Check Out These Photographs from a Kentucky Minister

The above photo shows numerous animals out feeding at night, but the interesting thing is the large, forward facing eyes in the background. According to Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization lead investigator Don Neal, those eyes are in the middle of a cleared walking trail approaching the area. In the next photo of the series all the animals, and the mysterious eyeshine, are gone.

"When the night drowns out the last rays of daylight over Ohio County, some have claimed to hear, in its vast wooded areas, the pounding footsteps and horrifying screams of a large, ape-like, humanoid creature. A rare few have seen it. This creature is known as a Bigfoot.

While there have been decades of debate over its existence, eyewitnesses within the county have found a source in which they can share their encounters and evidence. He is Don Neal, a McLean County preacher and minister, who also serves as a lead investigator and researcher for the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization (KBRO). He’s been on the hunt for the truth behind the myth and legend for over 20 years and has used the Ohio County’s woods as a primary research site for the last six to seven years."

For the rest of the article, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Thats what I say, seriously ------- like we need your commy libtard opion again.

      YA, we herd you three thousand whiny "it aint real" complaints.

      Ya dipshit, I've seen one so I have first hand knowledge. You only have your pea sized rock of a brain which no new information can penetrait.
      What a dork.

      Idiot or paid gov dis-info spook!

    2. You've only seen one? What a freaking loser.

      At MY habituation sight I can see one whenever the hell I want. And I can see two on Sundays.

      So stick it up your butthole you obnoxious punk LOSER.

    3. ^ Both of y'all, are a pair of
      LOOSERS! not luzers!!

      You Digg??

    4. I really don't understand the jackasses that say bigfoot isn't real and then think that there not real so bad that they spend there whole loser life going on bigfoot sites to say there not real? I don't care for cats. I'm more of a dog guy but I don't go on cat sites and talk crap about cats! Lol!! What a bunch of idiots! Lmao!! I feel a little sorry for them cause that's all they have.

    5. I love politics but I'll be the first to call a libtard out.

  2. As a Cryptozoologist I can rule out this being an owl because there is no where for the owl to be.

  3. Stumbled upon this gem:

    Here's dmaker completely destroying joe about bears on Prince Edward Island. Joe is simply not man enough to admit he's wrong, and always ends up looking twice as retarded as when he started.

    1. Just had a read through. Joe got f*cking roasted there.

    2. "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."

      Stop answering your own comments you pathetic boy, ha ha!!

    3. Oh... And I'll bite... Bears swim, so do Sasquatch.

    4. I personal have seen several fleets of Grizzly bears going through the Panama canal.

    5. Can bigfoot walk on water, Joe?

    6. Never mind- we're going to do some drinking and ice fishing. I hope those pesky bigfeets quit stealing our bait!

    7. No, like most large mammals he cab swim though.

  4. Joe has never seen a bigfoot

    1. Wrong again;

    2. Joe displayed one of his trademark delusional behavior patterns above.

      they are:

      1) accuse the person of b eing cranky or crying, like he tried to do with dmaker

      2) accuse the person of replying to their own post, as he did above. As one of the posters, I know what he is saying is untrue.

      3) cut and paste long, boring segments of anything. Whilst the rest of the civilized world simply posts a link (so the source can be verified), Joe apparently tries to bore his opponents away. In his mind quantity is an adequate substitute for quality, as is seen in his treatment of eyewitness reports. Whereas most people would skim about 98% of eyewitness accounts right off the top as sheer lunacy, he actually wants them to be held up as some kind of scientific evidence, which is as preposterous as it is pathetic.

    3. Actually; the commet section you were referencing was here;

      ... You'll notice that all Dmaker does is cling to a missunderstanding of what bear I called it (even after I admitted not knowing what type bear it was, even though it's irrelvant anyway, cause it's a bear), but also just hurls names at me and ends up getting smashed in the end by not just me but by multiple posters.

      Actually... I've tried going down the road of posting links, but rhetorical clowns just respond by stating they don't open my links and ramble on with the same arguments, so naturally I'm resorted to posting their dreams away with facts.

      Only people like you class 98% of reports as lunacy, but even in your little world that still leaves 2% you can't explain away and isnt a very clever statement now, is it? Also... I've never stated there's a scientific means of measuring eyewitness accounts, you must be confused as well as angry (or probably lying for lack of argument again), but the judiciary system relies heavily on in, and when accompanied by physical and biological evidence, you're left a little more angrier than before, no doubt.

      : p

    4. 2% are the misidentifications, hallucinations and hoaxes.

      Oh yes, I'm just seething with rage you retarded moron.

