Here's our prediction for the latest Rick Dyer hoax

"The Bigfoot Rick Dyer and his crew shot in Pennsylvania is in this bag. About 400 lbs. And six feet six. They have it and will produce it soon. This is what Rick is claiming." - Tim Fasano

Rick Dyer is back again, folks. Here are our predictions for how far he's going to move with this hoax.

  1. Build up some kind of hype about a project you're working on (Already happened)
  2. Keep talking about how you're always out in the field working hard (Already happened)
  3. "Leak" information about killing a sasquatch (Already happened)
  4. Let others do the talking, and "leak" information to blogs. (Already happened)
  5. Rally up minions and let them hash it out with people on Facebook.
  6. Let people question the obvious hoax: "Why did he do this..." or "Why was this...". This gets people talking and debating -- This creates plausible deniability. It refers to circumstances where a denial of responsibility or knowledge of wrongdoing can not be proved as true or untrue due to a lack of evidence proving the allegation.
  7. People will start pulling Dyer quotes form the internet such as "It's really easy to trick people...".
  8. FB/FB will start up their Facebook Page again (after a few months of hiatus from the "Hank" hoax). FBFB will claim Dyer is telling the truth this time and will give him an even bigger trophy.
  9. People will start to doubt themselves and say maybe Dyer isn't lying the 4th time. A lot of "Boy Who Cried" wolf references will be made.
  10. Others will recite the famous quote: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." And of course, they'll be fooled again.
  11. Leak more photographs and let people talk some more.
  12. Hopefully, the media picks it up this time -- Fox News, CNN? The Huffington Post will not want to pass this latest one up as it will provide some good laughs.
  13. Finally, leak photographs of "body" and get bloggers excited.
  14. Go on tour and invite media.
  15. Invite Bigfooters to see your "body" and they'll claim they've seen the real thing.
  16. Give spectators free hats.
  17. Profit!
  18. Admit it was all a hoax and how it was really easy to trick people.
  19. Get Bigfooters mad at you again and contemplate next hoax.
Did we miss anything? Please add your predictions in the comments.


  1. unless joe can provide the monkey suit then this is the real deal!!!!!!!

    1. ans tham mexicuns bein heers ans takin tham jobs ans votin heers

    2. as Timmie post crap like this, he only adds wood to the fire to spread ! Hoaxer vs, Hoaxer .

    3. Robert Lindsay has a fascination with dick rider I don't get it

    4. Maybe we could bait Rick with a fake Bigfoot doll and somehow trick Sasquatch into killing him

  2. Remember what the Mormon of history said when he claimed to have spoke to Bigfoot, "I am here to destroy mens souls!"

    A Nephilim, A demonic host.

    I'd say he has made contact with the perfect human candidate.

  3. this is the real deal folks...because t-fats says so

  4. i predict that rick dyer is featured on this blog at least 50 times in the next 3-6 months

  5. Dyer will never NEVER fool Robert Lindsay with this. He'd better not try, Lindsay is DANGEROUS!!

  6. Fatsano is a complete moron but Dyer must be telling the truth this time.

  7. My prediction is bigfoot's gonna shoot Dyer.

  8. This time...for sure...this time

  9. If we cover Dyer in chili can we get Fasano to eat him?

    1. I haven't laughed this hard since I saw the porno somebody made with dick rider and sasquatch

  10. Wrong Shawn.

    It's "fool me once, shame on, shame on you. Fool me, you can't get fooled again."

  11. Researchers will never understand why Rick Dyer is such a jive turkey. That's why he's a jive turkey.

  12. The script caught me being a robot but still let me post. Whoo hoo!

  13. There does not appear to be a head on top of the alleged corpse. The top of the package goes straight across at the top of the shoulders Dyer claims it is 400 lbs x 6'-6" but it looks to be no more than 250 lbs because it is so thin and so narrow. It has no significant depth when lying down. Plus the legs of a 400 lb individual, would not neck down to such a small cross-section, as is depicted in the photograph supplied by Dyer. Perhaps Dyer shot one of the silver members in his group, for not upgrading to the deluxe membership. Just sayin.

    1. A hoax! Holmes - you've cracked the case!

    2. oh I see now so its not real I would have never figured this out I mean Robert Lindsay said it was real

  14. 20. By whispering falsities to Robert Lindsay's sources, suck him into supporting this hoax. This will be especially easy because he also needs the hits on his website for income, so he will publish any outlandish crap that he can dig up. The Stacey Brown Jr, selling the gator leg, was his most recent money making scam.

  15. 21. When it is all over with, it will be pretty obvious that Dyer is a narcissistic sociopath, who lies just to stay in practice and feels no guilt for intentionally fooling people. And this is all just another one of his lies, so that he can stay in practice.

  16. Dyer has serious mental issues. Check his service record on why they let him out

    1. Was that the thing with the dogs and the mayonnaise?

    2. no that was Fasano he was basting them in it and grilling them...dick rider was the one that was dumb enough to use the crunchy peanut butter with the dogs like we didn't all learn this years ago and subsequently got his cock bitten off

  17. Rick Dyer Rules, I wish he would make a movie

  18. Throwing up !!!! Shawn you don't need to be giving this hoaxer any ammo to fulfill his friggin ego. Well and as far as Tim Fatsono is concerned,,(thought he had a little more class than that ),,,,,,I seriously doubt any news agency will. If he even tries to take this around I hope NO One will let him set up.....liar prick dyer hoaxer!!!

  19. Fasano Dyer and the rest of these tards are one no one gives any credence to Bigfoot why are we wasting time on their names

  20. Breaking news according to Robert Lindsay Dyer has found a Bigfoot nest with eggs intact . he is incubating them right now Robert Lindsay assures us this is true because he has it from a reputable source


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