Tim Fasano Cooks Bacon To Attract Sasquatch

The old bacon trick. Mmmmmmmmmm. To be honest, we don't care whether or not this method of trying to lure sasquatch into your camp works. Bobo has tried it on Finding Bigfoot and it seems to be catching on with squatchers like Tim Fasano. Seriously though, who doesn't like the smell of bacon in the morning?


  1. Doesn't he know nailing ribs to a tree is the only sure fire way to draw one in?

    1. Bigfoot know TFAT's. he know TFAT's no share. He thought TFAT's quit. Bigfoot no like TFAT'. He say he fill TFAT's coffee in his taxi when TFAT's out playing in swamp

  2. I though T-FATS retired AGAIN

    1. Didn't even last a day. Another lying hoaxer

  3. Another foolish method, that will fail. it will attract bears!
    John W. Jones states that Big foots don't eat meat!

  4. It's not as if bacon hasn't been cooked in quite a few campfires in the last hundred years. I'm sure if it was a good Bigfoot magnet if would have been known.

  5. Tim Fasano smells like Bacon, and old Farts!

  6. me AKs takin out tham hawgs sos gits a bigfoots fer shure

  7. There is no such thing as bigfoot.

    1. Wrongo Bozo

      What size shoes does your sister wear?

    2. STFU you stupid moron. Go play your video games.

    3. While I'm on top of yo mama?

  8. Another 'Heart Attack Breakfast" by an out of shape Internet Face Time Addict, who was just released from the hospital, for a condition related to eating "Heart Attack Breakfasts". I am sensing some irony in this video.

    When a person puts himself on youtube for just cooking up breakfast based on the excuse that he is attracting a species that he has no proof that he is actually attracting, you can be confident that he has some serious issues that are related to "A Chronic Need For Attention".

  9. Who cooks bacon in a pot? This man is dumber than I realized.

  10. I think youll find 250 odd million muslims and Jews dont much care for the smell

    with the rate of the spreasd of islam its a fair bet bigfoots are muslims too

    try hala

  11. Keep eating that bacon Tim, you'll be retired soon or you can do a triple bypass special video from the hospital.....kind of sad he lives in the woods, but a lot of Florida homeless do.


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