence of how grossly competitve.

    2. Physical evidence? Where?

      DNA? Where?

      Joe literally believes anything at this point.

    3. Patience! The news has broke, it's a matter of presenting it all in one medium.

      Let's see what unfolds.

      ; )

    4. The dna is HUMAN not bigfoot. Have fun dancing around that fact monkey boy.

    5. But according to Joe Bigfoot are humans. Giant humans. With monkey like features. That use to live with the natives and helped them build their mounds. That at some point decided to disappear into the wilderness where they hide to this day.
      No seriously he really believes that.

    6. You're learning boyo! Drop the monkey features part and consider the mound building part a matter of friendly dispute between like minded thinkers, and you'll be doing even better!

    7. Have you taterholed Kathy Yet?

  3. Bigfootery, its like the WWE. Role playing, drama, pretend factions, and a kid called Joe who thinks its all real.

    1. Witn regards to the role of
      'Confident Sceptic' you attempt; you fail miserably... As the role of 'Prized Pratt'; Oscar material old boy.

      I'll be back later to respond to every little angry vomits that come my way!

    2. This is a very dignified field SIr. Now I will grant you, the night I was alone researching and realized that I had not used my powdered plaster of Paris in bucket to cast said print, that in a moment of weakness I decided to use said components to construct a plaster cast of a part of my anatomy that I could put on my mantle as a holiday conversation that moment I was a man outstanding in his field INDEED!

  4. Joe's also in the Standing camp. Used to listen to Joe's side of the arguments, but backing up a known hoaxer? Tut tut


    1. Listen bro... I have doubts, but I just want to see all the chips down before I scritinize; it's called proper scepticism.

      So far no one has helped convince me of those doubts, and there's not enough evidence to show he's a fraud, and all the while logical explanations surface for the accusations, Hollywood SFX experts reel off the most expensive and ellaborate of fake head manufacturing techniques without ruling his photos out as a hoaxes, whilst attaining the affiliation of people like Stroud, Meldrum and Bindenagle who's expertise I trust above all.

      Let's see what he's got, see more about this DNA and his footage & physical evidence, and if it doesn't stand up then I'll be the first to scrurinize, but not before.

    2. I can't believe how many times I've had to post that. Some people above all else just need to hate, need the drama to make up for the lack of anything eventful, regardless of facts and the real intentions of those they looooooooooove to bi*ch about.


    3. No... Just happy to keep reiterating the words you're putting in people's mouths. Anyone would think you're running out of angles.

      : )

    4. I bought Standings stuff the first time. In fact it's what rekindled my interest so as far as raising awareness, hes a winner. He seems convincing when watched in a video. Which makes him a blatant bare faced lair in my eyes now.

      I was hugely disappointed. Those close ups of Sassies face just look fake from the off, I don't want to waste my time analyzing them.

      But I'll make a few main points, which I made to you anon before. The fact he got two or three of them, close ups of the face seems far fetched. You said "Nobody's ever happy, you get body and want face, you get face and want body" or something - Its not about what I want, Its the fact that he supposedly had that luck. What they wandered up close enough to get those shots while not showing any body, coming or going? Three of them? The same head shot only? Seems far fetched. Not to mention one of the clever/aware creatures (or two) isn't looking at the camera and has a glare coming from its marble eye.

      The video of the one running up that banking. It could easily be a human, I don't care if he claims to have shown the spot it did that, after 'proving' a human couldn't do it. As to me it looked like a human, too skinny to be a squatch and he could easily of lied about the banking it ran up.... or not, even the banking shown could be scaled by an athletic (slim) person, certainly after a few attempts.

      This new DNA stuff, I can't believe all I read on the internet I'm afraid. As stated his DNA story has jumped around a bit - stolen, now sequenced. Meh, don't get excited. It needs more backing up, I can't take his word I'm afraid.

      He's great at getting attention. I'm sure he's a hoaxer. That whole thing about him going missing the last time was a publicity stunt. Wasting mountain rescues time could have endangered another life. Now he's at it again, gaining publicity. Hes good at it, it must pay, reeled me in the first time around.........

