ThinkerThunker Puts Bob Hieronimus' Claims To Rest And It's Hilarious

Bob Hieronimus claims he was the person in the "Monkey costume" in the famous Patterson-Gimlin footage. Well. ThinkThunker just tried to match up Bob to the supposed "costume" and things aren't matching up. The proportions of Bob's body is way off as you can see in the photograph above. YouTuber ThinkThunker thoroughly breaks it down for us:


  1. Thinker Thunker is a Bigfoot apologist above all. I really don't trust many of his conclusions since I saw his Timbergiant and Great North Video.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. His analysis on that was as usual first rate.

    3. Of course! Educated at that, but one all the same!

    4. so now we know who assassinated - BIN LADEN

    5. Islam and the New World Order
      US and NATO countries are already falling apart!

    6. sometimes tham mexicuns lookin lack tham bigfeets so you thinkin tham abin bigfeets buts thays abin tham mexicuns shure is

  2. Regardless if Hieronimus was in a suit or not, that video pointed out how small Patty was. Not terribly impressive in that regard.

  3. Yea. Bloke in a suit. Plain as day.

    1. Just watch the pgf.

      Plenty of suits found.

    2. Great! Let's see it!!

      Nothing that has muscle groupings, fat deposits and skin folds could possibly be a suit from the late 1960's, you'd be hard pushed now.

    3. Look, these cowboys, in that period, would not and could not have gone into the great detail that is patty, to make certain patty's physiology did not resemble a human in any way shape or form with such outstanding detail, let alone the fact that she has breasts. Sorry but no. No one has been able to duplicate what is seen on the footage. To say otherwise is wishful thinking.

  4. Footers purposely set the bar low to preempt the inevitable failure due to "looking" for something which they know doesn't exist.

    The idea is to place the bigfoot just out of reach so you can say "we nearly got him but we will get him next time". This has been part and parcel of bigfootery in the last 50 years. It is why it persists and will always persist. The non existent end goal being unobtainable, resulting in a perpetual never ending "ride".

    In a footers mind the "problem" is only solved when the bigfoot is found. No other alternatives are even considered. Footers contribute to footery by contributing to the ride, never the goal.


  5. The proportions are different because he is wearing a suit. Are footers even trying?

    1. ThinkerThunker isn't their champion, that much is for sure.

    2. "A suit always adds, it never subtracts."

      - Bill Munns

    3. Yep its adds a stupid diaper butt

    4. Page 15... Glad I could help;

    5. Page 1 of common sense

      Bigfoot don't exist

      Glad I could help.

    6. Page 1 of reality check... Ten thousand years of cultural references, physical, biological and anecdotal evidence don't lie.

      No, no... The pleasure's all mine.

    7. Yea but bigfoot don't exist so you look a bit silly

    8. Denial can eat away at a man you know... Makes him do silly things like spending one's time somewhere he hates expressing silly things.

    9. A suit doesn't change the proportions that much! what are you talking about? It can't change the location of the hip joints and the length of the shin and calves to the feet. Yes they could add forearm extensions but then they would look stiff and stuck in one position. Patty's look pretty flexible and I'm sure I saw some slight finger curling and twist of the wrist as she walks, which suggest no arm extensions.

    10. Winner Joe !!! Losers skeptics you can't argue with fact!!!! No go change your diaper you beginning to stink up the joint!!!

    11. big gay jon in da house...^^^

  6. where's the suit bob??? simple as that...

  7. Im 6'-1" with a 32" inseam. I could be a Squatch impersonator.

  8. Shall we start using the term 5 percenter in conjunction to a bigfoot?
    Again nice work by Thinker Thunker.

  9. That's funny. My measurements of Patty's arm to leg ratio puts her well into human range.

    1. The arm length expected for this height in a human is 38.5". The standard arm to height ratio is .44H. The ratio extracted from the film is .49H. The arm length of the subject is 5.5 standard deviations from the human mean which is the 99.9999981 percentile or is present in one out of 52.5 million people. This suggests that if the subject is a human in a costume that some form of arm prosthesis is in use. Finger and hand flexion is observed in the film which implies that the prosthesis must support flexion. The use of such a sophisticated prosthesis appears to be at odds with the year the film was made, the technology available at that time, and the financial resources of those involved with the filming.