    5. Oh... And you got made to look silly yet again cause your link doesn't work and you pretended to be someone successfully opening it and reading the contents.

      Not for the first time I've had to help you by posting your own intended links (yes, that's how bad it get's for him).


    6. 3:26... Backtracking and angry?! Not been a good day for you has it? Anyway... See you tomorrow sweetheart.


    7. Since you brought it up again I cut and pasted it into my browser and it works fine.

      Anybody who wants a good laugh at Joe's expense should check it out.

      Special thanks to dmaker!

    8. Here it is again:

    9. If that doesn't work, just google "top-5-bigfoot-photographs" and select the BFE link to April 2014.

      Right Joe?

    10. Joe is crying to the mods right now. Disable the link! Disable the link! I look so stupid!

    11. Just now read it. Wow - Joe got completely smoked on that one.

    12. Well... Since you're on about looking stupid... If you'd read my comments youd realise I went and posted the link to the page for you, because it didn't work... You silly boy. Fancy being a nerd and not being able to do that properly? Anyway, there's a reason why I posted the link, cause apart from abuse and a fixation on a grizzly comment... Dmaker get's his backside handed.

      ; )

  5. Aside from all the silly comments above... are we supposed to be impressed with those "eye shines".. with the tree trunks clearly visible behind them? clearly some random refraction in the lens system/camera... more bullshit from the BFRO

    1. Did you realize bigfoot will swim several miles through strong North Atlantic currents so it can eat the exact same type of fish it could have eaten by walking the same distance?
      Bigfoot is quite prolific at swimming, and is a master of the breast stroke, the back stroke, the butterfly and can even dogman paddle. He also has a few species specific strokes, such as the diaper sag and the zagnut wobble.
      In 1941 a German U-boat commander reported seeing a school of bigfeet escorting a damaged cargo ship full of Lucky Strike cigarettes almost 500 miles off the coast of Newfoundland.

    2. Ok... I'm the first to admit that I'm not the best at identifying Bears... And when I saw this;!/content/1.948083

      ... I made the mistake of suggesting it was a baby grizzly. Truth is, I stil don't know what type it is and couldn't care, my point is bears have been found their way on to PEI meaning Sasquatch can get there, and I don't think for one second that the dead bear cub was a 'prank' like is stated in that link... Why would anyone leave a dead bear cub around for a prank?

      We know Bears swim to Vancouver Island, and apparently during the winter some of the water between the mainland and PEI freezes over, meaning they wouldn't even have to swim the 10km across. The point is, if a bear can get to PEI, then a Sasquatch can. There are also white tail deer on PEI for a food source for a Sasquatch. Consider that; from a human twice the size of us, with maybe three times the strengths stamina and stealth, swimming that distance? Quite easily. Oh... And before I go, my theory that they swim there ain't nothing new, there's loads who believe it the case;

      ... And no... It's not realistic to think that a para-Olympian is tuning it across that terrain at that speed with cut grass to ensure a smooth run here;


    3. Identifying bears is easy Joe- they look just like bigfoot.

    4. When Bears start growing crazy width in the shoulders, lose the snout, grow hands, feet, start walking and running with a stride & being able to leap all sorts of distances... You'll be forgiven for your stupidity.

    5. Your quite right Joe,

      People can swim the English channel which is 32 km so 10km for a bigfoot would be easy peasy xx

    6. Would that be the Wookie bigfoot, the Ewok bigfoot, or the homo-erotic bigfoot? So confusing...

    7. About as confusing as your round about ways of spitting things out... Anyone would think your apprehensive.

    8. @2:48, that was hilarious. Well done.

    9. Silly comments indeed 2:20. This however is BFE reality I'm afraid.

      Before the usual suspects started throwing their poop around you had made an excellent point about the photo.

      Does anyone quality check this stuff anymore?


    10. Well played @2:48 - I actually laughed out loud.

      Honestly Joe - can't you just concede that there are not Bigfoot everywhere? This small island is as unlikely a place for one to be when you consider all the factors against it. Continuing to beat this dead horse just makes you look like a fanatic . . . oh wait -

    11. Thank you gentlemen!
      I was looking for the Moneymaker/owl quote and google spit that thread out at me. A classic.
      I'm going to continue to wear out 'speedbag joe'. The truth and relentless beatings shall set him free.

    12. 5:56... I'll concede that you obviously arent Man enough to back up your arguements, and you're a failure in your efforts. I'll not concede Bigfoot are not anywhere, because if that was the case Bigfoot wouldn't be seen, Bigfoot wouldn't leave sign and Bigfoot wouldn't have the attention of some of the very best scientists on the planet.