    5. Scepticism; continually asking the questions. Some people, no more embodied by your dribbles, like to maintain the circular argument that Todd is a liar, therefore he is lying. But, without anything concrete to conclude on that he is indeed a liar, regardless of how many in an aggressively competitive and intrusive research field state is fact, the idea can't stand as fact. It's as simple as that. There have been accusations regarding Todd that have many holes and plenty of plausible explanations once addressed by Todd himself, this is not a sufficient basis to label him a fraud because we don't have facts that support anything of the sort. We have a frequency of occurrences that have been presented as red flags from people who are in direct competition to him, and I'm pretty sure that if someone did a little 'private investigating' on Kulls, they could manufacture a scenario that looks very suspect should they have an agenda to do so. When SFX expert Doug Hudson states that he can't rule out those photographs being hoaxes, proceeds in listing some of the most comprehensive Hollywood SFX costume techniques that would have had to have been utilised to accomplish what we see, then my initial doubts about they're authenticity are reserved until such a time that someone presents a concrete argument to warrant my feelings about them being expressed in cynisicm, not before. The subject that climbs the bank in his documentary takes three seconds to climb a 20 foot bank, and another second to move from out of view. In the documentary, Todd climbs this bank to show how difficult a bit of terrain to negotiate it is.

      And no, people, like you... Were always requesting a close up face shot. Reeling it off now just makes it sound like it hit the mark the first time around.

    6. Joe, you need to be skeptical with this interest of yours. I want the big man to be real but seeing is believing. You can't deny it is a hoaxer mine field out there, so I approach everything with skepticism. I ruled Standings footage out very quickly without prancing around as it just looks fake. I know you can't accept that but with an part time interest in footing you just can't spend time analyzing every fart in the woods when it's obviously a fart. His stuff just doesn't stand up, pardon the pun. Ill keep in with the news and following the DNA story as if anything I'm in the human camp. But those farts are just farts I'm sorry. Perhaps his intentions were good and he tried to use it to protect the species or whatever but he went about it the wrong way.

      I am a Stroud fan and I listened to Meldrum. I feel Meldrum must have been duped. But I wasn't there. The story can never paint the picture perfectly.

    7. You're opinion is very much respected my friend. The thing is I've had as many doubts about the photos, but I find it fascinating that for something so 'obviously fake', nobody, me included, can actually point to an element of them that conclusively confirms that.

      And in true scepticism, I'll keep looking for these answers, and I'll not make any expression of hoaxing before then.

    8. Don't know if you've seen the documentary etc Joe but I bought his Sylvanic pack. Stupidly, I'll admit. But trust me it was a let down. Has red flags.


    9. Joe, you are such a terribly naive c*nt.
      And I'm not a hater, or a skeptic, I'm a big beleiver of Bigfoot. I just hate you...

    10. 7:04... Silenced? I got the documentary and I found nothing in it that anybody can explain away, and I didn't recieve any response to the points posed. Saying that, Lurker is polite and entitled to his opinion.

      9:01... The naivity here is you thinking anyone gives a crap about your opinon, such a tough guy behind anonimaty, I think you've got a self esteem issue, and I'd suggest you let it go or I'm gonna give you a breakdown in the end.

      : )

    11. To reiterate what Joe said earlier, there is no definitive proof that he faked the videos. People have suspicions and reasons for believing he hoaxed them, but the reason you have Drs. Bindernagle and Meldrum associating with him, and he was allowed to speak that the 2014 summit, is because no one can point to any definitive proof that establishes he hoaxed the videos.

      Proofs are in the form of subjective innuendo and heavy conjecture. He could have faked them, and many are convinced he did, but they can't really offer solid proof.

      But as far as DNA evidence, I don't think he is going to produce any that confirms bigfoot even if he pops up with a good sample because others have tested good samples only to be rejected by mainstream science who cry contamination because they reject bigfoot's existence, therefore they follow their preconceptions.

  5. Im a 100% bigfoot beliver, I just don't belive Standing.
    I mean anyone who looks at the puppet heads and thinks that they are real ! , I mean come on..
    The thing is , Bigfootery is huge news now and I bet there are
    Big budget TV shows in the pipeline.
    So people like meldrum etc have to keep themselves in the limelight, to remain as goto guys when they are called upon
    as experts by said TV companies.
    And the fact that hoaxery is synonymous with bigfooting
    means Jeff wont care as long as he sees a possible
    payoff on the horizon.

    1. ... Yet the guy he's affiliating appears to have physical and DNA evidence.

