Tim Fasano Is Surrounded By Growling Animals

Turn up your volume and see if you can hear the screaming animals. Fasano's team were kinda spooked out by the whole thing and decided to scream to let the animals know they're there:


  1. Replies
    1. What you people haven't figured this one out? The so-called screams are noting more than the Pakistani cab drivers that T-Fats Hustled when they first got their new prayer rug and Timbo FATsano said they had too buy it from him when he got them for free by the Gov't! So those screams you hear are just muslims doing their i'm going too cut your head off soon dance and song stick around the fire! T-Fats we are on too your FAT-Ass big boy. Hey FATsano I thought you gave that skunk-ape thing a long time ago? You attention whore you!

  2. Bigfooting is becoming more and more like ghost hunting. "Did you hear that?"

  3. The only thing growling is T-FATS stomach

  4. You gotta admire how prolific Timmy is.

    He must be churning around 4 new vids per day.

    Everything is a Bigfoot right?


  5. Drugs kick in at the 52 second mark.

  6. Breaking News: Robert Lindsay is now reporting that the Stacy Brown alligator leg discovery was just a cover story. He sold the original "real arm" for a large sum of money and then purchased an alligator leg for testing purposes to hide the sale. The Florida state biologist was correct about the original being a non human, primate limb says Lindsay.

    That's what Robert Lindsay is saying anyway, folks. Stacy Brown covered his own tracks and walked away with a lot of cash.

    1. bigfoot is dead. ripped asunder by the likes of Bobby and Stacy.

      the Greg and Marsha of the scientific world

    2. Isn't Robert Lindsay the Homer Simpson of theJournalism world?

    3. you bether sthop pikin on unkel bob laydee

    4. an' also, Robert said that Melba hid the real bigfoots dna from Sykes and sold it to John Hammond who transported it to Isla Nublar and he cloned bigfoots and made a theme park called Sasquatsic Park and the bigfoots escaped and ate everybody the end.

  7. olly olly oxen free

    put on your big boy manties and c'mon out joe

    1. I guess he decided to cut bait and run.

      I wanted to give him his daily beating.

  8. I wonder maybe its time for these Bigfoot groups to ban together and pull their resources to capturing a Bigfoot then chasing down sightings, tracks and hair samples. Let face it the only way to prove themselves right is with a live specimen.

  9. Replies
    1. That thousands, if not millions of 8 foot primates are stampeding across North America. It's just a fluke that we haven't seen any video, or even a decent still shot of one.

      Not that we need one. We have a grainy, inconclusive snippet from 1967, and an enormous, multi-national conspiracy that continues to deny it's existence.

      I mean c'mon...It's in Revelations people!

  10. http://www.ghosttheory.com/2011/10/18/tim-fasano-quits-the-bigfoot-business-sites-death-threat

  11. If there is anyone out there more creditable in the BF communuity its this guy KING TIM!!!! Within 4 months he will have caught and captured a live BF and consumed 149 098 264 228 222 calories in the meantime.

  12. i wouldn't rule out farts as to what he hears instead of growls.

    1. they say people fart about a dozen times a day. but if you rip like a machine gun burst of six or seven does that count as one fart? cuz if it don't i'm off the charts!

    2. ^ i don`t care to mix with the company you must keep you smelly buggerr

    3. I once saved a fart in a jar for 10 years and when i let it out it still stunk.

    4. ^ that`s the aroma of the after shave you use you smelly disgusting perv

  13. Look closer: April Fool's Day, 2008.

    You are making the cause look ridiculous. Lets kick it up about 10 notches and stop reposting this drivel. You've been had by a six-year-old April Fool's Day joke.

    Posting that rubbish isn't going to give you or me the monkey, kid.

  14. If anyone had taken a moment to actually watch the video you would have discovered that it wasn't Tim that was surrounded by growling as the title implies but that it was actually me that had an encounter with a growling coyote in the dark.
    Teri, Tim and George were concerned for my safety as I had been gone for quite a while and they were about to head out to look for me until the radio signal finally worked in the dense woods and I was able to tell them I was OK.
    Teri's howl-call was an excellent tool to help me establish my proximity to the base camp.
    Tim Fasano is a good and loyal friend and I am honored to be able to work with him on our expeditions.
    I used to tell him not to worry about what the trolls say on blog sites but after reading all this mindless juvenile nonsense on a so-called serious blog about a subject so dearly held by many upstanding people I can't blame him for losing his temper anymore.

  15. Teri Lynge here just saying I am so proud to have Tim on site with us as we go out into the swamps of Florida. He is loyal and kind hearted. Sad to see so many couch potato arm chair quarter backs doing nothing but judging and bad mouthing dedicated and serious individuals volunteering their time efforts and finances to do something good for humanity. Hey dudes. get a real life.


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