On Finding Bigfoot Tonight: A Figure in the Distance Plus Giant Tracks Could Add Up to a Squatch!

This week, the team splits into four groups to cover more ground in Idaho. Matt and his partner Rob meet with two witnesses who claim to have seen a large figure - along with tracks - up on a hill near a casino in Idaho. Watch Sunday @ 10 PM E/P.


  1. This is going to add up to nothing. As usual.

  2. A distant figure- what could it be? I'd bet the farm that it's nothing, and I don't have a farm

  3. these shows are taped months and months ago. If anything was ever found, we would know long before these episodes air on TV. I think they should do it like all those reality shows or pro wrestling. Let us see something that looks like a Bigfoot, every once in a while. I wish it did exist, but it doesn't. No way anything could avoid all the ppl and cameras and equipment for this long. All we ever get are fuzzy pics and eyewitnesses that can lie just as easily as they can mistake something they saw. Common sense says NO WAY. But some would have us not use common sense

  4. So "the team splits into four groups" to find nothing again.

  5. Oatmeal Cookies! Yum! Yum!
    With Milk Of Course....

    1. Getting mine ready for the show tonight.

    2. Would you please make me some gluten free ones~ pretty please!

  6. o please... are you sitting because this might be a shocker but they find nuthin'


  7. Season premier episode tanked in the ratings, not even listed in top 100. Reruns on cable did better. Not funny. Not smart. Not productive. Boring.

  8. I think in general folks are finally getting sick and tired, bored and frustrated with these so-called researchers finding absolutely no hard evidence of the existence of this species(Sasquatch) and viewership is dropping in the ratings of such shows.......

  9. I can't believe people still actually watch this show. I stopped watching after about the first three episodes in the first year. The problem with Finding Bigfoot is that they never find anything. Same show, each week. Town hall meeting, pick three witnesses with stories, stories re-created at the scenes, then they pick one "hot spot" for an overnight excursion only to find.............absolutely nothing. Lame..........very lame.


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