      Some people have just got the blinkers on... Funny.

    2. And I hope the DNA turns out to be conclusive evidence. But that's not the case so far.
      So its not a case of having blinkers on.
      My eyes are wide open and waiting.
      I simply don't trust Standing that's all.

    3. As highlighted earlier by Mr Dover, DNA lessens after sequencing, it's my opinion that we'll need another handful of these occurances before the penny drops as to what Sasquatch are; human.

    4. Joe, do us all a favour and please kill yourself. This blog was SO much better before you ever reared your ugly Welsh head. Please f*ck off and leave the real bigfoot enthusiasts to it.
      No one respects your opinions, no one appointed you our spokesperson, please just f*ck off and die you total loser.

    5. joe fit, if you are right, it's really sad IMHO. His realtionship with Kathy spaned over a decade, maybe two. She has placed his agendas ahead of her own, alawys a good. trooper, and ever ready to his defense. She had the premiere issue article in his online journal. Guess he got what he wanted from her. Now, in a flash, she is on the outside of his trust, not even privy to the goings on with Toddster. Meldrum must think he has the brass ring. If not, then he never was that into Kathy. Either way her move was the same, if she has any self respect. Up, up and away Jeff, Sasquatch is bigger than, Kathy. Can't wait to see the results.

    6. Dna proves nothing you need a body dead or alive!

  6. How the fuck do any of you know?? have you ever seen a bigfoot let alone know how its behaviour works?? you are all just fucking jealous. people are to quick too push the 'FAKE' button especially when someone has some decent footage. do you honestly think that one man with a camera would frighten a group of sasquatch each weighing 600 hundred pounds or more?? no. because the hairy bastards chased todd right into the path of a grizzly bear!! sasquatch are smart supposedly and alot smarter than most of the people on here. oh and f.y.i sasquatch can stand still for long periods of time, why do you think they can't be spotted easily? but hey ive never seen one SO HOW THE FUCK WOULD I KNOW THIS?? exactly, you bunch of non belivers.

  7. Referring to someone as a "colleague" in scientific circles doesn't infer support or friendship or even respect on its own. All it means is "A person who has done some work in the same field as I have."

    I've even heard scientists refer to people as a "learned colleague" as a totally sarcastic put down.

    Of course the rest of the interview made Meldrum's opinions on Standing quite clear but we shouldn't be jumping on him just for using the word 'colleague'.

    1. Meldrum and Standing are colleagues in the field of hoaxing bigfoot evidence.

    2. As maintained by unqualified, uneducated, sweaty, Panicin' Skywalker, anonymous you. In a world where every piece of evidence you comment on is hoaxed, I don't think anyone remotely impartial would consider your evaluation of any greater worth than vomit.

    3. There is absolutely NO scientific evidence that bigfoot exists. Deal with it.

    4. And there is even less scientific evidence that I can deal with it.

    5. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      7:46... There is no scientific evidence that Bigfoot exists, but there is plenty of scientific evidence of an unknown primate residing in the wilderness of the U.S.

      D-d-d-d-d-deal with it son!

    6. I think he goes by the name of Mick. The worlds only dropout with perfect teeth.

    7. Thank-you. I have had MANY colleagues that I didn't share any opinions or beliefs with. A colleague is someone who does the same kind of work, an associate - a person who joins with others in some activity or endeavor. All this fuss over one work. Seriously...

    8. Joe Fitzgerald, If the Todd video and many others before and many others to come are in fact real, then why the heck has there not been one attempt to tranqualize the "UNKNOWN" primate?

      Seems to me that is the most common sense, logical thing that should be done.

      There are tranquilizer weapons that can take down the biggest African elephant or other larger animal that would be penty to subdue a "Bigfoot" long enough to allow capture.

      Do you agree or disagree?

      I think capturing the beast is a must to really be able to 100% say he exist. Just like other field researchers are required to do in order to prove or disapprove the existence of an unknown species.

      Just a thought!!!!

    9. Hello buddy... I'll answer it with a question; how many hunters are reported missing? Sasquatch are highly social, evade a successfully as they do due to social groupings and are never far from one another.