      The length of the subject's leg is computed from frame 326. Using the previously computed subject height as a scale reference, the subject's leg length of 150 pixels is computed as 40" accounting for the bent knee. The leg length expected for this height in a human is 46.4". The standard leg to height ratio is .53H. The observed ratio extracted from the film is .46H. The leg length of the subject is 3.0 standard deviations from the human mean which is the 99.9 percentile and is present in one out of 1,000 people.

      No, your measurements do nothing of be sort and none of which we see in Bob H.

    2. Yes they do. My measurements show 100% within human range. In fact, it's a spot on match for Bob H. in his bigfoot costume.

    3. Didn't fancy publishing "your measurements" in the end eh?

  10. This jackass used known hoaxes to confirm his ratio crap.


    1. Seriously?????

      This jackass used known hoaxes to confirm his ratio crap.


    2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ________
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    3. Got monkey suit?

      "I'm a 'skeptic', welcome to Jackass!"

    4. He confirmed this obvious hoax as not within human range.


    5. 5:54... Hello? No? Oh, alright then...


    6. Did 2004 just arrive to Wales? I knew it was a lowly country but I wasn't aware it was nearly 3rd world.


      This one were Phil busts the hoax:

      And this one where Tinker Tucker confirms it as non human:

      How hard was that?

    8. Polling; "it's armour".

      TT; "it's not human proportions".

      Me; "I'll go along with TT thanks".

    9. ... And trust me... I've got time for Poling.

  11. Lol,there is no way Patty is a man in a suit,she even looks really heavy,i know that might sound daft but you really can tell she's heavy by the way she walks and with those ratios as closed xx

    1. Its actually XY for you.


    2. It is a bloke pretending to be a woman in a suit.

    3. You are so right EVA R. You can tell immediately this is one heavy dame. Of course the test they did to get an appoximation of the weight put her in the 700 lbs range. I have never seen a 700 lbs woman/or man for that matter look very athletic

    4. Hello Chuck your right and my comment or course was for the kids above xx

    5. I feel really sorry for this woman but here's what a 700 lb human looks like xx

    6. 5:07... We've checked and you are too uneducated, unqualified but essentially too dense. You were welcome.

      5:18... An insignificnat pretending to me a human being in a cyber reality suit.

    7. Joe Fatz... We've checked and you are too uneducated, unqualified but essentially too dense. You were welcome.

    8. Hello Eva, 5:56 at the limits of his creativity it seems.

      ; )

    9. Rich coming from someone that's repertoire consists mainly of hijacked and blatantly lifted material from other posters.

    10. reference/ˈrɛf(ə)r(ə)ns/
      the action of mentioning or alluding to something.
      the use of a source of information in order to ascertain something.
      a letter from a previous employer testifying to someone's ability or reliability, used when applying for a new job.
      provide (a book or article) with citations of sources of information.
      mention or refer to.

    11. "Well the movie wasn't doing so hot, said the new producer to the old big shot, it's dying on the edge of the Great Midwest, Sabu must tour or forever rest, Hey look Ma it's the elephant boy, bundled all up in his corduroy, headed down south towards Illinois, From the jungles of East St Paul". John Prine's poetic meditation on exploitation. aka "Sabu visits the Twin Cities Alone". Speaks volumes to what Bob and boys tried to do. Exploit a real phenomenon for cash and noteriety.

    12. A touch of class from MB there.

      That post could be wasted here Mike.


  12. Has Joe provided the bigfoot yet or did he lose again today?

    1. Rhetorical boy wants another? Plenty found, none caught.

    2. He lost, but won again in his mind as usual. He linked the Munns-Meldrum report yet again as the rest of the world actually takes Meldrum seriously. Ill point out once again that a film only contains 2d images not muscle groupings, fat deposits and skin folds. He cant truly grasp that concept. Just because someone says thats what they see in a video, doesnt mean it actually exists. Once again this will sail over Joes head. If that were the case then when people see the obvious costume malfunctions then its clearly a person in a suit. However its neither, its a piece of film done by a man under very questionable circumstances, and shouldnt be given any more weight than that. Youd be far better served giving a camera to someone who doesnt have motive to make money off of this and ask them to try and capture a piece of film of equal or better quality. Which to this day hasnt been done yet, even though we have far more and better trackers avalible, this is what we have produced so far.