      These factors against Sasquatch being on PEI are? Again... The chances of you coming across some one ready to express affection in your life are slim, does that mean they don't exist? Start proving your points. I'm waiting. A bear get's there... A Sasquatch can.

  6. According to Joe Bitch, 2 little dots in a poor resolution photograph is irrefutable proof that bigfoot exists. Bigfoot has already been declared a myth. We can go home now, thank you for your time

    1. It could be any thing you want it to as it stands. But no good proof of anything.

    2. Bears, beavers, Eagles, all things are in myth and legend side by side with that of the Sasquatch. Indegenous cultures pass oral history down through generations as written text an be manipulated, and it is one heck of a leap of faith to suggest that for ten thousand years, different cultures residing in the US have been a part of the same secret society gorilla suit wearing people saying boo to people, when the natives never had an idea what an ape looked like, and so many early Europeans in the US thought native customs undesirable... Bearing in mind this time frame has transitioned into modern mediums with modern anecdotal, physical and biological sources of evidence.

  7. Joe destroys you daily. It's been quite funny for some time, but now it's just getting sad. He really doesn't even have the heart for it anymore. You are obviously just a sad little man, that's had a horrible existence, and obviously deals with Asperger's. Surely you can find another blog to assault, or find another target for your dysfunction besides our friend Joe.

    Joe, you rock the house bro. By far the most intelligent and salient arguer for the likelihood of bigfoot I've ever encountered on a blog. Love the evidence you post, and you back up everything you state with facts. You just bury this guy daily, yet he keeps coming back for his ass whipping.

    1. Joe is a decent debater I'll give him that, but much of the evidence and conclusions he draws is lacking from what I have seen. If you want to accuse some guy of Asperger's, fine- but Joe has less than desirable qualities himself. I don't read these comments real closely all the time, but are you sure there is one person engaging him?

    2. Joe's arrogance necessitates daily beatings.

    3. 4:17... If the evidence is lacking, show that to be the case. If I haven't got good qualities, show that to be the case... For someone of just low esteem you sure do take the time to convince people of this.

      And for all these alleged posters engaging me, still not one means of proving me wrong? Is there any wonder I'm so hated?

      Beatings? Please, don't make me laugh, ha ha ha!!

    4. Joe, I'm sure there are programs in the U.K. for internet addiction. After that, we can work on your other problems.

    5. You claim giant human skeletons exist and point to the Bureau of Etymology papers sent to the Smithsonian some 100 years ago.

      - No bones have ever been located, the paper is not a direct Smithsonian document (it's from an outside source sending reports to the Institution.), no legitimate evidence has been shown to conclude some conspiracy to cover up gigantic human skeletons by the Smithsonian.

      Countless professional and amateur researchers document and catalogue catacombs of bones almost daily.

      Foot impressions are not evidence toward a living creature. They can and have been faked, can and do fool even the most "experienced" researcher, artifacts have been shown to be a side effect of the casting process. Due to these circumstances, foot impressions are not considered worthy evidence. Especially with no type specimen on record.

      Don't even bring up that fake garbage "branch" of science that Jeff Meldrum made up last year. No self-respecting person will take that footer cultism seriously in documenting the existence of an unknown primate.

      Film that is crystal clear to you is obviously not as clear as you think. If it leaves doubt, it's simply NOT good enough.

      Look, you have a lot of time on your hands, that's evident. You have a passion for something you'll never personally experience, that's fine. I like to daydream about climbing Kilimanjaro but it's highly unlikely I'll ever experience it.

      You can't engage in healthy debate if you aren't willing to concede that you are wrong. If your proposed evidence was so great and clear cut then you wouldn't need to spend your days spamming the blog about this evidence because it simply could not leave any doubt.

      You kiss the arse of 4 people and berate all others like you have something to prove. You don't, I wouldn't even comment most times if it wasn't for some off topic or completely asinine posts you interject. Deep conversation can be happening and you try to barge in with some digression about PGF like you deserve to derail potential discussion for some reason. It's disrespectful and you show poor etiquette when posting and towards the majority of people here.

      That's my problem with you. If you choose to believe, or have an experience and "know," great but you become an obnoxious loudmouth like a pub patron.

      - signed anon that isn't one you argue with every day.

    6. ^^^^^^ Says the butthurt skeptard that trolls bigfoot websites for fun.

    7. 6:34 dealt with here;

  8. Soooooooooo we can assume your not a believer in the existence of this species (Bigfoot/Sasquatch)......


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