Watch "Killing Bigfoot" On YouTube

For those who haven't watch the pilot of  "Killing Bigfoot", it's now on YouTube: "Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO) founders Bobby Hamilton and Jim Lansdale lead a team of commandos on a mission to find and kill a bigfoot in order to prove its existence to science and to protect the public from a future attack."


  1. woman out here called the police and said I got a bigfoot in my garden - the dispatcher said maybe a bear, she said NO, its on 2 feet hairy @ 7 feet and its taking my vegetables U come out here or I going to shoot it with my rifle! dispatcher sent out a car and the police found the garden torn up and large tracks leading back into the woods

    1. no bigfoot here. just crazy drunk neighbor rufus getting him some greens for supper

    2. trespassers will be shot
      FOR MY SAFETY : )

    3. Bear tracks that is

  2. thinkin that how a bigfoot will get takin down not by Bigfoot Hunters but by a pissed off farmer or gardener : )

  3. WILD BILL old Marine expert tracker and bear hunter needs to get on that Hunt and hunt down that bigfoot : )

    1. Why does Wild Bill wear such tight pants ?

    2. caws he aneedin to gits to his BIG KNIFE he shure do

  4. "on a mission to find and kill a bigfoot in order to prove its existence to science and to protect the public from a future attack."

    Thank goodness SOMEBODY is protecting us from these plotting bigfoot. First it's attacking chickens and hitting walls but before you know it they will start beheading people unless we give in to their demands. I think these guys are eminently qualified to stop this threat. After all - they have GUNS and trucks!

    1. ans thays usin tham dawgs to hunts tham bigfoots downs sos thays goin killt ones fer shure

  5. Rick Dyer already killed two of them and he's no commando

  6. I won't keep posting on here with this robot crap

  7. These things have to die. They are a threat and an embarrassment. They are in league with ISIS and Barrack Ebola. We have to screen for them at airports now.

  8. you all better get a hell of a lot funnier by the time I get back

  9. I would like to wager against their success. Any takers? Odds?

  10. No .. I wont watch this garbage


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