      Stop crying and test it... Skin folds, muscle groupings and fat deposits in comparitive 2D scale that works just fine;

      Suit malfunctions = show us where they are. The suit was filmed under direct sunlight, the most unforgiving of lighting situations for costume.

      Questionable circumstances = Greg Long; he's been caught out falsifying interviews that were published in his book. The 'costume expert' that 'made the suit' has no record of Roger buying anything from him and had to hire a costume expert to make a gorilla suit that looked nothing like Patty. Bob H has more contradictions about the suit he wore than anything I've heard and can't even find the 'film site'. You see... There's money in hoaxing a hoax, expecially when your target audience are largely skeptical of the subject already. Author David Murphy had spent 11 years writing the biography of Roger Patterson. In this time he interviewed over 70 people who had some acquaintance with Roger and Bob or people who knew them extremely well, and in that time he came across not one person who didn’t think highly of both individuals, not to mention endorse their credible nature. This is in direct contrast to Greg ‘Liar’ Long who’s book was an attempt at making money from hoaxing a hoax.

      You're welcome!

    4. But hey! I thought Patty was a paid woman with hypotrochosis?

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      : )

    5. Oh, and before I finish, matching specimens;

      "Just because someone says thats what they see in a video, doesnt mean it actually exists."

      ... Like these suit malfunctions you can't seem to ever list, right? One minute it's hypertrochosis, the next a suit... Then back again... Clearly confused.


    6. Oh! And the very best of the best take Meldrum seriously enough to contribute here anyway!

      ... To an impressive editorial board.

    7. A few days ago she was JOE. Hyper whatever. Next week she will be the escaped bearded circus lady for Barnum and Baily

    8. The very best of the best is Idaho State which employs him so yeah I imagine they would publish his paper. He is not well acknowledged by his peers there. Idaho State isnt exactly one of the nations top Universities either, so that statement isn't accurate(like most of your statements). A suit cant be produced to recreate the skin folds and muscle movements because as pointed out to you before it wouldnt look exactly the same and therefore would not be good enough for you. Its like when you say that there was no suit that could do that in 1967 but have no basis for that statement other than costume designers saying THEY couldnt do it. When in fact it would have to be possible because it was a suit. Show me a video of something in nature that makes it look like thier skin gets bunched up under thier butt check and pushes it away from their body please.
      You can see the gap where the butt meets the leg and when you watch the video you can actually see a gap where it gets pushed out. Show me a video of that naturally occuring.

      Also are you also implying that muscles from the human wearing the costume could not possibly bulge through the costume.

      On a side note. Who is thinker thunker. Why should we care what he thinks. Is he a scientist or a hobbyist. I know that his two fingers under the nose before the top of the lip statement wouldnt hold true to Standings bigfoots, so yet another discprency for you to come up with an excuse for. And your article for Todd Standing still does nothing to address many things pointed out in this article

    9. Holmes you've cracked the case! Believers see what they want to see such as a Jesus image in toast! Nothing less than a body will satisfy a skeptical world. Why is this so difficult to comprehend?

    10. "The very best of the best is Idaho State which employs him so yeah I imagine they would publish his paper. He is not well acknowledged by his peers there."

      Really? Care to show is how this is the case?

