Loren Coleman Honors Cryptozoologists Who Have Passed in 2014

Each year Loren Coleman honors those in the field of cryptozoology who have passed away, This is his list for 2014. As he stated, we honor all of those who have passed, whether on the list or not.

Peter Matthiessen

The passing of Peter Matthiessen during 2014 was the cryptozoology-related death that obtained the most mainstream media attention. But others died who had significant impacts on the field. They should be remembered too at the year’s end. Let’s recall a few of those folks.

Here is my list of the recently departed who have been touched by cryptozoology, Bigfoot, especially, and cryptids, in general. And then by extension, they touched us.

All deaths are deeply experienced. I pause to recall those who have passed away in 2014, with respect for them, their families, and for all they shared and created. These individuals are noted here in my annual goodbye and celebration of their lives.

Twenty-fourteen was a year many of us lost several loved ones. I honor them all, whether mentioned here or not.

They are listed chronologically, by date of death.

To see the entire list, visit cryptozoonews by clicking here.


  1. MMG RIP. Shot and killed by eagle hunters on the Turkish/Georgian border. Never found what he foolishly searched for.


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