  8. Elvis Hendrix. Bigfootology is not huge news, in fact it has a very small audience and I mean this repectfully. Less than 5 percent of the US could tell you who Jeff Meldrum is, probably less than 2 percent. Kathy Strain or Henry May are know to a few thousand. When you see it covered from someone outside of the cable history, discovery, animal planet type shows in a respectful manner and not the shameful manner it is now, then it will start to be huge. There are no big budget TV shows in the works that I know of and no one in Science or Academia outside of the small small bigfoot world is looking to get on board. Some day they will, but not yet and all this drama is meaningless to them

    1. Sorry mate but I disagree. Compare Bigfoot tv shows and documentaries now with 10 years ago.
      Its on the up and you know it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. And I disagree with you. TV's interest in Bigfoot peaked with shows like Monster Quest. The crap that came after like Finding Bigfoot and that stupid reality show is shark jumping at its best. When Moneymakers scam crashes due to no bigfoot and no viewers, it's over. This subject will be filed next to shows about building motorcycles. Remember when every channel seemed to have a chopper show? Now? NADA. And there is a hell of a bigger interest in Harleys than Sasquatch.

    4. 4 32. As a big motorcycle enthusiast myself it seems you are right. Although last night Discovery did show Orange County Choppers build a bulldozer for Shaq and this year you had the Phoenix builders, that is about it. Now it is about the Alaskan and Yukon bush folks. Hard to believe many folks are clammering to go to this place, at least the winter.

    5. OH and cheers to you Elvis. Is that English or Aussie.

  9. Replies
    1. No, no. no. no. no. no they closed that down and turned it into a post office. Now I have to make my own sodium induced heart attack sandwiches - B*STARDS ;¬))

      Hey Joe, long time no see...Hows it dangling bro?

    2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!! It's good man! How have you been?!

    3. I'll have a Veggie Club with bacon and salt, oh and those jalapeño chips....

    4. Speaking of Veggie Clubs, here's a shout out to the brainiacs at Green Peace. It seems the trust fund crowd scored a major victory for idiots by bringing attention to environmental damage by stomping all over the Nazca Plains. The government of Peru is, well, not pleased. They are about to learn the ins and outs of jail South American style. Raped for a cup of rice? Oh yeah... See ya later hippies!

    5. Damn oversensitive Peruvians! Placing their national treasures over the publicity hunting whack jobs from the left side of Castro. How dare they!!

    6. If we were with them now, we'd fire up one of Fidel's cigars like Ahnold and we'd both " Get to da choppa" and leave those muffin asses on the soil the despoiled.

    7. If we were with them now, I'd be trying to leverage my desert into a private cell.

    8. Fine Joe, still nice to see you p*ssing people off. LOL

    9. ^Compulsively winks at men. It's a Welsh thing maybe?

    10. I find it provocatively attractive but am still holding the hell onto my wallet.

    11. Smart move. Although a missing wallet has long been a sure sign of bigfoot activity. Because a found one in Tampa had human DNA on it. You can't argue with science my friend.

  10. Yup. You're right Chuck. Alaska and to a lesser extent, the South. Moonshiners, Southern Justice etc. Hell, even the Amish got more airtime than bigfoot.

  11. Come on all of you haters. Dr. Meldrum has got tog go where the trail leads him. The Money trail that is.

  12. Meldrum is not a fraud but his scientific reputation has been sullied by associating with a questionable huckster such as Standing. My advice to Dr Meldrum is to get far away from him before Henry May stops inviting you over for the weekly pizza party

  13. Can't we all just get along?

    1. Jump to 22:40 even in the UK people hate each other.

      Did Jon Downes of the CFZ actually call Big cats in Britain W*nkers?

  14. I love Dr. Meldrum and his expertise and dedication to this field. The same with Kathy Strain. I have strong distaste for Todd Standing and that he is the cancer here. Todd Standing is poison to the Bigfoot community for manipulating so many good people for his financial gain. SHAME ON TODD STANDING.

    1. You should f*ck him Rictor for being such an ass


    3. Oh Rictor, it's clear you just have a crush on Mr. Standing... How cute.

    4. 6:15 thanks for making me laugh best post on here. LOL!!!

    5. Financial gain? Not really. He is only at $1066 Canadian bucks as we speak and has 36 days to go. My guess is he won't make it over $1500. Which hardly covers food, gas and toilet paper. And we all know why Todd needs a lot of toilet paper.