      "Dr. Meldrum joined the ISU faculty in 1993, after a stint with Northwestern University. His research revolves around questions of vertebrate evolutionary morphology, especially primate locomotor adaptations. His formal study of primates began with doctoral research on terrestrial adaptations in African primates, and has since taken him from the dusty skeletal cabinets of far-flung museums to the remote badlands of Colombia and Argentina in search of fossil New World primates. He has published extensively on the evolutionary history of the South American primates and has described several new extinct species. He has documented varied primate locomotor specializations in laboratory and semi-natural settings. More recently his attention has returned to the emergence of modern human bipedalism. His co-edited volume, From Biped to Strider: the Emergence of Modern Human Walking, Running, and Resource Transport, proposes a more recent innovation of modern striding gait than previously assumed. As the acting director of the Center for Motion Analysis and Biomechanics (CMAB) he is collaborating with engineering faculty, paleontologists, and the Idaho Virtualization Lab, to model the pattern of evolution of the hominid foot skeleton. His interests also encompass the evaluation of the footprints purportedly left by an unrecognized North American ape, commonly known as Sasquatch. He has authored an expanded companion volume to the very successful Discovery Channel documentary, Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science. He edits the online refereed journal The Relict Hominoid Inquiry."

      None of this would have been remotely possible if he wasn't respected by his colleagues at Idaho. He's also got people like George Schaller, PhD is recognized as the world's preeminent field biologist and conservationist, studying wildlife for over 50 years throughout Africa, Asia and South America. He is a senior conservationist at the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society, writing forewords in his book. Some of the universities that some of those experts in his RHI are affiliated with are the Australian National University, Idaho State University, University of Tennessee, Oxford Brooks University, not to mention the IUCN - World Conservation Union, Human Evolution Foundation, Beijing Museum of Natural History and the Bronx Zoo-based Wildife Conservation Society.

    11. "Idaho State isnt exactly one of the nations top Universities either, so that statement isn't accurate"

      Ummm... Actually...

      "Idaho State University (ISU) is a Carnegie-classified doctoral research high and teaching institution founded in 1901. At the main campus in Pocatello, and at locations in Meridian, Idaho Falls and Twin Falls, ISU offers access to education in more than 280 programs. Almost 14,300 students attend ISU, receiving education and training in those programs. Idaho State University is the state's designated lead institution in health professions and medical education. There are 48 US states and 59 countries represented at ISU and 285 programs, including Master's and Doctorate programs. The student-teacher ratio is 17:1, gender of students is 44% male, 56% female, and ISU has 160+ Clubs and Organizations.[1]"

      "(like most of your statements)."

      Quite incredible eh? Nothing more audacious than some little loud mouth kid who claims everyone else can't back up his claims other than him.

      "A suit cant be produced to recreate the skin folds and muscle movements because as pointed out to you before it wouldnt look exactly the same and therefore would not be good enough for you."

      What a defeat. No... I've never stated that only that something close even now would not be helping your cause as you would have new materials and better costume methods. If the subject you see in that footage is in fact a man in a monkey suit, then it should be recreatable based on the materials available to a broke cowboy in 1967. If you cannot show us that then your failure is not our problem... Pathetic.

      "Its like when you say that there was no suit that could do that in 1967 but have no basis for that statement other than costume designers saying THEY couldnt do it."

      Are you serious? How old are you? The fact that I've got experts telling me that it can't be a suit is now my problem? There is no known fur cloth technique to achieve what you see in that footage, period.


    12. "When in fact it would have to be possible because it was a suit."

      You're not making sense now son... Ok, if it is now a suit... Show us an example from the day that comes close. Show us a suit that comes close in the following twenty years... Show us a suit today, should be easy right? You are basing an assumption on zero data and investing a conclusion purely on faith. Ring any bells son?

      "Show me a video of something in nature that makes it look like thier skin gets bunched up under thier butt check and pushes it away from their body please."

      No problemo Chico! Watch: Girl Raised As Bushman Running And Playing With Dangerous Animals [Mind Blowing];

      I'll even show you comparitive shots of other humans buttocks here;

      Page 15 son... For all your crying you really don't have the guts to open the links that obliterate you either, do you?

      "Also are you also implying that muscles from the human wearing the costume could not possibly bulge through the costume."

      Yes... One hundred percent. There is no possible for cloth technique known to any costume expert that allows for anything of the sort in 1967. If you know better than all the SFX experts in the world, go ahead and show us kiddo!

