Like Bigfoot Geeks, Star Wars Geeks Are The Same

Did anyone catch this while watching the Star Wars: The Force Awakens official teaser? We know it's still in the early stages of editing, but fans are actually catching this little inconsistency. If you haven't seen the trailer, watch it below:


  1. Replies
    1. Eva and Star Wars!! Awesome!!

      Come to think of it? Where's Darth Evidence these days??

    2. Romney in the lead for 2016
      for our SAFETY

    3. ^ OBAMA - the FORCE is strong with this 1

    4. OMFG!!! Awesome, YYYEEEEESSSSSSSSSS! Can't wait.

  2. December 2015 ?!? They must have got that tease and delay tactic from Rick Dyer!

  3. Star wars: fiction.

    Bigfoot: fiction.

  4. GRAYs control Wookies or as they are called here on earth Bigfoots, bigfoots collect DNA specimens for the GRAYs so that the GRAYs and produce clones and hybrids

    1. sometimes reptilian humanoids looking like bigfoots so you thinking thats a bigfoot but its a reptilian humanoid

  5. dident seein anys of tham mexicuns thars sos we bein goods to gos

  6. Basement dweller nerds. they live PATHETIC lives! Get a life!

  7. Why they gotta have a black stormtrooper?

  8. She's riding a giant Igloo Bar!!

  9. get a life joefotz

    bigfoot star wars is there anything nerdy you don't comment to at length EVERY DAY ON HERE

    can I suggest getting a girlfriend or boyfriend anything with a pulse to give you a focus

    this may stop u making an idiot of yourself by going on cyber crypto hunts , followed quickly by becoming a cyber warrior when someone disagree with you

    get a life joefitz you are boring the guys who pop in weekly


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