  15. People like Standing who spend time building a reputation within the Crypto community, who seem to have a genuine desire to discover something, to prove the existence of Bigfoot and self destruct upon their own BS only do a disservice to the cause they profess to promote, only do harm to the potential for people who will do due diligence where the science is concerned in place of inventing fiction to fill in the gaps. To Standing himself, all I would say is a lot of people have been on the fence where you are concerned. You have pulled down the fence with this stunt. Sure there will always be the blind faithful who will profess support, Rick Dyer had those as well. He is now in good company.

    1. ^So many talk about Joe copying and pasting, or reposting the same things repeatedly. How many times have I seen the above post about Standing?

    2. ^^^ The "cause"? As soon as it's a "cause", reliability goes out the window. Rolling Stone is learning that as I type.

  16. All you need to find Big foot activity is use fishing lines!
    Wood knocks, having nothing to do with Big foots! they use rocks!.
    Big foots don't eat meat. they're strictly herbivores
    Big foot live in large spruce/pine trees especially in the winter.
    Big foots ALWAYS travel in pairs, never alone!
    Big foots don't like; Chris Noel, or Todd Standing. they don't know Rick Dyer as he's never in the woods.
    John w. Jones Spoke

  17. If you don't believe how I believe....I HATE YOU!!! I have never seen so much jealous behavior. Shame!!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. He has to answer to why he is trying to get people to donate their hard earned money to a known hoaxer. Meldrum is nothing but SCUM!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Meldrum called Standing his "colleague"!!!! shame on you!!!
    Honestly: this shows once more how ridiculous the bf "community" is...

    1. You got it ass backwards. Meldrum never said that.

  20. For Shame Sir...... "Yet even you Pendleten, who should have been gibbeted for treason long ago ...even worthless unworthy you should be treated equally before the law and so again sir, and again and again to you I say.....that i do not hold with equality in all things ....only equality before the law". Tommy Lee Jones as Thaddeus Stevens in "Lincoln".

  21. For years I believed in the possibility of Bigfoot's existence. I held on for a long time but over the years that faith slowly diminished. When the use of DNA came on the scene I thought it may settle the matter once and for all. First with Ketchum, then Sykes and now with Standing. The first two proved nothing to advance the possibility of Bigfoot existing. Now we have Standing proclaiming he has positive proof but it seems like that is in dispute also. I always thought that Meldrum was one of the more reasonable voices of the Bigfoot advocates but now I question that as well. It seems we have been down this path so many times before of "proof" just around the corner that most of us with a mild interest in the subject just grow more skeptical. I currently stand with those who feel Bigfoot does not exist. Why? Because there is no compelling evidence to make me think otherwise. I'm open to any evidence - heck I WANT to believe, but nothing solid ever seems to come forth. I just cannot understand with so many claiming to see it and offering evidence that such a creature be it ape or human could remain unknown after all these years. It's fine with me if many wish to continue believing - I hope you are right, but how much longer will you continue to wait for proof? One year? Five? Another 47 years?

    We will see (and hopefully soon) how this latest episode turns out but if it follows the usual course then nothing conclusive will come of it and the usual excuses and denial will follow. Meldrum seems like a nice man but I'm afraid his reputation will be severely damaged even among believers if Standing does not have the goods. Just my two cents.

    1. Nothing ever coming from any of the evidence every single time is proof that bigfoot don't exist.

    2. My thoughts exactly CuriousFriday, December 12, 2014 at 8:08:00 AM PST !!!..... I was once a believer as yourself for many years,but about75% sure that this species exist and now MAYBE a 25% belief in it's existence,there is just no hard evidence ever,ever,ever proven year after year after years, plain and simple...........

  22. The sooner you realise bigfoot is the last thing these jerkoffs are looking for the better. Tim Fasano is the poster child for these attention starved but talentless assholes. A close second would be about a dozen other like minded scumbags. One of them even checked in above. Gotta keep your name upfront, don't you know.

  23. So what if Dr.Meldrum associates himself with Standing,thats his choice;to all of the lame brains that feel as if they're part of some prestigious community do yourselves a favor and get a life,i can assure you that Jeff isn't losing any sleep over ppls reactions via social media, He's an awesome extremely intelligent individual i thoroughly enjoyed his book (by far one of the best books written about the Aforementioned subject matter.