      On a side note. Who are you? Why should we care what you think? Are you a scientist or a hobbyist? Also... The facial proportions are something that Dover concurs is an area worthy of further investigation... This is what you call REAL SKEPTICISM that is not based on inaccurate data or wrong information and the only area that stands up against scrutiny. This was something that I did agree with but the space between the nose and upper lip of the lighter subjects is accurate and we have so little comparitive sources to go by that we can't account for possible variation. It's something I in fact addressed here;

      ... When the first article got published on Bigfoot Evidence, go see for yourself. What that doesn't render is a means to consider the photos bunk, because as I said, they could be juvenile, variation, etc. And no... Every single point apart from the lip space has been addressed here;

      ... Without one exception. I suggest you grow a pair and aftually go read it, it took ten minutes of my time, if you struggle ask an adult.

      "... so that statement isn't accurate (like most of your statements)."

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    13. The cement heads are a dense bunch Joe, but eventually you will get through, keep up the good work my friend.

    14. "Show me a video of something in nature that makes it look like thier skin gets bunched up under thier butt check and pushes it away from their body please."
      You bet ya!! Watch: Girl Raised As Bushman Running And Playing With Dangerous Animals [Mind Blowing];

      Also... Plenty of comparitive shots of normal humans with comparitive buttocks here;

      ... Page 15. Also... There is no fur cloth technique known to any SFX expert that allows for muscle to be shown through in 1967 and since. On a side note, who are you? Why should we care what you think? Are you a scientist or a hobbyist? If you look here;

      ... You will notice that I've addressed the issue of the lip space in agreement with Dover; "The facial proportions are something that Dover concurs is an area worthy of further investigation. I have to admit this was something that did make me think (the space between the nose and upper lip of the darker subjects), but we have so little comparitive sources to go by that we can't account for possible variation." This is called GENUINE SKEPTICISM, and something Dover very much agrees with in his work, but considering that the lighter haired subjects do have the lip space, it might be a variation or juvenile issue and is not enough data alone to conclude that the subjects are fake, expecially because it's a morphological issue outside of both known facial traits and outside of any claims of faked organic tissue.

      Lastly... No, there is not one single angle that your paper addresses that isn't countered on Dover's (apart from the lip space that isn't a question regarding the 'muppet materials'. It took ten minutes for me to read the Dover paper, I suggest that if that's exhausting your literary patience, ask an adult for some help and learn to do a little digging before vomiting on to your keyboard son.

    15. Don't waste your time no one will read any of that.

    16. Not everyone has the literary patience of a ten year old.

    17. Joe is schooling the cement heads again.....loving it!!!

  13. Greetings from BigfootStudent to Eva, Chuck, and - of course - Joe! Hope you all are having and continue to have a GREAT DAY!!!

    1. Man, I have GOT to change my name. BS is just not a good abbreviation. Hahahaha!

    2. fits you just fine are a fraud, im sure your agenda will show itself soon enough.

      people like you always do

      got a good idea who you are,


    3. I do love a good conspiracy!

      Wonder who I think 7:39 is. What could their hidden agenda be??

      This is exciting stuff. Might have to drop by the cesspit more often!


  14. Bigfout evdints resedent redneck geniousWednesday, November 12, 2014 at 2:56:00 PM PST

    Yea but but but bigfoots dont zist and Obama is a commie who killed binladen who was our hero for helping Bush start some wars so we could go and kill some brown people and stack them up naked like cord wood and sick big german shepards on them. libruls are the stoopidest peeple on erth

  15. Hilarious is that you people think it was a real bigfoot! It was Bob in a suit.

    1. Moot point considering so many things.... Like there is nothing in the way of any proof at all.

      But arguing with the likes of you is like pissing up a rope.

    2. I'd list the evidence short of that defnitive proof if I thought you could grasp Occam's Razor.

    3. You probably think Occam's Razor is something you buy at Dillards.

  16. You are a good man, Joe... Dont lower yourself to these pinheads! Patty and friends are alive and well- Divide Ridge, WA. Be prepared for mental spikes- they are seeing your true intentions..can even happen in your sleep! I have fed the group for 1.5 years now.. I seem to be a "trustee". B


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