    1. It's akin to a bunch of short order cooks turning their back on Julia Childs. He'll be fine..

    2. How Pathetic! Now Footers are telling each other who they can associate with! My God! What's wrong with you people? you must have very boring lives!

  24. Kathy Strain has always been both full of crap and a fraud, and former kneecap buster for Matt Moneymaker. She wrote a book where she sanitized it from all mention by Native Americans of the Bigfoot having any paranormal abilities. In private, she states that Bigfoot is "supposed to be paranormal". Her husband has stated that Bigfoot is paranormal. KS throws people off of her own forum for mentioning that Bigfoot is paranormal. KS left that most important detail out of her book that is meant to teach people the truth, when the truth was left out. So a case can be made for USFS archeologist Kathy Strain, being a fraud. Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.

    In regard to her problem with Standing stating the Meldrum is his colleague, so what. Meldrum never stated that Standing was his colleague. Big difference. In order for Standing to be a colleague of Meldrum, he would have to have a similar educational background and similar anthropological achievements as Meldrum. Standing clearly does not meet that requirement in even the slightest way. So Standing can make whatever claims that he wants, it does not mean that it is the truth. After all, Standing is known for stretching the truth beyond all recognition. Neither Standing's words nor his actions, affect Meldrums position of great accomplishment in the Bigfoot community.

    1. Actually Meldrum did say that Standing was his colleague just the other night on Coast to Coast with George Noory. Jeff saying that is what then caused Standing to say the same of Meldrum. Her problem was with Jeff calling Standing his colleague on C2C. The other occurred after she stated her position.

    2. Anonymous - your name isn't Neil is it?

  25. Henry May? What did he ever accomplish? What did he discover? What contribution this he make to research? None, zip, zero, zilch, nada, nothing.

    Just last week he stated "Not my circus, not my monkeys." And said he was staying out of this one. But now he is making himself a liar, and jumping right back in. He sees a bandwagon carrying Kathy Strain, and wants to jump right on, since he was unable to find horses for his own bandwagon.

    People who have accomplished nothing, have no business in attacking those who have.

    1. Henry has actually been around a long time. He has a bigfoot organization, he has long hosted shows online, he's organized bigfoot symposiums, etc. You might do a little background search. He's not a bad guy and most people know him.

  26. Who has accomplished anything in bigfoot research? How much closer to scientific discovery is bigfoot now than, say, 50 years ago? Not one single inch. No one has accomplished anything.

    1. Your wrong Dmaker! a lot of people are making big bucks for all this BS!

      Skeptics make o $
      Hoaxers make $ $$$
      Your the fool!
      I sell Big foot costume, and the orders keep coming in! I've sold to Matt MoneyMaker, Todd Standing, Jeff Meldrum,

    2. Unknown primate hair, tracks & dermals, audio & language, footage & thermal, databases of reports from all sorts of professional stock, many of which account for instances of multiple eye witnesses...

      Yeah, it's not moved on a tad has it?

  27. Derpity, derp, derp..ambiguous...derp, derp...casting artefact..derp, derp..hoaxes..derp, derp..argument from authority..derp, derp.

    You are correct, it has not moved one tad.

    1. Dissinformationist, derp, derp...unambiguous...derp, derp...dermals found in actual impressions...derp, derp..hoaxers hoaxing hoaxes..derp, derp..about as iological as Occam's Razor...derp, derp.

      Understanding sarcasm never was a strong point of the dense.

  28. "This has me puzzled" They say this unproven species (Sasquatch) is covered from head to foot in hair (about 3 to what 5 inches long) and average 6 to 9 foot,but yet these field researchers rarely and I mean rarely find hair samples. For a species who lives,hunts,sleeps and hides in the deepest and thickest/dense areas of our forests lands, why so FEW hair samples are ever found,but yet field researchers have no problem finding supposedly foot impressions of this species more often..........

    1. We can even recognize uniform morphology of unknown primate hair that's been accumulated;

  29. Clueless Joe Dirt Fitzgerald,

    LMFAO @ your chronic delusion relating to the one they call "the foot".

    You know how I know you're gay?

    1. Clueless Joe Dirt Fitzg£rald,

      LMFAO @ your chronic delusion relating to the one they call "the foot".

      You know how I know you're gay?


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